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July 19, 2021
The Morning Report - 7/19/21
Good morning kids. Start of a new week and as the situation in Cuba no doubt remains the same, i.e. squalor, misery, frustration and repression, the story has faded from the top of the headlines in both the propaganda house organs of that regime's cheerleaders and actual honest media in and around the blogosphere here in the former United States of America. Sadly, tragically, I don't think the Cuban people are going to throw off the yoke of their oppressors just yet. But it would be foolish for anyone to think that what we saw last week did not scare the hell out of that regime. Those protests were unprecedented and it was not because of Chinese COVID or because of the US embargo - which does not impede the over 150 other countries from trading with the regime, though that inconvenient truth is ignored in the usual quarers. For sure, had the Castro-ites allies and compadres in DC not succeeded in rigging last November's election, President-in-exile Trump would have done everything in his power to assist the Cuban people in breaking free from that Caribbean Kolyma. And whatever pressure he could have applied might have made all the difference. "For all sad words of tongue or pen. . ." etc.
Meanwhile, here in the land of the freebie and the home of the enslaved, people here have had it up to here (holds hand up to eyeballs) with the the bullshit being rammed down our throats, be it lockdowns and the vaccine Gestapo, Crackpot Disgrace Theory, decriminalization of real crime, criminalization, censoring and suppression of speech, thoughts and ideas counter to the Leftist narrative, the dismantling of the military, the erasure of our borders, the forced transformation of the free-market into a fascistic, crony government controlled economy, turning our children into catamites, cross-dressers and disfigured Frankenstein monsters, and worse - zombified pod people eager to denounce us to this evil entity that has its claws clamped on our throats, poised to drag us down to Hell.
Consider the last chapter of [Rules for Radicals], which was published in 1971. It is entitled "The Way Forward." Alinsky writes, "Organization for action will now and in the decade ahead center upon America's white middle class. That is where the power is[.] ... Large parts of the middle class, the 'silent majority,' must be activated[.]"
The left has been working on making the children of the middle class into radicals, turning them against their parents and their parents' values for fifty years now, in multiple generations. All the things we middle-class parents believed in and called good, our children now call bad and false, and more than bad and false, worthy of destruction, especially if we parents are Christian and conservative, and even more so if we are Trump-supporters. Our cancelation is the fruit of the left's strategy to remake America . . .
. . . It is not just we. This is happening to many middle-class families. For example, I met a friend the other day, and she told me she has several friends whose children are canceling them. One of them is a mother with whom my friend was close as their kids grew up. She said this person was an excellent mother, but now her son will have nothing to do with her and is calling her an abusive mother.
My friend's own son canceled her and her husband, too. The son told his mother that everything they taught him was a lie. Before he canceled them, he forbade his mother to talk to him about G-d anymore.
Years ago, my children also told me I was not allowed to talk to them about G-d anymore. Both of us told our children that we would not proselytize, but we could not promise never to mention G-d because we are people of faith; it is who we are.
When my husband posted on Facebook about our plight, more than a few friends responded that they were going through the same things. One mother said her three children will have nothing to do with her anymore and had recently left her out of a family wedding. She said she is also a person of faith.
What is going on is evil. Just evil.
How are we going to deprogram 150 million people? Actually, all things considered the question is how can we stop 150 million people from reprogramming us? And for sure, those of us who cannot or will not get our minds right are going to wind up dead in a ditch. The situation is very much in doubt.
Nations have often gone mad in a matter of months. The French abandoned their supposedly idealistic revolutionary project and turned it into a monstrous hell for a year between July 1793 and 1794. After the election of November 1860, in a matter of weeks, Americans went from thinking secession was taboo to visions of killing the greatest number of their fellow citizens on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line. Mao's China went from a failed communist state to the ninth circle of Dante's Inferno, when he unleashed the Cultural Revolution in 1966.
In the last six months, we have seen absurdities never quite witnessed in modern America. Madness, not politics, defines it. There are three characteristics of all these upheavals. One, the events are unsustainable. They will either cease or they will destroy the nation, at least as we know it. Two, the law has largely been rendered meaningless. Three, left-wing political agendas justify any means necessary to achieve them . . .
. . . America went from the freest country in the world in December 2019 to a repressive, and frightening place by July 2021. It went not so much hard-Left, as stark-raving mad.
