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July 14, 2021
The Morning Report - 7/14/21
Good morning kids. Midweek and before going on about grinding my teeth over the pre-digested blood-libeling of the citizenry the illegitimately installed so-called "president" Joey the Kiddie Diddler was instructed to say yesterday, I have to temper that with the belief that the words and deeds we are seeing from him and his regime flunkies in and out of DC and in the propaganda mills are an indication that they are losing the narrative. Yet, like a rabid cornered animal, that is when they are most dangerous.
Look at what they are doing:
- The FBI is urging people to report their friends, neighbors and even loved ones if they suspect they might be engaging in "extremist" behavior or talk. No, extremism does not mean joining an Islamic terrorist organization and certainly not the ranks of Antifa or BLM. Extremism is any activity that questions the authority and legitimacy of the regime in power, and how it attained power.
- Dozens of innocent American citizens are being held in jails awaiting charges that could land them in prison for years for essentially showing up to DC on January 6th to attend a rally and at worst, committing misdemeanors slightly more serious than jaywalking.
- Democrats and others are calling for communications companies to actively censor any text messaging that questions the nature of the Chinese Plague and the usefulness/uselessness now confirmed hazards of the vaccines as well as the proven efficacy of cheap and what used to be readily available therapeutics like ivermectin, HCQ, et al.
- The aforementioned are now openly calling for the subjugation of anyone who refuses to take the vaccine.
- Opponents and critics of this Critical Race "Crackpot Disg-Race" Theory are being harassed, threatened and now barred from engaging and participating in school boards, including teachers who are being suspended and fired for refusing to poison their charges' minds with it.
- Democrats in Texas, rather than lick their wounds and face defeat over an election integrity bill that does nothing more than prevent cheating (it's effectiveness being another issue), denied a quorum by fleeing the state and abrogating their duties, all the while proclaiming themselves to be brave, civil rights heroes. Funny how they all went maskless on that airplane with impunity.
And on and on and on. Just take a gander at the links and you'll see them.
But Joe Biden, gibbering meat puppet that he is somehow finds a scintilla of lucidity at just the right time to slime and smear the people of this once great nation that he has fleeced perhaps more than any other crooked politician in history by orders of magnitude. Look at that shot of him on some of the sites; He's angrier than Schickelgruber doing the Nuremberg boogaloo. And with all this talk about forcing people to do this and that and combatting extremism and spying on not only journalists but ordinary citizens on their own telephones, well, that does not add up to a wholesome situation.
[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden escalated his already inflammatory rhetoric over election integrity safeguards yesterday in a speech delivered in Philadelphia. Having previously denounced basic measures such as requiring voter ID (an almost universal requirement in other advanced democracies) as "Jim Crow on steroids," he claimed, "We're are facing the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War," a shockingly irresponsible comparison.
Facing the grim (for them) reality that the public overwhelmingly (78%!) supports voter ID requirements, Biden is figuratively shouting louder and louder, as if extreme rhetoric were persuasive.
It's almost as if Democrats realize that if they are unable to cheat, they won't win national elections.
But the most interesting moment came when Biden echoed a comment widely attributed to Stalin (though left wing "fact checker" PolitiFact disputes it):
"It's no longer just about who gets to vote or making it easier for eligible voters to vote. It's about who gets to count the vote."
That last bit of insanity, whoever put it in there for him, was the lead in for the Federal government to nationalize elections. Again, this a rabid rodent cornered; the election audits are going to show that at the very least the 2020 elections in at least two states if not many more (pace Dave in FL) were not "free, fair and honest" as the Left claims but seriously compromised. To me, it was stolen. So to get on top of the narrative to beat this down, the Dems will insist that the shenanigans was the fault of the GOP and so we must Federalize the elections "to preserve our sacred democracy" (SPIT!). Of course, Federal oversight of elections means a bureaucracy. And if its like every other one in DC it will be 100% leftist top to bottom.
