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July 16, 2021
The Morning Report - 7/16/21
Good morning kids. The weekend is here and in the lead are the intertwined stories of the long-suffering Cuban people reaching a breaking point, desperate to throw off the shackles of Communist oppression along with the Communists who have overthrown our own government going pedal to the medal to permanently enslave us here in the nation formerly known as the United States of America. The Cubans, already subjugated and facing the full weight of a military and a secret police intelligence apparatus, are more than likely overwhelmingly fed up with the regime and stand more or less united against it. We on the other hand are a nation divided, yet face an illegitimate junta of our own and perhaps more complex in that the instrumentalists of control are not limited to the government but extend into society itself. And day by day it reveals itself to be willing to do anything and everything to attain absolute power much like its kissing cousins in Havana.
While Gropin' Joe Bivalve was able to rant, rail and rave against normal Americans as "the greatest threat to our democracy since the Civil War," he remain clammed up - pun intended - for days after the brave Cubans rose up and declared "no mas! Look, we all know the jig is up and the illusions destroyed as to who and what the Democrat Party really is. Yet their dithering these last few days leading to that farcical comment - from a State Dept. flunky and not even Biden - about protesting over Cuba's government's poor response to Chinese Lung AIDS, indicates that they perhaps still believe they have to pretend to be "pro-American" and pro-freedom, when it's obvious to even Stevie Wonder blindfolded in the Cone of Silence that they're not. And it also illustrates the internecine battle between the Democrat Party's Left and Far Left Hands for control. Naturally, into the breach stepped the party's official Armed Militant Wing BLM as we noted yesterday with its boilerplate communique that read like a group of second graders had hijacked an airliner.
So, with Biden and company finally coming out and making some transparently fake announcement against the regime and standing with the Cuban people - while still blaming Chinese COVID - up pops Alexandria "Titty Caca" Ocasio-Cortez to shit all over them:
"We are seeing Cubans rise up and protest for their rights like never before," Ocasio-Cortez began. "We stand in solidarity with them, and we condemn the anti-democratic actions led by [Cuban] President [Miguel] Diaz-Canel. The suppression of the media, speech and protest are all gross violations of civil rights."
The "Squad" member went on to call the embargo "the US contribution to Cuban suffering," adding that it "is absurdly cruel and, like too many other US policies targeting Latin Americans, the cruelty is the point. I outright reject the Biden administration's defense of the embargo. It is never acceptable for us to use cruelty as a point of leverage against every day [sic] people."
Ocasio-Cortez's call to lift the embargo, which has been in place since 1962, echoed that of socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) who tweeted earlier this week that the embargo had "only hurt, not helped, the Cuban people." In addition, the Black Lives Matter group denounced the embargo Wednesday as a "cruel and inhumane policy" that was "instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans' right to choose their own government."
You want to know what's cruel? Having to endure the interminable, grating, vocal-fry-laced agitprop from this flaming anti-American shit-whore without downing a full bottle of Everclear and a couple of quaaludes beforehand. That's what's cruel. And speaking of ruptured, defective Chinese-concentration-camp-made colostomy bags:
During an interview with Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE), [Andrea] Mitchell asked, "I want to ask you about Cuba. Because I know all of the reasons for criticizing the regime right now, the president, the secretary of state, Sen. Menendez, very strongly when I interviewed him the other day. But [Chinese] COVID has, on top of the Trump sanctions, cratered their economy. Should we find ways to do more for the Cuban people and for relaxing some of the Trump restrictions on remittances, wire transfers that go to families back home?"
Andrea Mitchell. A soiled, fetid dishrag whose chief talent is being Alan Greenspan's receptacle. It's amazing how Donald Trump still lives rent free in their heads. That plus they know that he is a force to be reckoned with and that he represents the very same rage all of us feel about them that the Cuban people feel for the murderous thugs grinding their lives into the dust. Dao-Min Yen and perhaps some sort of concocted martial law just before 2022 and especially 2024 notwithstanding - I'm almost ready to bank on that - Trumpism, that is to say Americanism is on the march. The man himself:
"The proud people of Cuba are desperate to be free from the iron boot heel of the Island's wicked Communist Regime," the former president wrote. "These incredible warriors for freedom risk everything to take to the streets in their quest for freedom. I stand in total solidarity with the freedom fighters in Cuba and the brave Cuban Americans who have watched their families suffer in the motherland at the hands of this heartless and brutal regime."