That abrupt descent, too, is not workable and millions will collectively decide they have no choice but to push back and conclude, "In the 233rd year of our republic, we tens of millions are not going to cede freedom of thought and expression to thousands of Maoists. Sorry, no can do."
As my Momma of blessed memory always used to say, "evil flourishes." But as I always say, we cannot know the future. As Victor Davis Hanson suggests in the conclusion of yet another fine essay, we were riding high 18 months ago, seemingly poised not only to go from victory to victory in a political sense but perhaps on the verge of a sea change culturally and societally. And yet in an instant, the unleashing of a biological/psychological weapon by the Red Chinese and worse, the eager shredding of any sense of morality, ethics and propriety by the American Left and worse, the abrogation from those allegedly on our side of their duty to stop them, came as punch in the gut and then a stomp on the head. We didn't see that coming, or if we suspected it we couldn't accept it.
Of course, there's the flip side of that. We have had enough of this and people are speaking out and fighting back. Yet you don't have to look to Cuba to see that those who have the whip hand are not going to just give it up. Not without a fight, for all definitions of that word. But we cannot know the future. Even in our darkest moments. If our fellow citizens rotting in jail as political prisoners for the January 6th Democrat-staged "riot" can still sing "The Star Spangled Banner" every night, then surely there is hope? And just as nemesis always follow hubris, perhaps our would-be overlords are now or soon will be thinking the same things we were thinking and feeling at the end of 2019.
Hope so. Cuba Libre! America Libre!
- Julie Kelly: "Every night at 9 p.m., according to a relative of one of the detainees, they sing the national anthem. This is a way to keep spirits up among men who have been in jail for months and may not have their day in court until sometime next year."
Exclusive Audio: Listen to January 6 Detainees Sing the National Anthem
- "Despite spending millions compiling evidence against the Capitol Riot defendants, Biden's DOJ is afraid to let Republicans onto the jury."
Change of Venue for January 6th Trials
- "When a group of military officers gets together to conspire against the orders of the commander in chief, it is a real case of mutiny and treason."
The Military Plays No Part in the Constitution's "Checks and Balances"
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Chief CRT instructor Gen. Mark Milley has conditions set for losing the next war."
Thoroughly Modern Milley
- "The masked Sallies of Antifa are usually coddled by cops, but that wasn't happening this time."
L.A. Police Pummel Antifa, Finally
- "The ability to terrify and intimidate local politicians into stifling free speech is extremely worrying."
Under Threats of Violence, Three California Venues Cancel Appearances by Reps. Gaetz and Taylor-Greene
- "Something's got to give."
The "Silent Majority" Is Rapidly Becoming the "Angry Majority" (or the Silenced majority - jjs)
- "Essentially, the judge is telling the Justice Department that there are no shortcuts to justice."
Federal Judge Throws a Monkey Wrench Into Capitol Riot Prosecutions
- "Democrats embrace leftist mobs with one aim: power."
Democrats and the Tyranny of the Mob
- Margot Cleveland: "The tangled web of voter reform laws, the Trump voter fraud accusations, and the Secretary of State Office's findings show why we need more digging on what happened in Georgia."
Georgia Secretary of State Explains Why He's Just Now Discovering More Than 10,000 Illegal Votes Cast In 2020
- "Then they flew to DC on a private jet stocked with Miller Lite without masks, in violation of FAA rules, and now this farce turned into a super spreader event."
Texas GOP Chair Blasts Fleeing Democrats: "Farce Turned into Super Spreader Event"
- "Additionally, nearly 60 percent of voters favor a ban on ballot harvesting."
New Poll Shows Voters Want Tighter Voting Restrictions After 2020 Election
- "It is no substitute for putting the basic federal rights in place. What I'm saying is that you have to do all of these things at once."
Klobuchar: We Can Pass Voting Rights as "Election Infrastructure" with Reconciliation
- Democrats' ideas "suck," Donalds said. "They're awful. They're terrible. And so to get you upset with conservatives, they bring up stuff like IDs. They bring up stuff like Jim Crow."
Rep. Byron Donalds Shreds Democrat Argument on Voter ID: I Had an ID at 13
- "[Veep Throat] Harris met with the Texas House Democrats on Tuesday this week and praised them for refusing to participate in legitimate democratic processes in their home state, saying, 'You are doing this in support and defense of some of our nation's highest ideals.'"
