« The Moderate, Centrist Biden Administration, Endlessly Promoted by NeverTrump as a Cure for "Authoritarianism" and a "Restorer of Norms," Announces They'll be Demanding Even More Aggressive Censorship from the Tech Monopolies |
As Iran Schemes to Kidnap a Dissident Journalist On American Soil, Corrupt Joe Biden Reduces Sanctions on the Mullahs »
July 15, 2021
Quick Hits: Today's Got Friday Energy Edition
Episode 3 of Fresh Prez of DC.
Apparently Kyle Dunnigan and Kurp Metzger did this because Bill Maher claimed that you just can't tell jokes about Joe Biden. He's just "not funny." Like Obama. Too statesmanlike. Too honest. Too likeable.
Well, they've proven him wrong.
"Scientific journal" decides to skip science and talk about Social Justice (what a surprise). Argues that "racism is rampant in geoscience," and that black people are afraid to hold rock hammers because whypipo will call the cops who will then shoot the black geologists.
This is not parody.