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July 19, 2021
More Texas Fleebaggers Test Positive for Covid; Kamala "Veep Throat" Harris, Who Was Exposed to the Covid-Ridden Fleebaggers (and Who Knows What Else), Refuses to Quarantine Herself
The Fleebaggers flew on a small chartered (who paid for it?) jet, maskless.

Now two more of the Fleebaggers have tested positive for covid, bringing the total to five, and making their fleebagger flight an official super-spreader event (by my own official records-keeping).
Two more Texas Democrats who have been in Washington, DC, since last week in an effort to prevent a vote on a GOP-backed election reform bill have tested positive for the coronavirus, bringing the total to five infected state lawmakers, many of whom visited with Vice President Kamala Harris.
Kamala Harris spoke with the Fleebaggers indoors in a smallish room, and therefore was exposed to covid. She went to the hospital for a " " " routine " " " checkup.
Nevertheless it's possible she has it or might spread it. But she's refusing to, get this, obey the Democrats' own demands on the public and self-isolate.
Vice President Kamala Harris is going to Walter Reed Medical Center for a "routine doctor's appointment" on Sunday after coming into contact last week with three Democratic lawmakers from Texas who tested positive for the coronavirus, according to Fox News.
The news of her trip to the hospital in Bethesda, Md., just outside the nation's capital came as she tweeted: "This Delta variant is no joke. Get vaccinated."
Symone Sanders, her spokeswoman, said the Veep did not come into close contact with the ill lawmakers.
"Based on the timeline of these positive tests, it was determined the Vice President and her staff present at the meeting were not at risk of exposure because they were not in close contact with those who tested positive and therefore do not need to be tested or quarantined," Sanders said Saturday, noting that Harris and her staff had all been vaccinated.
Her office did not immediately respond to questions from Fox News about whether she was exhibiting symptoms.
This is a lie; photographs prove she was in fact "in close contact" with the fleebaggers.
That doesn't include the kissy-huggy greetings and the close-in conspiratorial whispering (and cackling) that undoubtedly went on during this Fleebagger Love-In.

Again, notice no masks for The Regime.
Note this comes at the same time that Blue State governors and Blue City mayors are imposing mask mandates again, as in California as a whole, and the city of Las Vegas.
But The Regime is immune to The Regime's diktats.
They don't mind revealing that they are the Rulers and we are the Ruled. In fact, they're increasingly boastful of their status as Rulers Without Rules.
Via Tim Pool.
Ha: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing dubs Kamala Harris "Veep Throat."