But beyond the Machiavellian machinations, the rhetoric is deadly and will have deadly consequences as they already do. I'll say this, old Joey is right when he says that "We're are facing the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War," only not quite the way he imagines it. He and his masters have rigged an election, destroyed an economy to destroy a political opponent as well as use it as Reichstag Weenie Roast to seize as much power as they can (without ever letting it go) and are now facing the prospect of using actual force and repression to ensure their hold on power. FOREVER.
And 90 miles off the coast of Margaritaville, Cubans are waving AMERICAN FLAGS - the one that that scrub, brainwashed, Angela Davis-looking stooge Kaepernick micturated all over as a means to grab the spotlight as well as millions of dollars from Nike - a company that now openly declares its main interests and allegiance is with the Peoples Republic of China.
Add this to the list I created above: as millions of people in Cuba, Iran and in China - not just Hong Kong but all over the rogue provinces that rightfully belong to Taiwan - are crying out for freedom and an end to the absolute Hell on Earth that is Socialism, those who sing its praises here in this country are silent to their suffering. Well, to be fair, they have to be. Because they are pedal to the metal to bring it here and as we all know are succeeding beyond their wildest imaginings.
And then there's Maud-lin . . . The fatuous fraudulent fabulist with the Rustoleum afro Nikole Hannah Jones with this hot take back in 2019:
"After admitting she's "definitely not an expert on race relations internationally," she posits that "if you want to see the most equal, multiracial democ. . . it's not a democracy -- the most equal, multi-racial country in our hemisphere it would be Cuba."
Cuba has the least inequality between black and white people of any place really in the hemisphere. I mean the Caribbean -- most of the Caribbean it's hard to count because the white population in a lot of those countries is very, very small, they're countries run by black folks, but in places that are truly at least biracial countries, Cuba actually has the least inequality, and that's largely due to socialism, which I'm sure no one wants to hear."
Yes, Cuba has the least inequality, mostly because everyone is equally destitute. That is everyone except for those in the Cuban politburo who lord over the peons. I wonder if this asshole, like so many assholes across the globe, wears a Che Guevara t-shirt and glorify him as a deity? You bet your ass they do. Yet how many know that Che said this:
"The nig**r is indolent and lazy, and spends his money on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent."
Put that in your Krylon and spritz it, Nikole.
- "Police couldn't tell a father about his son because he was taken by another 'institution,' meaning 'plainclothes officers at the protests.'"
Cuba: Protesters Arrested, Missing After Sunday's Protest Against Communism
- "On Monday, Cuban authorities were blocking Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Telegram," Alp Toker, the director of Netblocks, a London-based internet monitoring firm, told the AP on July 13.
Cuba Shuts Down Internet to Silence Citizens, Hide Ongoing Protests
- "Video taken by one of Stars' friends showed Cuban police escort her to the back of a police car before driving away."
Cuban Police Arrest Regime Critic During Live Interview
- The Jews? /sarc
As Blame Flies For Cuba's Protests, One Major Factor Seems To Go Unmentioned
- "But what's the real reason behind Cubans' uprising?"
Cuban Dictator Blames U.S. for Cuba's Woes
- "The island's demonstrations underscore the threat that socialism poses, not just overseas but in the US as well."
Cuba: The Collapse of Another Socialist Utopia? Let's Hope So
- "As Cuba erupts, they've gotten awfully quiet."
A Hard Week for the Hard Left
- "UPDATE! Bernie Sanders late Monday night! You know, at a time when most people would miss it. Still no word from the others."
Why are the Democrat Socialists Silent on Cuban Protesters?
- Lloyd Billingsley: "While Democrats remain comfy with the Stalinist tyranny."
"We Want Liberty!" Proclaim Protesting Cubans
- Michael Goodwin: "Sanders, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and their anti-American ilk are stuck defending economic authoritarianism abroad while its victims are pleading for the United States to save them. . . It must break their tiny hearts to see Cuban protesters waving American flags and Haitian officials asking the White House for American troops to keep order. Don't those people know America is a racist, colonial power that feasts on the poor?"