Then Trump turned to the Biden [junta's] fecklessness.
"The Biden [junta's] refusal to forcefully condemn Communism and the Cuban Communist Regime is a national travesty," the former president declared. "The Biden [junta's] ludicrous suggestion that the Cubans are protesting government mismanagement -- not brutal Communist oppression -- is an insult to every Cuban patriot who has suffered, been imprisoned, or died in pursuit of freedom."
"Today's Democrat Party is so far left they can't even take a stand against violent Communism," Trump declared. "Many are Communists themselves!"
Fuckin' A-right, bubba. And that is exactly what they are trying to establish right here, right now, after a 100-year slow poisoning of our culture, our institutions and our society. The rot is so complete and all encompassing that it has gained control of what we thought was an invulnerable pillar and a bulwark (no pun intended at all!) of our liberty -- the military and law enforcement. Well, you can pretty well kiss that goodbye. Along with that bloated dictionary-definition traitor Mark "Vanilli" Milley who is hot and horny to turn the military's guns on us, he's got plenty of other traitors in uniform and retired eager to roll all over us as well.
McCaffrey said, "We ought to be always cautious about the Nazi comparison. You know Nazis destroyed all of Europe. . . They killed 40 million people. On the other hand, the Nazi experience in the 1930s is worth looking at and seeing parallels to Trump's basically criminal behavior, ignoring the rule of law. He was actually talking about shooting people, the armed forces, protesters."
He added, "You know Nazi Germany in the 1930s was one of the most civilized countries on the face of the earth, the most advanced in science, committed to democracy and the rule of law and look at what happened. I think the alarm that Mark Milley and other military leaders, and indeed all of us in public life, we all saw what was happening. Most of this is not a surprise to us. This fella did not buy into the Constitution of the United States. He was edging towards a coup."
First of all, you traitorous ignoramus, Hitler was appointed by von Hindenburg and then after his death seized total control after staging the Reichstag Fire, much like the Democrats staged the January 6 "riot" to prevent overturning the election they stole the previous November. Second, even if he wanted to, how many divisions did Trump have??? For four fucking years, every bureau, department and office in and out of DC, and his own party for which was in complete control for the first two, did everything they could to blockade and buffalo President-in-Exile Trump. There were incidents where your precious Defense Department willfully committed insubordination by not carrying out his directives, in theory endangering not only our soldiers on active duty but the citizens at home. AND YOU HAVE THE FUCKING GALL TO CLAIM HE WAS GOING TO STAGE A COUP?! You and Vanilli Milley can swing from the same rope after pissing up it. Inflation.
We have dozens of innocent civilians rotting in jail for doing nothing but protest the installation of an illegitimate government in the wake of a stolen election. Oh yes, my friends. Look at what is coming out in Georgia and Arizona alone. Not that it will cause the removal of the cancer in the Oval Office but come out - that is the truth - it must, and be known far and wide. Psaki-Psircling back, innocent real Americans are rotting in jail and getting beaten and hit with hate-shakes, set up and railroaded by the criminal FBI/DOJ the same as the poor people in Cuba. And McCaffrey spouts that crap. How about this McCaffrey:
Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH), along with others, was arrested in the Hart Senate Office Building by Capitol Police on Thursday after she led a protest into the building.
Politico reporter Nicholas Wu shared a photo to social media of Beatty's hands being zip-tied together by Capitol Police officers shortly after a video of Beatty was shared to Twitter showing her standing alongside other activists chanting, "end the filibuster!"
Moments before the protest took place inside the Hart Senate Office Building, Beatty, who serves as head of the Congressional Black Caucus, shared photos to her social media accounts claiming she and others would be "marching to the Senate to send a strong message" about voting rights for black women.
