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July 22, 2021
The Morning Report - 7/22/21
Good morning kids. Thursday and do we really need to cover Joe Rockhead's Potemkin town hall? I mean, the room was three-quarters empty, the drooling rutabaga illegitimately installed in the White House blurted out a rambling diatribe that sounded less coherent than a shitfaced-on-moonshine Pentecostal meeting attendee speaking in tongues, yet interspersed with lucid moments of both baldfaced lies as well as a crystal clear call to wipe out the Second Amendment. Amazing how he's sharp as a razor when it comes to abusing America and embellishing himself. The whole thing was a disgusting spectacle which no one in their right mind, and probably people with the same cognitive function as Gropin' Joe, would not willingly endure. That is, except for our enemies abroad who are licking their chops to dismember us and carve up the world as they see fit. With dictionary-definition traitors like bloated disgrace-to-the-uniform Vanilli Milley running the military, that is, running it into the ground, it's going to be a free for all.
Let me rephrase that; the military may very well be useless in fighting a war overseas against our enemies, but Obama and now Biden (meh, the former is controlling the latter) have defined the enemy as Americans themselves. America as founded no longer exists, having been overthrown between 11/3/20 and 1/6/21. They are right in identifying us as an existential threat, but it is a threat to their own hold on power, which is on course to be absolute, total and perhaps irreversible. Hence, the attempt to institutionalize election-rigging, disarm the citizenry, ramp up the brainwashing of our youth, censor all forms of communications to control the narrative, keep us in fear of a virus as deadly as common flu and continue to keep us locked down, and hammer home the blood-libel of racist insurrectionists hell bent on bringing back slavery.
With that said, you may have junk-tucking perverts and pregnant dames about to pop in the ranks, and be ordered to do a 20 mile field march in stiletto heels, but they are training you to kill the enemy. Their enemy. We The People, the document and the citizenry who still cherish it. Yesterday, (or the day before), in the midst of all this insanity, there was a link that got lost in the sauce about Biden releasing the first prisoner from Gitmo; a Moroccan terrorist who had been there for 19 years and was being repatriated. I sort of half-joked, as we all have been doing since Black Wednesday, that they are going to free all the Islamic terrorists in order to make space for us "bitter clingers." Well the estimable Robert Spencer today has the same thought, only he's not joking about it.
The signs aren't hard to find. CNN reported Wednesday that "the Justice Department repeatedly has documented the emergence of what could be called small, right-wing extremist groups." One of the examples offered in the report is that of Robert Morss, a Pennsylvania resident who was arrested in connection with the January 6 Reichstag Fire. According to CNN, when Morss was arrested, police "found in his car a notebook with a page titled, 'Step by Step to Create Hometown Militia.' Beneath it Morss allegedly scribbled bullet point reminders, fleshing out the idea of forming a violent cell -- 'bring assault rifle' and 'set up your kit' -- and notes on 'formation.'"
Then there were Ian Rogers and Jarrod Copeland, who were "so devoted to former President Donald Trump and so angry about the 2020 election result, that they allegedly plotted to blow up the Democratic headquarters building in Sacramento. One commented over an encrypted messaging thread, where the two discussed planning, that he realized they would be perceived as domestic terrorists, and the second man had previously joined an anti-government militia group."
Whether these three men actually did anything criminal, or planned to do so, is a matter for the courts to decide. But ominously, a prosecutor wrote about the Rogers/Copeland case that "all of the political and social conditions that motivated them to plan what they themselves described as a terrorist attack remain. . ."
. . . Robert Grenier, who served as the CIA station chief for Pakistan and Afghanistan and later as director of the CIA Counterterrorism Center, made it clear when he declared in February: "You know, even at the seeming height of the crisis immediately after 9/11, there really weren't that many members of al-Qaida in Afghanistan. And the thrust of our campaign there was, yes, to hunt down al-Qaida, but primarily to remove the supportive environment in which they were able to live and to flourish."
That "supportive environment" is ordinary, unwoke Americans who don't want to be overwhelmed by an authoritarian socialist nanny state. They provide the "political and social conditions" that the Left sees as motivating "Trumpist terrorism."