Summer's a Bummer for Socialists in Denial
- "Neither the protests, nor the government's heavy-handed response -- with scores of dissidents and demonstrators arrested -- featured during the second to the last day of the HRC's three-times-a year, three-week-long session."
UN Rights Council Silent on Cuban Protests, But Havana Succeeds in Passing an "Int'l Solidarity" Measure
- "1619 Project founder Nikole Hannah-Jones claimed that 'largely due to socialism' Cuba had the 'least inequality between black and white people' while speaking on a Vox podcast in 2019." (comedy gold from Krylon-Sheen! Does she not know what Che Guevara said about black folk? In any case I agree we should follow their path -- protest and overthrow the Democrat party - jjs)
LISTEN: 1619 Founder Believes America Should Follow Cuban Path
- "An anniversary you won't see in the legacy media."
Remember the Victims of July 1994
- "[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden escalated his already inflammatory rhetoric over election integrity safeguards yesterday."
Biden's Nutty Speech in Philadelphia Capped by Reference to Notorious Quote Attributed to Stalin
- "While it is true Confederate soldiers never breached the U.S. Capitol, the Civil War was the nation's bloodiest war, with an estimated 750,000 deaths. The only person who died as a direct result of violence in the January 6 riot was Ashli Babbitt, a United States Air Force veteran. She was unarmed when she was fatally shot by a Capitol Police officer as she climbed through a broken door into the Speaker's Lobby."
WATCH: Biden Says Capitol Rioters Worse Than Slave-Owning Confederates in Civil War
- "Even some left-wing Hollywood hardliners are waking up."
DOJ Spending $6.1 Million on "Database" for Capitol Riot Prosecutions
- "'These people protected Hillary, abused NSA surveillance databases against Americans, used known, unreliable DNC-funded propaganda to spy on Trump, perpetuated the Russia hoax, & lied to the FISC repeatedly. And now they tell you that you should spy on your family,' Rep. Dan Bishop wrote."
Your Tweets are Not in Order: FBI Gets Pushback for NKVD-Style Approach
- "The FBI is doing things the dangerous way -- with guns and noise and violence -- because they want to send a message."
The Story of the FBI's "Family" Tweet
- ". . . there was no plan regarding what the alleged conspirators would do with [Governor Whitmer]. There has been talk of a plan to set her adrift in a boat in Lake Michigan. Of course, there is no evidence describing how this would occur."
Wretched Whitmer Kidnap Plot Defendant Demands Info on the DOZEN FBI Informants and Paid "Snitches" Involved
- "For those who see the Hand of G-d in extraordinary natural phenomena, a lightning strike in Toledo, Ohio is being seen as divine retribution, or at least karma."
Lightning Strikes George Floyd Memorial Mural, Collapses its Brick Wall; Hilarity Ensues
- Providence, RI: Some Students Have Started Calling Me "America" Because I'm White, and Colleagues Accuse Me of Having "White Privilege."
I'm a Middle School Teacher and See How Crackpot Disg-Race Curriculum is Creating Racial Hostility in School
- Daniel Greenfield: "It's not teaching history, it's destroying it."
Crackpot Disg-Race Theory's War on History
- "Pop 'antiracism' is the logical conclusion of CRT."
How Crackpot DisgRace Theory Led to Kendi
- "Assistant principal Rachel Damiano and science teacher Katie Medart of North Middle School face a pre-termination hearing before the school board Thursday, Just the News reports. They are seeking a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction as they continue suing the Grants Pass School District for violating their speech rights."
