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July 21, 2021
Joe Biden Used Secret Personal Account -- Hidden from FOIA Requests and Official Record Keeping, Just as Hillary Did -- to Send Government Documents to Hunter Biden
At Just the News.
In a communications backdoor reminiscent of Hillary Clinton's infamous private server, President Biden used a personal email account during the Obama years to send information he was getting from the State Department as vice president to his globetrotting, foreign-deal-making son Hunter Biden.
Messages, sometimes signed "Dad," from the email account robinware456@gmail.com were found on a Hunter Biden laptop seized by the FBI in December 2019 from a Delaware computer shop owner.
Some of the messages from the vice president to his son obtained by Just the News were deeply personal, others were political in nature, and still others clearly addressed business matters, often forwarding information coming from senior officials in the White House, the State Department and other government agencies.
A former senior Obama administration official confirmed to Just the News that some administration officials knew of the robinware456@gmail.com email address for Joe Biden and used it from time to time. "I saw it used to communicate with his family and friends or to pass information to them," the official told Just the News, speaking only on condition of anonymity because of fear of reprisal.
The emails obtained by Just the News show numerous Obama administration officials communicated or were aware of the private email address or had their information sent to it, including current Secretary of State Tony Blinken.
Beyond establishing that Joe Biden sent government information to his son, the existence of the private email address also raises questions of federal law, as Hillary Clinton's email server showed. Biden had an obligation to preserve any emails involving his government work under federal records law, even if he used a private email address.
"The Presidential Records Act required Joe Biden to make sure that any of his gmail account emails, including these emails to Hunter Biden, were forwarded to a government account so they could properly be handled by the National Archives," said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. "No wonder the Obama White House wanted to protect Hillary Clinton from the consequences of [her] email shell game!"
On another occasion in June 2014, Hunter Biden suggested someone he wanted to see appointed as a detailee to the Treasury Department. "Before you fill the positions, pls talk to me," Hunter Biden wrote his father.
Just kidding, he'll be dead in a year.
NeverTrump just emailed to say:
"You're welcome!"
I suppose that's right -- this is the "norm" established by Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Of course, NeverTrump's political kinfolk/employers in the leftwing propaganda media will continue the year-long suppression of the laptop.
They've denied it's real for too long -- they can't admit it's real now.
But no "Misinformation" deplatforming for them!