More Texas Democrats Test Positive For Chinese Coronavirus After Fleeing State To Subvert Democracy
- "That man killed a lot of people, you know what I'm saying? He killed a lot of motherfucking people. People in the world have a wrong impression of Che Guevara . . . He was in charge of killing people in Cuba."
Cuba Protesters Warn Americans Who Like Che Guevara: "He Was a Fucking Terrorist"
- Humberto Fontova: "Those anti-government Cubans just don't appreciate their communist paradise!"
Cubans Erupt in Protest Against a Regime Hailed by Democrats
- "The Ethical Culture Fieldston School seems to have the same mission statement as BLM."
Indoctrination Begins Early: NYC Private Schools Only Hiring Lefties
- "It seems the Biden [junta] will listen to the public when the rejection of their ideas is clear and loud." (somehow, this is all for show; the poison will be funded through the back door somehow when no one's paying attention - jjs)
VICTORY: Biden Caves on Critical Theories Grant After Parents Push Back
- "Number of Asian students plummeted at Thomas Jefferson after district gutted merit-based admissions."
Superintendent Who Eliminated Entrance Exam at Nation's Top High School To Resign
- "The Russell County School Board has voted unanimously to reject the Virginia Education Department's new transgender policy after outrage from their community."
Virginia School Board Rejects State's Radical Transgender Policies
- "Government unions, government contractors, powerful nonprofits, monopolistic corporations, and Big Tech companies rely on a thoroughly indoctrinated electorate to support their dysfunction."
Fixing California, Part Eight of Nine: Restoring Quality Education
- Bill Veeck had nothing to do with this. . .
Pandemonium Breaks Out In D.C. Ballpark After Shooting; 3 Wounded, Stadium Emptied, Game Postponed
- ". . . Buy me some peanuts and crack. BANG! BANG!"
After Nationals Park Shooting, DC Police Union Blames "Elected Officials" For Explosion In Violent Crime
- "Bush is the latest member of AOC's '[death] Squad' to take the'"security for me but not for thee' approach to defunding the police."
Campaign Filings Show Rep. Cori Bush Continues to Be a Defund the Police Hypocrite
- "Gang activity has increased in Portland. It's unclear who the victims of the shooting were or what was the motive for the attack."
Eight People Shot in Downtown Portland Mass Shooting as City Gets More Dangerous by the Day
- "Wokester Mayor Todd Gloria has joined the national blue-city derby for the title of America's worst mayor."
Homeless Assaults Ramp Up in San Diego; Leftist Mayor Offers Idiotic Solution
- "He says he's for decriminalization, but he hasn't acted on that stance."
Biden Punts on Pot
- "Trying to shame the holdouts has failed spectacularly. Insulting and degrading them as 'morons' or 'ignorant' has resulted in a vicious pushback and a hardening of positions on getting vaccinated. The [junta's] plan of sending people door to door to vaccinate them only feeds anti-vaccine skepticism. Trust in authority is at an all-time low, which makes a government-sponsored vaccine program suspect."
MIT Study: Vaccine Hesitancy Is "Highly Informed, Scientifically Literate," and "Sophisticated"
- "Vaccine skeptics lack faith in the government's experimental drugs. So why trust its other experiments?"
On Trusting Government and Citizens as Test-Subjects
- "Fauci must not have brushed up on his vaccine history before going on with Acosta. Both the smallpox vaccine and the polio vaccine faced loud opposition."
Dr. Fausti Embarrasses Himself While Trying to Mock Fox News
- Accidentally on purpose.
WHO Chief: It Was "Premature" to Rule Out Lab-Leak Theory; "Lab Accidents Happen. It's Common"
- "The prospect of a national at-your-front-door vaccination program represents a massive Fourth Amendment assault that threatens the future of the country's Constitutional republic."
Biden's Door to Door Plan to Inoculate Americans
- "The merchants of mendacity must be resisted."
Toppling the Left's Tower of Lies
- Michael Applebaum, MD: "Is the Biden [junta] committing overkill against [Chinese] 'COVID misinformation?'"
The Chinese "COVID Misinformation" Train Wreck
- Katie Hopkins: ". . . But all is not as it seems."