Oregon Educators Face Termination for Proposing Biological Bathrooms in Schools
- "I try to tell the unvarnished truth about the decadence in our market-driven universities," West said. "Let us bear witness against this spiritual rot!" (he's still a sick, racialist crackpot - jjs)
"How Wrong I Was!": Cornel West Gives Scathing Rebuke Of Harvard In Resignation Letter
- "Jose Garza has misused his official position of elected office. Taxpayers are unknowingly funding his whimsical journey of reimagining a Texas with criminals roaming the neighborhoods magically rehabilitating themselves and morphing from home invaders, armed robbers, drug offenders, and mass shooters."
Secret DA Order That's Putting Felons Back on Texas Streets Blasted as "Misuse of Office"
- Heather Mac Donald: "The Democrats own this crime wave. During their presidential convention, they were silent about the riots then tearing apart US cities. More federal funding won't solve this shooting spree, though Biden might congratulate himself for the brazen attempt to memory-hole his antipolice activism of the last year."
Biden Wants to Boost Policing -- After Spreading Toxic Lies That Tore It Down
- "Chicago saw 40 people shot last weekend, including 11 fatally. Independence Day weekend witnessed 100 people shot and 18 dead."
Chicago Gangs Outnumber Cops, Who are Retiring in Record Numbers, as Violence Soars
- "Police officers no longer feel that they have the public's support." (gee, ya think? - jjs)
Why Cops Are Quitting
- The only vaccination Americans need is the one to finally cure us of the Democrat Socialist virus. It'll be a shot all right, but we will be the ones to administer it IYKWIM.
Supercilious Sebelius: Unvaccinated Americans Should Not Be Allowed to Work, Have Access to Children
- "Reports now feature news of a 90-year old woman who died from [Chinese] COVID-19 having the first recorded case of contracting two variants at same time."
As Delta Variant Spreads, Media Now Turns its Attention to Epsilon Variant
- "Barefaced lawmakers break Biden [Chinese] COVID-19 regs, risk $1.75 million fine."
Unmasked Texas Dems Defy Biden
- "Preliminary studies show that the body produces enough antibodies after six months in fully inoculated patients that a yearly booster shot isn't necessary."
Government Officials Skeptical About the Need for a Chinese COVID Vaccine Booster Shot
- "Forcing vaccines on those who have had [Chinese] COVID is a baaaaaad move."
Herd Immunity to Herd Mentality
- Bald-headed stooge Murphy: "To be absolutely clear, this is not a passport."
Vaccine Passport, Step One? NJ Moves Vaccine Data from Medical Files to App Store
- "It is not only morally bankrupt but unfair to Americans on both sides who were hesitant all along."
Left Mocks Right For Expressing Same Vaccine Concerns They Did Before Biden Took Office
- "Instead of fully condemning the violence, Justin Trudeau sympathizes with the vandals."
Canadian PM Enables Destruction of Churches and Statues
- "Anti-Christian terrorists have turned their rage on poor First Nation and Canadian communities, accused us all of blood debt, and decided they will burn our sacred buildings to the ground."
Anti-Christian Hysteria Has Grown Into Church-Burning Terror, And People Might Be Next
- "No other election has ever been held under such scrutiny, and such high standards. The 'big lie' is just that. A big lie," Biden exclaimed, calling the 2020 election "the most scrutinized election ever in American history." (scrutinized by Dao-Min Yen and Democrat ballot dumping fraudsters you sick bastard - jjs)
"Stand Up, For G-d's Sake!": Biden Slams Republicans In Fiery Speech On Voting Laws
- "For some reason, the Democrats oppose a bill that makes it easier for people to vote and harder to cheat. Weird."
"Under Warrant of Arrest if Necessary": Texas House Votes for Law Enforcement to Retrieve Absent Democrats
- "And, yet, they're doing this in a fit because they don't want mail-in ballots to be verified, they don't want the signatures to be verified -- they don't want basic integrity steps to be strengthened in the state of Texas."