"Black women are demanding OUR right to vote," she wrote in a tweet. "We're marching to the Senate to send a strong message."
Oh no! Insurrection! It's worse than 9/11, Pearl Harbor and the Civil War combined! I know Merrick Garland will throw the book at her to preserve "our sacred, precious democracy" (spit!). So I guess we should be thankful that Beatty wasn't going to stage a coup, right McCaffrey?
Have a good weekend.
- "The Biden [junta's] refusal to forcefully condemn Communism and the Cuban Communist Regime is a national travesty. The Biden [junta's] ludicrous suggestion that the Cubans are protesting government mismanagement -- not brutal Communist oppression -- is an insult to every Cuban patriot who has suffered, been imprisoned, or died in pursuit of freedom. Today's Democrat Party is so far left they can't even take a stand against violent Communism. Many are Communists themselves!"
Trump EVISCERATES Biden's Weak-Kneed Response to Communist Oppression in Cuba
- Then why in G-d's name have you been ramming it down our throats for over 100 years?!
Piss-Hockey Psaki Says White House Believes Communism is "A Failed Ideology"
- Goes double for our military right here. Free beer for any GI who snags Vanilli Milley.
DeSantis Calls On Cuba's Military to Turn on the Communist Regime: You Can Be "Heroic," Re-Found Cuba
- "Their calls for 'libertad' -- liberty -- have gone unanswered for too long."
Time to Keep the Promise of Democracy and Free Elections for Cuba
- "It's always a bad sign for a dictatorship when loyal apparatchiks start peeling off. . . " (call me when the military moves against the Politburo - jjs)
Rats Fleeing Cuba's Sinking Ship? Resignations and Calls for Ending Communist Dictatorship Are Coming Fast
- You want to know what's cruel? Having to endure grating, vocal-fry-laced agitprop from this flaming anti-American shit-whore without downing a full bottle of Everclear and a couple of quaaludes beforehand.
Bug-Eyed Bugwit Bolshevik Titty Caca AOC Breaks Wind and Silence on Cuba Protests -- Calls for End to "Cruel" Embargo
- "BLM isn't about racism in America and it doesn't care about the Cuban government's oppression of its own people. BLM is about making us Cuba." (put that in a sampler and frame it - jjs)
Marxist Terror Group BLM Shows its True Colors in Statement Praising Cuba
- It's just beyond parody already with these quote-unquote "people."
Aging Hag and Greenspan Receptacle Andrea Mitchell: Trump's Sanctions and Chinese COVID "Cratered" Cuba's Economy
- "The recent grassroots protests in Cuba, spurred in part by the [Chinese] COVID-19 pandemic, are directly responsive to the Cuban people's decades-long oppression at the hands of a Communist police state."
The Left's Disgraceful Failure to Condemn Cuba's Communist Dictatorship
- "The Biden [junta's] clear hostility toward the Cuban people is part of a long 'progressive' tradition."
The Left's Romance With Cuba's Archipelago
- This alleged man is a traitor. I am not being hyperbolic. In a sane, rational world, he'd have been courtmartialed and stood up in front of a firing squad for what he has done and what he is doing to our troops.
Gen. Mark "Vanilli" Milley Allegedly Had Fears of Trump Coup, Called it a "Reichstag Moment"
- Julie Kelly: "Release the tapes. Release the name of Ashli Babbitt's shooter. And release Joe Biden's political prisoners."
The Capitol Cover Up
- PIEOTUS Trump: "Despite massive Voter Fraud and Irregularities during the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, that we are now seeing play out in very big and important States, I never threatened, or spoke about, to anyone, a coup of our Government. So ridiculous!"
Trump Responds to Military Coup Accusation
- First of all, you traitorous ignoramus, Hitler was legally elected and only seized total control after staging the Reichstag Fire, much like the Democrats staged the January 6 "riot" to prevent overturning the election they stole the previous November. Second, even if he wanted to, how many divisions did Trump have??? You and Vanilli Milley can swing from the same rope after pissing up it. Inflations through the roof, don't you know.