Freedom Day Arrives in England
- "Only a politicized faith is permitted in public life."
The Left's Manipulation of Religion
- "Weiss allegedly postponed allowing prosecutors to obtain search warrants and issue grand jury subpoenas last summer, facing fears of election influence."
Federal Prosecutor Deliberately Delayed Hunter Biden Probe To Shield 2020 Election
- "Something seems amiss."
The Strange New Career of Hunter Biden -- Artiste
- "The state senate in Michigan yesterday approved a repeal of the emergency powers law that Democrat Party governor Gretchen Witmer used last year to assume the equivalent of total dictatorial powers.The repeal was instigated by a citizen petition, and is certain of full passage. The reign of witch Gretchen is coming to an end."
Dictatorship Overthrown in Michigan
- "If Congressional Republicans want to fight Big Tech, they need to stop taking tens of thousands of dollars from Big Tech."
It's High Time GOP Congressional Leaders Rejected Big Tech Dollars
- "Joe Biden is even proving more of a master of disaster than Jimmy Carter, it's stunning how much success Biden has managed to reverse in just four months."
Is Joe Biden Reimagining the Jimmy Carter Presidency?
- "By their fruits ye shall know them."
Ten (Plus One) Signs that the Age of Biden is Upon Us
- "The Republican Party is changing, and voters should be encouraged by some of the people throwing their hats in the ring for 2022."
More Like This Please: A New Generation of Republican Candidates With the Right Stuff
- Her asshole transplant rejected her . . .
Kamala Harris Visits Walter Reed For "Routine Appointment" Days After Meeting Chinese COVID-Positive Texas Dems
- "Two Senate candidates -- J.D. Vance and Blake Masters -- offer one of the most promising signs yet that the Republican Party will take on the problems Trump recognized."
J.D. Vance and Blake Masters Promise to Shore Up US Workers and End Endless Wars
- "[Thuggish lout John] Fetterman was the only Pennsylvania statewide official to endorse Sanders for president in 2016, and like the Vermont senator, he is 'a self-described democratic socialist.'"
Terry McAuliffe Fundraises For Self-Described Democratic Socialist
- "Unions are not just alienating members like Laird when they step into the breach of politics. The recent attempt to organize an Alabama Amazon warehouse made blatant racial appeals to its largely African American workforce."
Unions' Focus on Woke Over Work Rankles Rank and File
- "Success is still far from certain: Democrats don't know whether the measure can survive the Senate's obscure budget rules that would allow the bill to pass without GOP support."
Democrats Trying to Sneak Amnesty Into Massive Budget Bill Using Reconciliation
- "Joe Biden responded to the federal ruling declaring the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program illegal, thus halting the program."
Biden Accidentally Admits Trump's Solution to DACA Was Always the Right One
- "During what will almost certainly be a record-breaking year for apprehensions, Democrats are attempting to pass more left-wing immigration policies."
Border Apprehensions Pass 1 Million, On Track To Set New Record While Democrats Plan Amnesty
- "Should the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] get his way and, say, 35 million people rather than the expected 11 million emerge from the shadows to apply for legal status, the political backlash could be considerable -- including from legal immigrants and naturalized citizens, who went to a great deal of bother to follow the rules."
11 Million? Try 35 Million! Joe Biden Wants Amnesty, But US Tally of Illegal Immigrants is Deeply Flawed
- Roger Kimball: "As tales of fake woe and calls to ban conservative books circulate among woke booksellers, the White House is flagging 'problematic posts for Facebook.'"
Are You Having a Free Speech Emergency?
- "The board is made of elite academic and government employees who have demonstrated they give anything but an accurate and fair look at content moderation."
Facebook's Top Censorship Board Is Filled With Elite, Power-Loving Bureaucrats
- "I'm taking off of social media for the rest of July. See you in August."
Shaun "Talcum X" King Deletes His Twitter Account, Takes Break From Social Media
- "Maybe the news is bullshit the whole way down. How much time do you have for finding out?"
Digging Out the Bullshit
- "In Michael Knowles' new book, Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds, the popular Daily Wire commentator takes a deep dive into the history of political correctness and offers suggestions for how to combat it."
The Answer to Political Correctness Isn't More Free Speech, But Better Speech
- "The Washington Post's Perry Bacon Jr. says the national press should be more upfront that their mission is less about relaying information and more about protecting voters from themselves."