Texas Sen. Cruz: Dems Who Fled the State Over Voter Verification Bill Had to Show I.D. to Board Their Private Jet
- "The petitioners in a lawsuit claiming significant fraud and vote tampering in Georgia during the November 2020 election have announced in a press release further evidence that are downright shocking if true."
More Evidence of Shocking Fraud in Georgia's 2020 Election Tally
- "In a letter written by a former federal prosecutor in Pennsylvania and cited by President Trump, the attorney said AG Barr ordered him to pass 2020 election allegations to the PA state Attorney General John Shapiro, an outspoken Democrat. Shapiro himself was up for re-election in 2020."
Former US Attorney in PA Claims William Barr Ordered Him to Pass Election Allegations to PA Democrat AG
- "The meeting, which may include Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), will presumably take place in Washington, DC, where the fugitives are taking refuge from the Texas State House, which voted Tuesday to arrest the members for leaving the state during session."
Fleebagger Summit: Biden, Harris to Host Texas Democrats Ditching Election Integrity Vote
- This is laughable in the extreme. They must not only fear the results of the election audits but know that their bullshit shrieking of "Jim Crow!" is not playing even with the low information crowd.
Lying Slave-Master Clyburn: "No Democrat Has Never Been Against Voter ID"
- "Democrat Representative Peter Welch -- who has called for a "full-scale no holds barred investigation" into the Trump 2016 campaign's non-existent links to the Russian government -- is invested in several Chinese Communist Party-owned companies."
An Intel Committee Congressman Who Pushed the Russia Collusion Hoax is Invested in Chinese Communist Party-Led Companies
- "The complaint the committee referenced was in regards to Granholm's promotion of electric battery company Proterra while she still held millions of dollars in shares of the company. The agency did not produce documents requested by the committee, which is now asking for documents related to Speakes-Backman."
Oversight Members Outline "Pattern of Ethical Issues" at Granholm's Energy Department
- "One of the new names belongs to Cristina Greeven Cuomo, a New York editor, and entrepreneur. She married Chris Cuomo, a CNN anchor and brother of Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York, in 2001."
Report: Fredo Cuomo's Wife Found In Jeffrey Epstein's "Little Black Book"
- 14th in a series of profiles from Frontpage Mag.
Racist Mayor: Bill DeBolshevik
- "Conservatives who accept systemic racism become nothing more than liberals who want lower taxes."
Conservatives Shouldn't Accept the Idea of "Systemic Racism"
- Actually, Trump was indeed trying to "bring the system down." The rigged phony two-party system that has gotten us to the point where China and Cuba are on the verge of liberation while this nation turns into a Socialist nightmare tyranny. G-d bless Trump for that alone.
XiNN's Gergen: "Crazy" Trump Is "More Dangerous" Than Nixon -- He "Could Bring the Whole System Down"
- Farts and Fang-bangs and camels, oh my!
ANALYSIS: Does Anyone Have a More Embarrassing Political Career Than Eric Swalwell?
- "Matt Rinaldi attempted to straddle this line of accountability and cooperation, saying, 'We need a chair that will work with -- and not for -- elected officials.'"
Texas GOP Replaces Firebrand Allen West With Former State Rep Who Promises To Keep Texas Red
- "His win follows moderate victories in Democratic primaries across the country. Special elections in Louisiana and New Mexico saw low-profile moderates prevail over progressive challengers, despite the districts encompassing New Orleans and Albuquerque, each state's largest city, respectively." (in a party that's 80% Shining Path Maoist, what does "moderate" mean? - jjs)
Eric Adams Shows Yet Again That Leftists Dominate The Dialogue, Only To Lose Elections
- "Site has removed tens of thousands of videos questioning [Chinese] COVID policies."
YouTube Censors Video of School Board Meeting on Mask Mandates
- Go-Go Gohmert: "After the disturbing treatment of Donald Trump by the Deep State, it should come as no surprise that intelligence agencies are continuing their illegal surveillance of Americans who dare to challenge power-hungry elites in Washington, D.C."