What is to be done with these terrorist enablers? Well, there is a fully appointed prison camp in Guantanamo that will soon be empty. It would be perfect for those whom the regime in Washington decides are "Trumpist terrorists." Was Abdul Latif Nasser freed to start making room for conservative Americans? It's a crazy, ridiculous, absurd, obscene question, inconceivable just seven months ago. Surely Biden's handlers wouldn't go that far. Would they?
Having followed Robert Spencer for years, and knowing that he is a highly intelligent, scholarly and direct individual who does not pull any punches, I think he knows very well what the answer is to his own question. We already have had the first political prisoner from Black Wednesday plead guilty, beg for mercy and "renounce Satan and all his pomps" (sarc-ish) while scores more languish in solitary confinement and other appalling conditions of abuse, finding comfort at night by singing the national anthem of a now seemingly conquered nation. The same anthem for which far too many kneel, turn their backs and act in sheer disrespect whenever it is played while cheering when the flag of that nation is defecated upon and incinerated.
You want to bet that, not just the freaks and terrorists in the streets and in the faculty lounges, but that this government - this illegitimate and criminal government installed by deceit, fraud and treachery - its leadership, subordinates via the force of arms of the military and law enforcement would indeed "go that far?" More and more of their lies, from Chinese COVID to the election fraud to crackpot disgrace theory to economic disaster to out of control crime to the targeting of our children for death in utero or sexualization ex utero and on and on is being exposed and people are getting alarmed and angry about it all.
If you don't think, especially now when they feel that they are losing control of the narrative or their grip on power - one they have worked hard to attain for over 100 years - that they would indeed start rounding people up, labeling them as "terrorists" and throwing them away in Gitmo forever, then you are not paying attention.
- Robert Spencer: "What is to be done with these terrorist enablers? Well, there is a fully appointed prison camp in Guantanamo that will soon be empty. It would be perfect for those whom the regime in Washington decides are 'Trumpist terrorists.' Was Abdul Latif Nasser freed to start making room for conservative Americans? It's a crazy, ridiculous, absurd, obscene question, inconceivable just seven months ago. Surely Biden's handlers wouldn't go that far. Would they?" (I made a wisecrack about this yesterday but Ho Lee Fook - jjs)
Is Biden Making Room for Right-Wing "Terrorists" at Guantanamo?
- Daniel Greenfield: "The only thing unhealthier than a virus is big government."
Fausti Fauci Demands Censorship to Fight Pandemic
- "Every one of these things is something that we have seen leftists do in America although, currently and thankfully, on a much smaller, less violent scale."
Five Things Americans Should Learn From Tibet
- "The IRS fixated on the group's Christian belief in the Bible. As the agency explained in its denial letter this year, '[B]ible teachings are typically affiliated with the [Republican] Party and candidates.' It also commented on the fact that several of the group's leaders are active members of the GOP. The agency interpreted these facts to conclude that Christians Engaged isn't entitled to tax-exempt status."
The IRS' Persecution of a Christian Nonprofit Should Terrify All of Us
- "Unless Speaker Pelosi reverses course and seats all five Republican nominees, Republicans will not be party to their sham process and will instead pursue our own investigation of the facts." (shocked that the GOP actually grew a pair and did the right thing here - jjs)
McCarthy to Pull Every Republican Member From the Jan. 6 Committee
- "They believe this was a gigantic conspiracy of right-wing, white nationalist extremists who wanted to overthrow the government. And they believe that Donald Trump not only instigated the violence but carefully planned the insurrection in order to stay in office." (infiltrate a peaceful rally, stage a riot, blame your political enemies, ???, profit! - jjs)
The Democrats' Capitol Riot Committee Will Be a Soviet-Style Show-Trial of Trump
- ". . . it just goes to show all along this was never a serious effort on their part, it's all a political witch hunt. They want to make this all about Donald Trump, dragging Republican members of Congress through the mud and attacking 75 million people that voted for Donald Trump."
Rep. Jim Banks Unloads on Malig-Nancy Pelosi, Vows to Get Jan. 6 Answers Via GOP Panel
- "Will stand trial in March 2022 for allegedly firebombing a police cruiser and distributing Molotov cocktails during the George Floyd riots last summer." (they should get 40 years in Leavenworth but will get the 8:00PM slot on XiNN and MSLSD - jjs)
Molotov Cocktail Lawyers Headed to Trial After Plea Negotiations Break Down
- "Evidence is mounting that the FBI and Antifa are working together as tools of the Deep State."