MSLSD's McCaffrey: Trump "Was Edging Towards a Coup" Like 1930s Nazis
- "Over 500 people from across the country have been arrested for protesting at the Capitol, with many of them being brought back to Washington D.C.-area jails, and some being held in solitary confinement, denied of their rights and sometimes even mistreated in captivity, for as long as six months. Multiple investigative reports that have revealed this systematic abuse of January 6th protesters have likened the victims to political prisoners, with the Biden [junta] using the protest to justify increasingly authoritarian measures against civilians."
Partisan, Farcical January 6th Committee to Hold First Hearing
- "Joe Biden's legal advisor Guy-Uriel Charles authored an op-ed entitled 'Stop Calling Quake Victims Looters,' offering justifications for looting, while insisting those who use the term are making an improper 'moral judgment.'"
Biden's Supreme Court Commission Appointee Justified Looting in XiNN Op-Ed
- "'Hope that d-k taste good bitch!' read the small note placed inside the order by the driver."
Video Shows DoorDash Driver Deliberately Contaminating Cop's Meal
- "The surveillance technology systems will provide 'high-definition surveillance video, including night vision,' to identify 'emerging threats,' according to a DOD press release." (if it's the same high-quality gear that couldn't prevent 4,000 GIs from getting vaporized and thousands more maimed, maybe the Capitol Po-Po should rethink that. "Emerging threats." Pfft, total farce - jjs)
Capitol Police to Use Same Surveillance Equipment Troops Used Against Terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan
- "Bouncing Biden is a non-starter. It's time to look forward rather than back."
Forget About Booting Biden
- TuCa: "Without answers to legitimate questions like the ones we just posed, and those are legitimate questions democracy dies. People begin to understand the system they've been told that is on the level is in fact rigged, and when they believe that, G-d knows what they do next."
Watch: Allegations of Georgia Voter Fraud Highlighted by FNC's Tucker Carlson
- "While the Democrats today admit that some cheating likely occurred, they contend the number of illegal votes cast could never have amounted to enough to affect the outcome of the election."
The 2017 Astros Stole Signs and the 2020 Democrats Stole Votes
- "Calls to strip Democrats who fled Texas from their House leadership posts have been growing throughout the week."
Here We Go: Major Texas Democrat Stripped of Leadership Post for Fleeing the State
- "Abbott previously said that Democrat lawmakers who left the state 'will be arrested' upon their return."
Gov. Abbott Vows to Lock Chamber Doors on Defiant Dems
- Jeffrey Lord: ". . . And, of course, plays the race card."
Biden Stands Up for Voter Suppression
- "Would these these facts have changed the outcome? This is not known yet. We will have to wait until the final report, expected in August. Either way, these problems prove that the election was, at the least, poorly run, with the strong likelihood that actual criminal conduct occurred. And that last allegation is reinforced by the stone-walling of Maricopa County's election board, which apparently does not want anyone to take a close independent look at what they have been doing."
Arizona Election Audit Uncovers More Evidence of Malfeasance in November 2020 Election
- "The [pro-CRT] counter-protesters listening to Leete's speech on Thursday -- who appeared to include no black people -- burst into cheers and applause at the line, according to video by an education activist."
WATCH: "Let Them Die," Top PTA, NAACP Official Says in Tirade About Anti-Crackpot Disg-Race Theory Parents
- Use condoms and/or spit. Problem solved.
Critical Race Theorist Dena Simmons at Taxpayer-Funded Conference Says We Can't "Let Whiteness Seep Into Us"
- "The National Urban League -- an outspoken defender of [Crackpot Disg-Race] Theory -- has partnered with a Chinese Communist Party-linked influence group for over a decade, including inking deals to collaborate on education initiatives in American schools."
REVEALED: Crackpot Disg-Race Theory Advocates Sent Staff and Students on Chinese Communist Propaganda Trips
- Dinesh D'Souza: "[Crackpot Disg-Race] Theory's big lie about American history."