House Republicans Demand Information From NSA About Allegations the Agency Illegally Spied on Tucker Carlson
- "Fonte showed first graders at Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School a cartoon describing masturbation." (these sick perverts should be horsewhipped in public - jjs)
New York Times Shocked: Parents Oppose "Porn Literacy" in Schools
- "Blacklists are back and YouTube's got 'em! The American Conservative Union (ACU) was banned by YouTube this week, a ban that coincided precisely with the ACU's annual convention, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), thus preventing it from airing content from the event."
Today's Blacklisted American: YouTube Shuts Down Conservative Channel During its Annual Conference
- "It's time to fight for the right to remove from sight symbols that offend most patriotic, loyal Americans and promote the destructive agenda of the 'woke.'"
When "Woke" is More Sacred than Old Glory
- "The Majority Opinion by Judge Julius Richardson - joined by Bush 43-appointee Judge Stephen Agree - looked at militia laws in American history and the Founding Fathers' views that an armed populace made an armed militia possible, allowing the latter to repel a tyrannical government, should the need arise."
Federal Appeals Court: Handgun Purchase Ban for 18-20 Year Olds Unconstitutional
- A press release by the Center for Productive Rights claims that the law, which would ban most abortions around six weeks of pregnancy, "blatantly violates Texans' constitutional right to privacy and liberty as established by Roe v. Wade nearly 50 years ago." (I think I see the problem here! - jjs)
Abortion Groups File Lawsuit Directed at Texas Heartbeat Bill
- "Deletion of the Helms Amendment in the SFOPs bill would force taxpayers to fund abortions throughout the world, running contrary to principles of integral human development."
U.S. Catholic Bishops Call on Congress to Retain Rules That "Prevent Taxpayer Funding of Abortions"
- Michael Ledeen: "What is it Beijing's leaders fear?"
China Threatens Nuclear War if U.S. Continues Investigating Chinese COVID-19 Origins
- "The ring, led by Iranian intelligence official Alireza Shavaroghi Farahani, allegedly began conspiring to kidnap Alinejad inside the US since as least as early as June 2020." (I'm surprised the FBI didn't help the kidnappers; quid pro quo as an inducement to restart the nuke treaty - jjs)
NYC Journalist Targeted by Iranian Operatives in Twisted Kidnapping Plot, Feds Say
- At this rate, Joey Bivalve will beg Iran to take Rhode Island and a state to be named later if they just give him a propaganda victory by signing on to the nuke treaty - which the Farsis view as a joke anyway.
Biden Lifts Some Iranian Oil Sanctions as Feds Bust Iranian Spy Network Planning To Kidnap American: Report
- "As Blinken tweets this announcement, late at night and not in a daytime press conference, communist Cuba is roiling under protest as its people demand freedom after 62 years of tyranny. Many of them are carrying the American flag as they march in defiance of the brutal regime. The United States should be speaking with moral clarity from its position as the world's most powerful republic."
Secretary of State Blinkered Blinken Calls for UN Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Racism to Visit the U.S.
- "It was smart diplomacy: The fund would nurture more peace deals as it showed how Arab-Israeli cooperation brought prosperity all over the Middle East. . . Why? Team Biden says it wants to keep the cash to spend in this country. Funny: This has to be the only area (besides wall construction) where the new administration is pinching pennies."
Team Biden's Petty, Foolish Push to Undermine Trump's Abraham Accords
- Rifki has a nice warm prison cell waiting (I wish).
Biden "Rewards" Lapdog and Amoral Scumbag Extraordinaire Jeff Flake With Crappy Ambassadorship
- "What lesson does the Afghanistan fiasco teach us about the wars underway right now?"
Slow Learners: The Devastating Demographics of Afghanistan
- "He likens 'what is happening in Palestine' to a 'second Holocaust.'"