The Antifa/FBI Coalition
- Lloyd Billingsley: ". . . And learned nothing from the experience."
How the FBI Failed America on 9/11
- "Trask was charged with assault with intent to do great bodily harm, less than murder according to the court records."
Lead FBI Agent In Whitmer Kidnapping Probe Charged For Assaulting Wife After Swinger's Party
- "I'm not going to comment." (but you are going to Hell, just not fast enough - jjs)
Genital Vanilli Milley Dodges Questions on His "Fears of a Trump Coup"
- "Not shockingly, the race mob is after the owner of a gay bar in Washington, D.C., after they decided to use a recent attack there to their advantage."
Bar Owner is Slowly Being Swallowed by the Race Mob After Trying to Appease It
- "Fulton County, a deep-red Republican county located in southern Pennsylvania, previously disclosed they had allowed a software firm to inspect voting machines at the behest of local Republican lawmakers as part of a 2020 election 'audit.'"
Voting Machines In Pennsylvania County Decertified Due To 2020 Election Audit Effort
- "The request, made by the North Carolina House Freedom Caucus, was denied in a July 7 letter." (if they're not guilty, they have nothing to hide and should welcome the audit; QED - jjs)
Don't Look, Trust Us: North Carolina State Board of Elections Denies Audit Request
- "Last week, the Senate Education Committee held a confirmation hearing for a woman who has arguably done more than any other government official to fan the flames of America's culture war: Catherine Lhamon."
"The Office of Critical Theory": Beware Biden's Department of Education
- "Fairfax County Public School (FCPS) district sent out a resource -- intended to be a 'teacher facing item' -- which defined Critical Race Theory, among other progressive ideologies, and explained how to implement the ideologies in the classroom."
Fairfax School District Sends Educators PowerPoint on How to Implement Crackpot Disg-Race Theory in the Classroom
- "The Abolitionist Teaching Network (ATN) guide certainly did not make the first draft by mistake, and it absolutely reflects a number of the Biden [junta's] policies."
Biden Junta Calls Guide on "Disrupting Whiteness" an "Error" While Leaving Other Radical Content Intact
- ". . . And claims the federal government will not control education curricula." (I call BS; they will fund this in the dead of night on page 837 of a 2,000 page omnibus bill - jjs)
Education Department Backtracks on CRT
- "Hillsdale College's new K-12 curriculum 'insists and does its utmost to abide by an honest commitment to the truth as it is, not as what some might want it to be.'"
Hillsdale College Releases 1776 Curriculum in Hopes of Pursuing Truth About American History
- "On Friday, an LGBT activist group in Fairfax, Va., openly condemned a Muslim school board member who dared to hesitate before '100 percent' endorsing the activists' lifestyles and demands. While the Muslim school board member is an outspoken leftist Democrat, the activists demanded complete support and total agreement with their orthodoxy. They condemned her for 'emotional violence' and demanded a groveling apology, along with a complete endorsement of their lifestyles in public schools." (pass the popcorn - jjs)
This Virginia School Board Scuffle Does Not Bode Well for the Left's Diversity Coalition. . .
- "Mayor Muriel Bowser, the most progressive mayor in the District of Columbia's history, has overseen the total reversal of our hard-fought, declining crime rate."
There's A Reason Gunshots Panicked a Ballpark and Took a Child This Weekend, and Her Name is Muriel Bowser
- "On June 25, the Manhattan Institute hosted Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., for an address on the state of policing and criminal justice in America. The following is an edited and condensed version of his remarks."
Breaking the Crime Wave
- "Why aren't prosecutors enforcing the law?"
Prager U Video: Fewer Penalties, More Crime
- "The contribution from one of the Democrat establishment's biggest donors could further undercut the party's efforts to downplay allegations that it backs defunding police departments. Republicans have hammered Democrats over their position on policing as violent crime has skyrocketed nationwide."
Nazi Collaborator and Convicted Felon George Soros Funnels $1 Million to Defund the Police as Violent Crime Surges
- Congratulations! It's . . . an inferno?