Frederick Douglass Versus the 1619 Project
- Christopher Rufo: "The NEA pledges to bring [Crackpot Disg-Race] theory to a public school near you."
Going All In
- "It's honest only in the most Orwellian sense of the word, insofar as it's completely untrue."
Randi Swine-garten's "Honest" Truth
- "It's less a serious academic discipline than a hustle. It posits that racial inequality today is the sole fault of whites and the sole responsibility of whites to solve -- through racial preferences for blacks. It's employed by elites primarily for the benefit of elites, though in the name of helping the underprivileged. Ultimately, it's about blaming your problems on other people -- based on their race -- which might be the last thing we should be teaching our children."
Foolish Schools Going for Woke -- Lagging US Kids Need 3 R's, Not Crackpot Disg-Race Theory
- "State Department in 2020 declared the group a 'propaganda' arm of CCP." (that was the leadership; State Dept. has always been a Communist front group to one extent or another working against America's best interests - jjs)
China-Backed Confucius Institute Turns Its Attention to K-12 Classrooms
- "Maybe the crime wave has something to do with letting criminals out of jail, defunding the police, giving criminals light sentences, and just making it hard to chase the bad guys. Though Mayor Lightfoot pretends she wants to stop the mayhem, she just rewrote the police department's foot pursuit policy."
Black Lives Matter? Tell That to the Democrats Who Are Getting Black People Killed
- "Biden's [junta] seeks to overturn a crack cocaine sentencing bill that Biden himself supported."
This is Your Government on Drugs
- On the plus side, felony MAGA-hat-wearing in public has plunged to 0.00% . . .
D.C. Carjackings Surge Nearly 74% In 2021: Report
- "Miami Beach Police and Fire Rescue arrived at the late Italian designer's home, now known as The Villa Casa Casuarina Hotel, after receiving a call from the hotel's housekeeping that they found two unidentified deceased males in one of the rooms Wednesday, CNN reported. Authorities have launched an official death investigation into the discovery."
Bodies Found In Former Mansion of Gianni Versace 24 Years to the Day After His Murder
- "Studies conducted by researchers at University College London, the University of York, the University of Liverpool, and the University of Bristol appeared to confirm the widely held belief that the Wuhan virus does not present an overwhelming risk of death to children."
Five Times More Children Committed Suicide Than Died of Chinese Covid in First Year of UK Lockdown: Study
- "The Left wants to make life hell for the non-compliant."
Get Vaccinated -- Or Else
- Total bullshit. Can't see that this helps Newsom's chances in the recall election, Dao-Min Yen notwithstanding.
Indoor Mask Mandate Returns to Los Angeles County at 11:59 PM on Saturday
- "They should be fired."
Scientist Says Washington State Chinese COVID Test Info That Prompted Lockdowns is "Garbage Data"
- "This study merely proves what common sense has known for eons, and was backed up by decades of research, both before and after the arrival of [Chinese] COVID-19. To kill an epidemic of a flu-like disease like [Chinese] COVID, the best thing you can do is to expose as many healthy children as possible to it, while keeping those children away from the more vulnerable elderly population. The children will quickly gain immunity, without risk, and then help limit the spread of the disease. More important, once immune they and their grandparents can once again see each other, with no risk to either."
New Research: Chinese COVID is Harmless to Children
- "It's time for the CDC to follow the science and end the tyrannical [Chinese] COVID-19 restrictions once and for all."
Rand Paul Proposes Bill Banning Mask Mandates on Public Transportation
- No, it's dictated by dickweed dictators like you, Markey. These bastards are dangerous.