Meet Jibril Rajoub, Possible Successor to Mahmoud Abbas
- "Identity politics, insufficient funding hinder U.S. ability to sink ships." (from the No-Shit-Sherlock Dept. - jjs)
Navy Surface Fleet Unprepared To Win Future Conflict, Watchdog Finds
- "U.S. Muslim federal judge Zahid Quraishi says he knows "nothing" about Sharia. Is it true? Does it matter?" ("it's another taqqiya sunrise... meh, we already have a rigged system in favor of Leftists - jjs)
Sharia in the U.S. Judicial System?
- "A 6-3 conservative Court hands down some victories but leaves points on the field."
SCOTUS Term in Review: Compromise Over Conservatism?
- "Thanks to Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, the EEOC has declared war on people who hold traditional views on sex, women who value their safety and privacy, and people who simply believe in science."
Thanks to Neil Gorsuch, the Biden Junta is Forcing Employers Everywhere to End Free Speech and Put Men in Women's Bathrooms
- "Some deny the Golden State's demographic decline, but data make it hard to ignore."
California Fleeing
- "The incidence of price hikes on Main Street is clearly on the rise as owners pass on rising labor and operating costs to their customers," the NFIB said in its report. "The Fed will start worrying about inflation as Main Street continues to raise selling prices, pushing the inflation measures up," the NFIB said.
Small Business Inflation Metrics Hit Highest Since 1981
- "Progressives don't care. They'll claim credit for an increase in wages and government aid. But chances are that won't make up for the rising cost of daily necessities like gas, meat and milk. Inflation is, above everything, a tax on the poor."
Inflation Will Only Get Worse if Dems' $6 Trillion Spending Plan Passes
- Senate Democrats will reportedly ram through a $3.5 trillion spending bill that will "enact the full array of President Joe Biden's social welfare" agenda without any bipartisan support in a Senate that is split 50-50.
Democrats to Ram $3.5T Biden Agenda Through Senate Without Bipartisan Support as Inflation Skyrockets
- "Lockdowns have led to a cascade of ongoing problems."
Chinese COVID's Case Study on Negative Government Impacts
- "If you thought [Chinese] COVID sending city dwellers to the suburbs was the whole story, think again."
Housing Crunch Points to Massive Market Meltdown
- "It is likely that this vast 'investment' in 'infrastructure' is driven by the desire of progressives to consolidate economic and political power. It can scarcely be called legitimate."
Biden's American Jobs Plan Is Devoid of Moral Values and Economic Realities
- The intrepid science reporter twofer, or in this case a shot and chaser. First, "Expect the same kind of hype surrounding this short suborbital flight that accompanied Richard Branson's flight this past weekend. The real big deal however will begin in September, when regular orbital tourist flights begin, with one almost every month for the rest of the year."
FAA Approves Blue Origin's License for Commercial Suborbital Passenger Flights
- Now the chaser: "Capitalism in space: The price of the stock for Virgin Galactic plummeted 17% shortly after Richard Branson's flight on July 11th, experiencing its worst day in more than a year."
Virgin Galactic Shares Crash After Branson Flight
- "After a Despicable Me character flashed the 'OK' sign, parents are claiming he was actually displaying a 'universal white supremacist hate sign.'"
Families Sue Universal Studios for $30,000 After Character Made "OK" Hand Gesture in Photo Op
- "At one point, Petrona, the biological male who presents as a female in the relationship, tries to 'breastfeed' the baby and expresses bewilderment and disappointment when it doesn't happen." (I may vomit - jjs)
Facebook Promotes Videos of Transgender Couple Pushing Their Newborn to Suck a Man's Chest
- "The monument-destroying American Left is much like that of the Taliban, and portends the same dangers."
The Talibwoke
- "Sharp dialogue, existential themes and a killer bear make this film a neo classic."
Why David Mamet's The Edge Trumps Other Action Adventure Films
- "As Timothy Snyder rises from academic hotshot to intellectual celebrity, the quality of his work declines."
Blurring Distinctions
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:50 AM
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