Couple Charged With Involuntary Manslaughter Over Wildfire Allegedly Started During Gender Reveal Party
- "The American people need to have trust in our nation's public health officials. It's time for Fauci to go."
Sen. Marsha Blackburn Renews Calls to "Fire Fauci"
- "Overall, 71.4 percent said vaccines should be a 'personal choice,' 21.8 percent said they should be 'mandatory,' and 6.8 percent remain unsure."
Narrative Fail: Poll Shows Overwhelming Majority Oppose Vaccine Mandates
- "Even CNN's post-event panel criticized Biden's claim, with Anderson Cooper saying it was 'just obviously not the case.'"
Fact Check: Joe Biden Spreads Misinformation About Chinese COVID-19 Vaccines at XiNN Town Hall
- McChinless: "These shots need to get in everybody's arms as rapidly as possible or we're going to be back in a situation in the fall that we don't yearn for, that we went through last year. This is not complicated." (vote harder, peons!! sheesh - jjs)
Mitch McConnell Warns Americans to Get Vaxxed or Get Locked Down
- "Rather than acknowledge science, Dr. Makary says the CDC continues to use 'flimsy evidence' to push the [Chinese] COVID vaccine upon children."
Johns Hopkins Study Found Zero Chinese COVID Deaths Among Healthy Kids
- "Since the beginning of the Wuhan panic last spring, the policies and mandates issued by government agencies have been foolish, counter-productive, harmful, and political. . . Now these same government officials, in their continuing panic, are coming after children."
New Studies Show That the Biggest Risk to Kids from Chinese COVID Are the Policies of Governments
- "'In general,' Zinberg concludes, 'Delta presents very few risks for people who have gotten the shot or those who are young and healthy. It's a 'limited, transitory threat" that hardly requires new mask mandates, new lockdowns, or keeping our schools closed."
You're More Likely to Get Murdered in Chicago Than Be Hospitalized for Chinese COVID-19
- "How much more evidence will Americans need before they get seriously suspicious?"
The Chinese COVID Pandemic Narrative Takes Another Hit
- "A bill that would have declassified intelligence pertaining to the origins of the [Chinese] COVID-19 virus was shot down by House Democrats Wednesday."
House Democrats Block Bill Declassifying the Origins of Chinese COVID-19
- "Unless there is provision made for all people to attend, I reserve the right to cancel the show." (Slowhand with the pimp hand - jjs)
Eric Clapton Says He Reserves "The Right to Cancel" Shows at Venues That Require Proof of Vaccination
- Cohen and Greenfield should be forced to give back their bar mitzvah money and then have their foreskins reattached - with rusty staples.
New York Supermarket Chains Drop Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream After "Shameful" Move to Boycott Israel
- "Will those committed to Judeo-Christian values react before it's too late?"
Marxist Support for Palestinian Terror Fuels Jew-Hate Throughout the West
- "While some of the emails were personal in nature, 'others were political in nature, and still others clearly addressed business matters, often forwarding information coming from senior officials in the White House, the State Department and other government agencies.'"
BOMBSHELL: Joe Biden Used a Private E-Mail Account to Send Hunter Government Documents
- "More evidence proving Hunter Biden is everything the MSM wanted Don Jr. and Eric Trump to be. But we get silence with Hunter."
Report: Hunter Biden Arranged Profitable Consulting Job for Then-VP Biden
- "The Justice Department is considering imposing a 50-year secrecy rule on the release of federal grand jury material, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday."
DOJ's 50-Year Gag Proposal For Grand Jury Material Would Hide Mueller Records Until 2069
- "Official accepted gifts from journalists but resigned before inspector general's investigation was completed."
Suspected FBI Leaker Could Evade Consequences
- "The appointee, Deputy Solicitor for Water Resources Daniel Cordalis, rescinded a Jan. 14 memo that, according to watchdog group Protect the Public's Trust, likely delivered a financial boon to the Northern California-based Yurok Tribe, a group that he used to represent in legal matters and that currently employs his wife."
Watchdog Group Demands Investigation Into Potentially "Egregious" Ethics Violation By Biden Junta Appointee
- "Rep. Marie Newman could still face ethics ramifications after civil court settlement."