Sen. Markey: Mandated Vaccination at Public Schools is "Dictated by the Science"
- "The World Health Organization (WHO) announced Thursday that it would amend its China-led report into the origins of [Chinese] COVID-19, the same day that the Biden administration announced a new push against perceived [Chinese] COVID-19 'disinformation.'" (this is known as criminals getting their stories straight - jjs)
Amid Push to Crack Down on "Disinformation," WHO Revises Chinese COVID Report
- Molly McCaughey: "Team Biden is banning foreign travelers from many countries, including the United Kingdom, even if they're fully vaccinated. Yet the [so-called quote-unquote] 'prez' is OK with letting hundreds of thousands of unvaccinated foreigners wade across the Rio Grande to enter the United States via the southern border." (fan of McCaughey but her cheerleading for these highly dubious and probably dangerous vaccines pisses me off - jjs)
Biden is Putting Politics Ahead of Stopping the Chinese COVID Spread
- "The Delta variant does not justify reimposing [Chinese] Covid-19 restrictions in the United States." (Americans rebelling against an illegal junta does, though - jjs)
Stay the Course
- "By keeping the laptop under wraps, Barr inadvertently condemned the electorate to making its vital choice largely ignorant of the nature of the man ultimately elevated to the presidency." (I don't think it would've made a difference; the Dems were going to steal the election by every means necessary - jjs)
Barr's Mistaken Choice
- Devin, Devin, Devin, tottele-schainele, sunshine of my life, I love ya. But for G-d's sake, give the crackpipe back to Hunter, m'kay?
NUNES: The Durham Report Is Still Coming; Some Obama Officials Will Go to Prison
- "The Guardian's Luke Harding reported on a leaked document that he claimed to originate from within the Kremlin, and which 'appear[ed]' to show that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally authorized a secret spy agency operation to support Donald Trump in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The report also alleged that the Russians viewed the former president as a 'mentally unstable' person who would support Russia's interests and cause 'social turmoil' in the U.S." (the Left must be shitting bricks about 2024 and having to forge even more ballots - jjs)
ANALYSIS: People That Were Constantly Wrong About Russia Are Pushing Yet Another Dubious Trump/Putin Story
- "Contrary to many of the stories in the news, Ms. Stone-Manning was not an innocent bystander, nor was she a victim in this case. And, she most certainly was not a hero," Merkley began. "Ms. Stone-Manning was not only a member of Earth First!, but she played an active role in the Earth First! hierarchy."
Special Agent Speaks Out: Biden Nominee Was Coconspirator in Ecoterrorism Case, Would Have Been Indicted if Not for Plea Deal
- "$24 million worth of Proterra buses taken off the road due to problems."
Report: Philadelphia's Proterra Fleet in Complete Shambles
- "Given that House Ethics Committee rules are vague regarding a political campaign's purchase of retail gift cards, the way in which they are used could make them retail grift cards."
A Congressman's Gift Shop Shenanigans Land Him in Confessional
- "MAGA at CPAC."
Trump Video: WE Are the Majority -- And It's Not Even Close
- "This is an 'intervention, a mission of mercy, damage control.'"
Larry Elder Explains Decision to Run for Governor
- "They use the rhetoric of democracy to subvert it."
The Dictatorial Democrats
- "Appearing on Spectrum News, [mal-educated, infantile stooge Hakeem] Jeffries called out the Republican party for "voter suppression.'"
Rep. Crenshaw's Five-Word Firestorm
- Can I get an "amen" from Bob Menendez, Bill Clinton and the filthy criminal poseur fraud in the Oval Office, among many many others?
Rep. Cicilline: "Trump is Not Fighting a Secret War Against a Satanic, Child-Molesting Network of Politicians"
- "Too many Republicans still won't understand the nature of the opposition. They are culture war Neville Chamberlains, feeding Americans to the Minotaur one generation at a time."
Why "Aw, Shucks Conservatism" Utterly Disqualifies Any GOP Politician
- "Montana's conservative revolution is a roadmap for Red America."
One State Can Make a Difference
- "Docs say 1,200 migrant families expected to be processed each day."
Biden Junta to Border Agents: Prepare for the Flood
- "Almost from the moment [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden took office, his [criminal, illegitimate junta] has set about undoing Trump's immigration policies -- most notably halting construction of the border wall and ending the 'Remain in Mexico' policy for [supposed] asylum-seekers. Last month, Garland ended two policies that made it harder for immigrants [allegedly] fleeing violence to qualify for asylum."