Corporate Media's Belief In Themselves as "Democracy Defenders" is Exactly Why They Can't Be Trusted
- "Don't talk so much."
Tater Stelter Gets Peeled and Roasted by Guest on His Own Show
- "The horrible ironies of this story are beyond the pale. The American Booksellers Association (ABA), a non-profit trade organization founded in 1900 to represent independent bookstores while also defending freedom of speech, has now violently condemned the publication of a book that raised questions about the modern perverse sexual movement and its unbridled support of sex changes for young children."
Today's Blacklisted American: Booksellers Want to Burn a Book They Do Not Like
- "The state senator did not specify why the bishop reportedly denied him communion, but his announcement comes amid discussion of whether bishops will deny [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden communion over his pro-abortion policies."
New Mexico Democrat Says Bishop Denied Him Communion Over "Political Office"
- "U.S. Treasury blacklists seven Chinese officials under Trump-era Hong Kong Autonomy Act."
China Threatens to Deal a "Head-on Blow" to U.S. Over Sanctions on Chinese Officials
- "Why did Iran decide that now was the time to mount an audacious operation to kidnap Masih Alinejad, an Iranian dissident, in New York City and take her back to the Islamic Republic, where she would have faced imprisonment, torture, and possibly even judicial murder? The answer is clear, and it is sitting in the White House catching up on Matlock reruns until the next time he is needed to answer a few scripted softball questions from a sycophantic media."
Iran's Attempt to Kidnap a Dissident in the U.S. Highlights Biden's Extraordinary Weakness
- "Connecting the immigration dots Biden ignores."
Alleged Iranian Kidnap Plot Targeted Iranian/American Dissident In Brooklyn
- "Iran says that the U.S. and Great Britain's insistence on an immediate resumption of the talks is holding the prisoner deal 'hostage.'"
U.S. Denies Iran Claim of Prisoner Swap for Resumption of Nuke Talks as "Outrageous"
- "The only reason the Biden regime is inviting the UN 'human rights officials in is to undermine and condemn America."
Bringing America to its Knees Courtesy of the Biden Junta
- "The UN report will be used by the Leftists and the Democrat party, but I repeat myself, as proof that a massive transfer of wealth is needed from white Americans to Americans of color."
Secretary of State Blinken is Setting Us Up for Paying Reparations
- "Trevor Reed has been imprisoned in Russia for more than one year."
Russia Sends U.S. Marine to Soviet-Era Gulag
- Daniel Greenfield: "Father of murdered boy blasts Biden [junta] for standing with son's killer."
Biden Junta Goes After Israel Over a Jihadi Polygamist's Terror Mansion
- "Their solutions are far worse than the problems they claim to be solving."
China, Hong Kong, and the Danger of Tyrannical Ideology
- "Why would someone born, raised, and rearing children in America not want his own country prioritized?"
Why Would Any American Oppose America First?
- "Who knows if these bureaucrats know anything about economics, but they clearly know nothing about creativity."
The UN's Crash Course in Creative Economics -- And Collective Stupidity
- "The Church of England is acknowledging the country's sad history of persecution of Jews."
Anti-Semitism in England
- Daniel Greenfield: "White male military suicide rates show who's really suffering from systemic racism."
While Military Leaders Lie, White Men Die
- "American professors are pushing for greater collaboration with Chinese Communist Party scientists even as experts explore the possibility that the deadly [Chinese] coronavirus pandemic originated in a Wuhan virology lab." (oh hell no! - jjs)
US Scientists Call for Closer Research Ties With China
- "Tencent -- a tech firm flagged as a 'tool' of the Chinese Communist Party -- is attempting to buy a German game developer used by Western countries to conduct military simulations."
Chinese Communist Tech Attempts To Buy US Army Simulation Developer
- Robert Spencer: "Gee, what has changed since then?"
Al-Qaeda Calls For Murder of Americans In First Magazine Issue Since 2017
- "I'm not going to speculate on his retirement."
Klobuchar on Justice Breyer: Retirement His Decision, But "Sooner Rather Than Later" is Better
- "Beginning in 2007, whistleblowers and advocates have convened an annual conference on Capitol Hill. For the first time, the 2021 National Whistleblower Day events will be an interactive virtual conference."
