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July 23, 2021
The Night Is Fallin', The ONT's Callin', And We've Got To Get Down To....
Howdy Horde peeps! I'm on vacation this week, but I put together tonight's ONT before I left, so y'all could get your weekly ration of memes. Big thanks to Buck for covering last night.
How to handle flying rats
The truth about flags
It's the sixteen o'clock AM burger that gets ya
They didn't think this through
Kids will be kids?
Maybe. We never booby trapped anything, but I remember digging an in-ground fort that we blew up when we set of a Molotov cocktail in it (gas explodes, who knew?), and cutting down a huge pine tree that........just barely missed taking out some power lines. We never considered it until the tree started to go when we both saw the power lines at the same time and must have said “Ohshitohshitohshit” a dozen times during the few seconds it took to fall.
You guys like skater girlz, right?
Map of the week
I imagine the poll would be about the same here
Bon Mot
Inflation? What's that?
Gun Pr0n
That's a Webley-Fosbery semi-automatic revolver. If you want to learn more about this unusual gun, here's a good overview. And if you want to see how it performs on the firing line (including an important safety tip), click here.
Map of the week, part 2
What is wrong with people?
I see this all the time. People recording shit on their phones rather than enjoying it. Take fireworks. How many times have you been at a fireworks display and dozens of people are around you recording it rather than enjoying it? Stop that shit. Nobody is ever going to watch the film. YOU'RE never going to watch the film. Put your damn phone away and enjoy the moment. And don't even get me started on people filming other folks in trouble rather than FUCKING HELPING THEM OUT! GAH!
A page from history
Sea Shanty (NSFW)
You want to know what's interesting to me? How we think of previous generations and sex. I suppose part of it is mass media like Father Knows Best and Leave It To Beaver, but those are idealized depictions of life. Don't get me wrong, idealized depictions are important, and help set the tone of the culture, but people are people and they're not doing anything now that they weren't before. I found out recently that my father, born in the '30s, was a “full term” baby born 6 months after my grandparents were married. Yeah. Grandma and grandpa were married for 60+ years, a good Christian couple, and by my memory and all accounts it was a good, solid marriage, but they were obviously up to a little sumthin' somthin' before they got hitched. We, or at least I, just don't think of our ancestors like that. As human, I mean, with human desires and mistakes. Why not?
One difference is that what we call “culture” these days celebrates depravity and human failings instead of condemning them or hiding them respectively, but I'm not sure that's progress. In any event, if you know sailors, I am sure shanties every bit as dirty as this (or more!) have been sung in seaside bars since Jason set out with his Argonauts.
What...what kind of toddlers do they have?
Great picture of the US/Canadian border
Best money he ever spent
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by radio:

posted by WeirdDave at
09:59 PM
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