AG Merrick "Freisler" Garland Lets Judges Pause Deportation Cases in Latest Trump Reversal
- "Facebook was one of several social media platforms that attempted to suppress discussion of the theory that [Chinese] COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan lab, calling such discussion misinformation. Evidence has since been uncovered suggesting the theory holds merit."
White House Is Working With Facebook To Flag "Disinformation," Piss-Hockey Psaki Says
- "The Biden [junta] is pressuring tech giants to punish dissidents guilty of spreading 'misinformation' with excess censorship and surveillance."
Surgeon General Urges Tech Giants to Censor Chinese COVID-19 Dissidents
- "Thorning-Schmidt argued in favor of Facebook's oversight board colluding with other tech oligarchs to create a mass digital suppression campaign."
Facebook Censorship Board Member: Free Speech is Not a Human Right (it's an inalienable, G-d-given right - jjs)
- "Coverage Blames [Chinese] Covid Instead of Communism."
Mainstream Media Confuses Chinese Coronavirus with Virus of Totalitarianism
- "'Violence is often deployed, even if counterproductively, on behalf of causes far less consequential than the climate crisis,' writes Ezra Klein in the New York Times"
In New York Times Column, Teen Webzine Vox Founder Excuses Domestic Terrorism Against Oil Pipelines
- "'As the video clearly shows, that officer did what was necessary under difficult and unpredictable circumstances,' Joy Reid said."
Squawking, Overstuffed Knockwurst Police Shooting Death of an Unarmed Person She Can Support
- "When every writer feels it's their obligation to state unflinchingly that they hate Trump more than the reader."
The Ideological Stink of Literary Journalism: The New York (and London) Review of Books
- "Note once again how the supporters of critical race theory debate. They don't argue on the facts or the substance of their theory. They instead attack personally those who disagree with them, with the express goal of destroying them. Those attacks are also not based on facts, but are slanderous libel."
Today's Blacklisted Americans: Opponents of Crackpot Disg-Race Theory in Virginian Subjected to Harassment Campaign
- "Despite the weighty interest in reducing crime and violence, we refuse to relegate either the Second Amendment or 18-to-20-year-olds to a second-class status," Judge Julius N. Richardson wrote in the majority opinion.
Court Rules Ban on Handgun Sales to Those Under 21 Unconstitutional
- "A new study suggests otherwise."
Were Strong Gun Sales to Blame for 2020's Violence?
- "We are people who love G-d, love life, and our neighbors as ourselves -- even our preborn neighbors."
"We're Willing to Lay Our Lives Down": Inside the Effort to Save Babies at Planned Parenthood's Front Doors
- "Lawmakers push for penalties against companies that ship abortion drugs directly to homes."
Texas Dem Leads Charge Against Biden's Mail-Order Abortion Regs
- Lloyd Billingsley: "As Maduro and ally Communist Cuba crack down on democratic protesters . . ."
Biden Lifts Sanctions on Venezuela
- "Lawmakers and experts worry DOJ will bury case as US negotiates new Iran deal."
Republicans Pressure Biden Junta to Prosecute Alleged Iranian Agent
- "CCP uses nuke threat to warn Japan not to aid Taiwan."
Chinese Officials Share Video of Nuke Launch Against Japan
- "Other satellite images also show China has deployed military planes to South China Sea." (filthy Commie orientals - jjs)
Chinese Ships Dumped So Much Sewage in South China Sea, It's Visible from Space
- "Will Biden's leftist [junta] do anything about it? Of course not."
A New Heyday for Left-Wing Fascism in Latin America
- "This endangers the lives of 300 children who attend the school."
Israel's IDF Exposes Massive Hezbollah Weapons Depot Next to Lebanon School
- "Thinking about and planning for war with China should be our highest priority." (It should be, except Genital-issimmo Vanilli Milley declares Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey is our military's highest priority; and suppressing anyone who opposes Leftists - jjs)
Going Kinetic Against China
- "A recently retired senior enlisted leader agreed: 'I guarantee you every unit in the Navy is up to speed on their diversity training. I'm sorry that I can't say the same of their ship-handling training.'"