Illinois Dem Admits to Bribing Prospective Opponent
- "Perhaps most disturbingly, Ocasio-Cortez was seen transporting her belongings on a hotel dolly, which some experts have identified as a symbol of white supremacy and income inequality."
CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Titty Caca AOC Illegally Parks Tesla Near Whole Foods -- AGAIN
- "Asked an unchallenging question, he drifted off in the middle of a sentence, and, as he so often does, looked down and appeared to be listening to something in his earpiece to end his ordeal."
Biden Drifts Off Answering a Question During XiNN's Town Hall with Small Bitter Fruit Lemon; Appears to Listen to Earpiece to Get Out of Incoherent Ramble
- "I don't know about you but I'm thrilled this is the guy in charge of the free world. We should all sleep sound at night," Donald Trump Jr. said. "Hey at least there's no mean tweets. . . mostly because this guy wouldn't be capable of a tweet or even a complete thought."
"CRUSHING IT": Clip Of Biden Goes Viral From XiNN Town Hall Event
- "The image of empty seats was discordant with Biden's attempt to project confidence in overcoming the coronavirus pandemic, including his assertion, 'this is not a pandemic.'"
He's No Sell-Out (in terms of crowds): Biden Speaks to Half-Empty Room at Pre-Digested Staged XiNN Potemkin Town Hall
- "A growing swath of House Democrat candidates says the party needs to radically improve its heartland appeal to have any hope of keeping power in Washington."
Democrats Running in Rural America Trying to Hide Their Party Identification
- "Now none of [this] is good news. But it does mean that, for a growing number of voters, November 2022 can't come fast enough."
Here's What's Gone Right
- "No state is more emblematic of deepening political and cultural divisions in America than in Oregon."
These Americans Are So Fed Up With Portland and Sacramento They Want to Redraw State Borders
- "Larry Elder now has the de facto endorsement of the state's Democrat establishment as the candidate they fear the most, thanks to Newsom appointee, California Secretary of State Shirley Weber."
Judge Slaps Down Exclusion of Larry Elder from California Recall Ballot
- Victor Davis Hanson: "Now with money, institutions in their hip pocket, and cool popular culture, the Left would not just damn American institutions, but infect them to transform them into revolutionary agencies."
Democrats No More
- Grover Norquist: "If they don't act now, they may not have another chance to enact their agenda for decades to come." (it's nice to think this but somehow I doubt it - jjs)
Democrats' Third Wave: Victory or Death
- Beware of this guy. See next link.
"I'm Ready For It": Former Detroit Police Chief Announces Run For Michigan Governor On Tucker Carlson Tonight
- "Should the forces recruiting James Craig really want to beat Gretchen Whitmer, they should cease their recruitment efforts. Their faulty voting math won't cut it."
Another Fake Republican Won't Play in Michigan
- "Are all those media items featuring Joe Biden eating ice cream not a diversion from the serious issues of the day but rather a coded warning?"
The Real Reason Why Biden So Often Indulges in Ice Cream
- "At one facility in Eagle Pass, a soft sided structure was constructed to help deal with the current crisis and has yielded unprecedented migrant traffic levels. The source notes the newer facility is currently 200 percent over the [Chinese] COVID capacity standard."
Border Patrol Facilities in West Texas Again Face Overcrowding
- What, he wants it out in the open before he votes for it?
Lindsey Graham Says He Will Take Action to Block Dems Efforts to Hide Amnesty Provision in Budget Plan
- "The fascistic impulse is very strong with these people."
Twilight of the Free Press, Thanks to the Left
- "Maybe Big Tech's censorship campaign with the White House will make David French realize tech giants aren't going to stay in their private-company lane."
Big Tech's Right-Wing Defenders Paved the Way for Biden's Censorship Collusion
- "Big Tech is censoring American citizens and the Biden [junta] is urging them to do so; and it is dangerous, and it is unconstitutional."
Sen. Cruz: White House Working With Facebook to Suppress Chinese COVID Postings is an "Absolute Abuse of Power"
- "So for the moment, the ploy by media entities aligned with Oberlin College to smear the Gibsons via confidential Facebook records is over. The main appeal over the massive judgment still has not been decided."