The Whistleblower Summit and Film Festival July 23 -- August 1
- "To change hearts, facts are useless without the power of optimism, the belief that abundance is possible, and the suggestion that ideology matters, but sometimes practical solutions matter more."
Fixing California, Part Nine of Nine: The Prosperity Economy
- "The government collects real resources via voluntary transactions with economic agents who are willing to trade real resources today for the promise of real resources in the future. Debt buyers, including U.S. households saving for retirement, view this debt as savings, which reduces their savings in private investment. This substitution is called the 'capital crowding-out effect' from government debt issuance."
Analysis: Deficit Spending Is Deeply Harmful To Long-Term Economic Growth
- "The meme stock phenomenon worried federal regulators, who claimed that the collective decision to purchase assets constituted market manipulation."
GameStop Stopped? "Meme Stock" Trading Shows Signs of Decline
- "The Biden [junta] has discovered a back door into raising the effective minimum wage."
How Our Leftist Government Gets Its Minimum Wage Hike Without Legislation
- "Biden [fraudulently] came into office promising to save the economy. Instead, he's resurrected the specter of 1970s-style stagflation."
The Dreaded Misery Index is on the Rise Under Biden
- "With prices skyrocketing on Wall Street, bond markets, and in the housing sector, the end of that cheap money could cause asset bubbles to burst."
Why You Should Blame the Federal Reserve's Easy Money for Today's Inflation
- "America's drug crisis saw its worst year ever -- again."
The Overdose Wave
- "Electric cars have trouble maintaining momentum for very long, but at least when they run out of range, you just stop. In an electric airplane, you drop."
Electric Planes: Green That Doesn't Fly
- "While no other 'carbon free' method of producing electricity comes even close to nuclear energy, climate change alarmists refuse to even consider the option."
Now is the Time to Get Serious About Nuclear Energy
- "To meet 'green' mandates, Americans will be coerced to purchase Chinese-made solar panels, made with not only fossil fuels but likely forced labor as well."
How a "Green" America Would Fuel China's Growing Coal and Uyghur-Exploiting Solar Industries
- "Capitalism in space: In a video released yesterday Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa provided an update on his Dear Moon competition for choosing the eight individuals who will join him on his private Starship mission around the Moon."
Maezawa Reveals Status of Competition to Join Him on a Private Starship Mission to Moon
- "This is great news, but to bring everyone down to Earth, we must remember that Hubble no longer has any redundancy in this area. Should there be another similar computer failure, the telescope will then be dead in the water, with the only way to bring it back a manned or robotic mission -- something we presently do not have the capacity to do -- to replace these units."
Engineers Report Hubble Fix Appears Successful
- In the immortal words of Kent "Flounder" Dorfman, "Oh boy, this is gonna be great!"
LGBT Activists Attack Left-Wing Muslim School Board Member For Not Being Pro-LGBT
- "The real sad part here is that the Suns/Bucks series has actually been a ton of fun. It's the most fun NBA Finals that I can remember over the past few years."
The Bucks Beating the Suns in Game Five of the NBA Finals Doesn't Get Great TV Ratings
- "REVIEW: Nice Racism by Robin DiAngelo."
The Grift That Keeps on Grifting
- "I cannot believe people watch that channel."
Bill Burr on XiNN: "They're Fucking Treasonous Un-American Pieces of Shit"
- "This latest woke ideological project is especially pernicious."
Meet the Newest Woke Catchphrase: Anthropocentrism
- "Without the participation of African Americans, the war to save the Union 'as it was' could not have been transformed into a war to save the Union 'as it should be.'"
On the Meaning of "Glory"
- "Maybe the news is bullshit the whole way down. How much time do you have for finding out?"
Digging Out the Bullshit
- "Petitioners push Court to clarify limits on regulatory authority."
Pit-Runners Press Supreme Court To Strike Down Ban on Puerto Rican Cockfighting
- Christian Toto: "The Tonight Show alum's take on show business' ugly side is rare, refreshing."
Leno Dishes on Letterman, Late Night Wars and His Humble Roots
- "Why do Americans gravitate to young-adult literature -- stories of heroes vanquishing the shadowy forces governing their dystopian worlds?"
Escaping Only So Far
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:24 AM
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