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July 12, 2021
The Morning Rant

THEY GOT NOTHINGNews item from late last week about how the FBI found a "completely constructed" LEGO model of the Capitol in the house of some Jan Sixer they busted, one of those nefarious Oathkeepers.
That's it. That's their evidence.
Reading the charging documents put out by the DOJ, they sound like some kid padding out his resume with impressive-sounding job titles. Like he pumped gas for a summer and claims experience as a "petroleum transfer engineer."
What's notable is what is not being charged. Nobody is being charged with 'sedition', 'insurrection', or 'treason' or anything like that. It's mostly trespassing, vandalism and some federal statute about "interfering with a government function", which I doubt anyone has ever been charged with ever before. I think the fed prosecutors had their clerks put in an all-nighter going page by page through the federal registry looking for some, *any* statute to charge them with.
For example, according to the graphic in this piece, one of the trespassers was charged with "Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building." Seriously. Is there actually a federal statute about this or are they just making it up?
The feds are going to get laughed out of court. I hope. It assumes the defendants have competent legal counsel, and I'm not sure this is the case. These are normal Americans who may not be able to afford the high-dollar attorneys with the expertise in handing federal cases.
Of course, I doubt the Biden administration cares about whether they get convictions, rather, the process is the punishment, as they say. This is is just "how dare those rubes defy us?" revenge theater from the DOJ who took the opportunity to punish some Americans who don't think the election was fairly decided and who had the temerity to say so publicly.
Oh, and then it came out that no, the Oathkeeper's LEGO set was not "completely constructed", but most of it was still in the box. So the FBI lied about that, too. Is there anything about 1/6 that they *aren't* lying about?
Funny How That One Is A Lot Like This One:
Because Government > Freedom
Who Dis:
Photo 2 (busty!)
Photo 3 (busty!)
Photo 4 (leggy!)
Photo 5Photo 6Photo 7 (busty!)
For the 'Ettes:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5
Friday Who Dis: Julie Andrews started out as a child singer when her parents discovered she had an amazing 4-octave vocal range. Did a lot of performing in British music halls. James Garner did a little modeling in high school before he discovered his acting talents. He was with Ms. Andrews in 3 movies. Most everyone knows about 1982's Victor Victoria. A number of you older morons remember The Americanization of Emily from 1964. But few people remember a Christmas movie they did together, One Special Night in 1999.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich & Fries:

(click for bigger cheesesteak)
(h/t Food Overload)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:15 AM
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