Appeals Court Dismisses Media Attempt To Get Gibson's Bakery Clerk's Facebook Records in Oberlin College Case
- "Why would people believe so-called misinformation? It's a pivotal question, and the left can't bring themselves to answer it because it damns them."
The Biggest Source of "Misinformation," Lies, and Delusion is Leftist Corporate Media
- "The Biden [junta] has joined the social media censorship game."
White House Collusion With Facebook Is Not About Public Health
- "Does Biden -- who said life begins at conception -- believe it is misinformation to call the deliberate taking of a human life 'health care' and those who do that taking 'heroes?' Does he believe Facebook needs to take action 'against harmful posts' that promote the taking of unborn lives?"
What Type of Speech Will Biden Ask Facebook to Suppress Next?
- "Content-based laws are presumptively unconstitutional and are subject to strict scrutiny. The pronoun provision at issue here tests the limits of the government's authority to restrict pure speech that, while potentially offensive or harassing to the listener, does not necessarily create a hostile environment."
Free Speech Win: Court Strikes Down Law Mandating Transgender Pronouns
- "Support leftist or Marxist or Democrat Party policies, and you will be free to do as you wish. Oppose those policies publicly in any way, no matter how trivial, and the full force of the government will be used to silence you. The blacklists continue to gain force, as they are succeeding even in cases where they lose in court."
Today's Blacklisted American: Army Chaplain Threatened with Punishment for Criticizing Biden Junta, Sues and Wins Pyrrhic Victory
- "The idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire 20, 30, 40, 50, 120 shots from that weapon, whether it's a 9mm pistol or whether it's a rifle, is ridiculous. I'm continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things." (it's not your place to decide what I need, and it's enshrined in "the thing," aka the Constitution - jjs)
XiNN Town Hall: Joe Biden Suggests a 9mm Pistol Ban
- "Virginia's Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe accepted an endorsement from NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia, a pro-abortion advocacy group that called for defunding police."
Terry McAuliffe Proudly Accepts Endorsement From Pro-Abortion Group That Backs Defunding Police
- "Does AOC stand for 'Always Open for Communists?' The precocious tween who occupies a congressional seat from New York has suddenly discovered that Republicans aren't fans of the brutal communist regime in Cuba and want that government to be changed. What a revelation!"
Titty Caca AOC Discovers That Republicans Want Cuba's Communist Dictatorship to Fall
- "More than 500 Cubans have been detained or are missing in the aftermath of the street protests as access to the internet has returned. Authorities shut it down during the demonstrations." (just like here in the former United States - jjs)
Cubans Face the Grim Reality of the Lockdown
- "We can either choose to believe that stupid people are leading us or we can accept that this is a deliberate attempt to weaken America and participate in the World Economic Forum's vision of a world without America as a superpower. Neither option is comforting if you care about the safety, security, and prosperity of Americans."
Secretary of State Antony Blinken Might Be Even Worse Than John Kerry
- "Nord Stream 2 will boost the Russian president's influence in Europe."
Biden Junta Green Lights Putin's Pipeline
- "Our 'unity' [so-called quote-unquote "president"] goes further than ever to divide the country."
America Bows Down to Bogus Human Rights Tribunal
- "It's hard to respect a government that insists America is the most racist country on earth."
The Biden Junta Surrenders to the U.N.'s Crusade Against "Racism"
- "Taiwan announced on Tuesday that it will exchange representative offices with Lithuania, further expanding unofficial relations between the two countries."
Taiwan Angers China After Opening Its Own De Facto Embassy In Lithuania
- I'm surprised Instagram didn't automatically censor the photo and caption beforehand.
Kodak Bends the Knee to China, Apologizes for Instagram Post From Photographer Who Called Xinjiang an "Orwellian Dystopia"
- "[Junta] walks tightrope as it negotiates nuclear deal." (pfft, it's lip service - jjs)
Biden Junta Backs Iranian Protesters Amid Regime Crackdown
- ". . . And how it has emerged stronger than ever."
Israel's Tumultuous Two Years
- "Ten years after the Breivik massacre, Norway's elites target anti-Islamic 'extremism.'"
Protecting the Prophet in Norway
- "Only six appointees confirmed by Senate as threats from Russia and China grow." (I'd rather no one than a contingent of Vanilli Milley traitors - jjs)
Nomination Delays Spur Pentagon Personnel Crisis
- "Historians will see it as a vivid symbol of American decline."