The Navy Needs to Stay Focused -- Or We're Doomed (tell it to Vanilli Milley - jjs)
- Raymond Ibrahim: "The anniversary of Las Navas de Tolosa, the battle that destroyed Islamic might in Spain."
The Epic Battle that Liberated Christian Spain from Islam
- "Breyer gave a simple answer: NO."
Liberal Panic Attack: Justice Breyer Says He's Happy Being On SCOTUS And Has No Current Retirement Plan
- "The dollar amount is scary enough but it's what Joe Biden and his party want to do with that money that should terrify us."
In the Midst of an Inflationary Spike, Democrats Prepare Partisan $3.5 Trillion Spending Bill
- Several more = 42?
Biden Junta Admits There Will Be "Several More Months of Rapid Inflation"
- WA Rep. Kim Schrier: "We all feel it a little bit, that everything feels a little more expensive."
Swing-District Dem Says Party's Stimulus Spending Drove Inflation
- "Experts see at least a 6.1 percent increase in benefits starting January 1, 2022. But even that increase may fall far short of the actual increase in cost seniors pay for things like healthcare and food. So Congress is examing a change in how Social Security benefits are calculated that would better reflect what senior citizens are paying for goods and services."
Inflation Means Biggest Social Security Benefit Increase in Decades Next Year
- "More than half the world's [so-called] greenhouse gas emissions are generated in only 25 big cities -- 23 of them are located in China and none are in the US."
Another Global Warming Fact Alarmists Want Buried
- "However, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), the co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, said to reporters that the caucus' support 'is not guaranteed until we see how our priorities fit into the framework' of the reconciliation deal." (she must not have been promised enough of a kickback - jjs)
Far-Left Jew-Hating Crackpot Jamaal Bowman Will Introduce $1.43 Trillion "Green New Deal for Public Schools"
- "An FAA official revealed yesterday that the agency has not approved the launch tower that SpaceX is building for its Starship/Superheavy rocket in Boca Chica, Texas, and threatened that if disapproved the government would force the company to tear it down."
FAA Threatens Shutdown of SpaceX's Starship Program at Boca Chica
- "[The law's] passage however illustrates the growing international passion for joining the new commercial effort in space. Thailand apparently does not wish to be left behind."
Thailand's Government Approves New Space Law
- "Space exploration should not be monopolized by government agencies plagued by cost overruns."
Time for a New, Private Space Race
- ". . . if we lose our collective memory, the culture and history that brought us to this moment in time -- to the closest thing to universal freedom and generally understood values in the vote and republican forms of governance -- how long will it last?"
A "Spiritual Catastrophe" is Exactly What the Left Wants
- Christian Toto: "The film's 'both sides' approach doesn't fly when we already know the truth."
'Boys in Red Hats at War with Reality, Itself
- "'This is a serious, violent incident that goes against ABA's ends policies, values, and everything we believe and support,' the American Booksellers Association tweeted." (Dr. Goebbels would agree - jjs)
NOT SATIRE: Book Industry Apologizes for Not Burning Book Saying Boys and Girls Are Different Before People Could Read It
- ". . . Looks likely."
Did Obama Plagiarize the Kenya Section of Dreams?
- "A this-world agenda displaced Christianity's distinctive mission: cultivation of a higher understanding of the purposes of life."
Inside the Vatican's Surprising Alliance With Biotech Venture Capital
- "He saved my son, he saved my wife and he saved me. . . If that wasn't me, my wife or son, that would have been 50 other people. He died a hero. That's not me saying it. That was the doctors saying it. . . He saved a lot of lives," Merzlikins said as he fought back tears.
Elvis Merzlikins Says Matiss Kivlenieks Died Saving 50 People During Tragic Fireworks Accident
- "Thomas Gordon Smith led a resurgence of teaching and practice of traditional forms."
The Classical Architect as Innovator
- "[Chinese] COVID-19 shrank our world and gave us a reset button. What a gift. Why not use it to build a life filled with more joy, flexibility, and resilience?"
How I Found Joy in Letting Go of Ever Going "Back to Normal"
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:31 AM
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