The Left's Corruption of the Military
- "The bill failed 49-51, with Schumer voting no so that he can bring it up again in the coming days." (figuring out how to pass out the bribe money to Pee-Air Defecto, Portman, Maine-Stain Collins and the Coke-head Murkowski - jjs)
Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework Fails to Advance in the Senate, But It's Far From Dead
- Is he wearing an earpiece or is he listening to Titty Caca AOC's areola?
Biden: Multi-Trillion Dollar Spending Bills "Will Reduce Inflation"
- "Consumers prefer appliances and household goods that make life easier. Democrats rather we live a more spartan existence."
Biden Doesn't Want Us To Have Nice Things
- "If you want to reduce inequality, these new proposals aren't the way to do it."
Universal Basic Wealth?
- "Here's an inconvenient truth: A large-scale switch to aluminum is worse for the planet. In fact, the only situation that would improve by Americans switching to aluminum is [pea-brained actor Jason] Momoa's financial situation -- he owns the canned water company."
Ditching Plastic for Aluminum is Worse for the Planet
- "Far beyond medical treatment, advocates for full augmentation intend to overcome the human condition itself."
Scientists Are Using Brain Implants to Read Patients' Minds, and You Might Be Next
- "That didn't take long! Mere hours after New Shepard completed its first suborbital manned commercial flight, a Democrat in the House of Representatives introduced a bill in Congress to impose a tax on private manned spaceflight." (Earl Blumenauer should tax Antifa for every hate-shake they throw - jjs)
Democrat Proposes New Tax on Private Manned Spaceflight
- "Upon arrival, Nauka will become the third largest module of the Russian segment of the ISS and will add 70 cubic meters of space to the Station's internal volume, a third Russian-side sleeping location, an additional toilet, as well as new water regeneration and oxygen production systems -- augmenting some of the original systems in Zvezda that are showing their 22 year age."
Russia Launches Nauka, its First New ISS Module in 11 Years
- "[RINO fraud] Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson vetoed the SAFE Act earlier this year, but the state legislature overrode his veto, making Arkansas the first state to ban the procedures for minors."
Tom Cotton Slams "Liberal Activists" For Blocking Arkansas Ban On "Dangerous and Life-Altering" Trans Procedures For Minors
- "US Women's Soccer Team To Boycott Scoring Goals Until Racism Is Defeated."
On Heels of Stunning Loss, U.S. Women's Soccer Gets Brutalized Online for "Woke" Protesting
- Jeff Bezos calls the gift the "Courage and Civility" award. They can keep the money or give it to charity. (two flaming leftists - jjs)
Jeff Bezos Gives Van Jones, Chef Jose Andres $100 Million Each
- "Singer Aaron Lewis struck a sour chord with the left after releasing a song blasting liberals for trying to tear America to shreds. The song, titled 'Am I the Only One' came out just before the Fourth of July and the lyrics are nothing shy of genius."
Show of Courage: Record Label Won't Cancel Patriotic Singer Aaron Lewis
- "While LeBron James has consistently capitulated to China, Xi Jinping has yet to greenlight the NBA star's new film Space Jam: A New Legacy for release."
LeBron James Bent the Knee to Dictator Xi But China Still Isn't Releasing Space Jam 2
- Christian Toto: "LeBron James and a crush of Warner Bros. IPs spoil anything resembling fun."
Space Jam: A New Legacy is a Bloated Nostalgia Headache
- "We had those 10 years that were smooth as silk, and we are just a little bit wobbly right now." (18 months of people locked in with nothing to do but watch the boob tube and you guys lose money? Gotta be Obama - jjs)
Netflix Stock Tanks As Subscriber Numbers Drop
- "On Tuesday night in Milwaukee, the Bucks defeated the Phoenix Suns in game six of the NBA Finals, giving the organization its first NBA Championship since 1971."
"Dr. Fauci is Cringing at Home," Says NBA Finals Announcer as 65,000 Fans Watch Outside Arena
- G-dspeed, Coach. Prayers.
Bobby Bowden Announces That He Has a Terminal Medical Condition
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:31 AM
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