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July 09, 2021
The Morning Report - 7/9/21
Good morning kids. Friday and the weekend is here. There were a couple of things that I was going to write about this morning, and I may yet get to them since virtually everything in the links is either directly related to or affected by the overthrow of the republic from 11/3/20-1/6/21. But something jumped out at me that both underscores the existential threat to our freedom, and perhaps our lives, as well as hit me on a personal level in the gut. First, the existential threat part:
Republicans have criticized President Joe Biden's plan to go "door-to-door" in areas with low vaccination rates to encourage more Americans to get vaccinated. The White House later clarified that the program involved grassroots volunteers -- not federal officials -- and that the government is not using personal medical records to verify vaccinations. CNN Host Brianna Keilar asked Becerra about criticism that Biden's program is too invasive.
"I wonder if you can answer that criticism: 'It's none of the government's business knowing who has or hasn't been vaccinated.' What do you say?" Keilar asked.
"The federal government has had to spend trillions of dollars to try to keep Americans alive during this pandemic, so it is absolutely the government's business," Becerra responded. "It is the taxpayer's business if we have to continue to spend money to try to keep people from contracting COVID and helping reopen the economy. And so, it is our business to try to make sure Americans can prosper to make sure Americans can freely associate, and knocking on a door has never been against the law."
Emphasis mine. Just fucking wow. The absolute unmitigated chutz-pocritical temerity of this inept, incompetent, megalomaniacal, baby-dismembering, G-dless communist by invoking the American taxpayer - whom he and his co-conspirators have enslaved via the centralization of power and the growth of the Leviathan - after strangling the Trump economic miracle that started to loosen the shackles of wealth- and freedom-crushing taxation and regulation, is just off the freaking charts. The cherry on the parfait is the fact that the two-week lockdown - now going on 68 weeks and counting - was completely unnecessary. Given that the severity and lethality of this virus is now beyond any doubt and provably marginally more than seasonal flu just underscores the uselessness of the lockdowns (and the masks). If there ever is an honest accounting, and considering the entire bureaucracy is corrupted and in service to the Left that is in doubt, there will have been far more deaths from all causes because of the lockdowns than this virus and any other virus.
And with readily available therapeutics like ivermectin, (no longer available since the government has effectively bought up the supply so you can't get it) hydroxychloroquine, zinc, colchicine and perhaps a dozen other readily available and cheap medications that are proven safe and effective against viruses including the Chinese COVID-19, none of this was necessary. Check that; it was necessary, so that the Democrats could invent a crisis by which to sow panic, fear and use it as cover to wipe out whatever waffer-theeen election safeguards there were in order to rig the outcome for Biden.
Psaki-psircling back, I don't even want to think about the long-term health effects of these vaccines that may only be evident years from now. But this evil bastard insists that it's the government's business that everyone gets this injection. The last time I heard that was a recording of Jim Jones over a loudspeaker in the Guyanese jungle imploring parents to force kids to drink the Kool-Aid: the real one, not the metaphorical one. And of course, when they refused, Jones' gun-toting goons gave them the Cass Sunstein "gentle nudge."
This is pure evil. Pure totalitarianism straight up. And that leads me to the item that hit me in the gut this morning:
CNN medical analyst Dr. Jonathan Reiner said Thursday on "OutFront" that he thought it was "time to start mandating" people to get the coronavirus vaccine.
Burnett said, "You know, Dr. Reiner, when you look at this in the broader context, there's still a third of the eligible population in the United States that hasn't got a single dose. The Biden Administration says it's not their role to mandate get people vaccinated. Instead, they said this."
In a clip, President Joe Biden said, "Please get vaccinated now."
Burnett asked, "Given where things are going, is it time to move on from saying please to mandating?"
Reiner replied, "I do think it's time to start mandating vaccines. And I think that the private industry and private organizations will do that. At GW university, where I work, starting in fall, you can't be on campus unless you're fully vaccinated."
He added, "We're at the part of the pandemic now where the problem in this country is that 150 million Americans are not vaccinated. Half of that number is less than 18 years of age. But let's look at the adults. Seventy-five-million adults have chosen not to get vaccinated. That choice has consequences. Now, we can't force you to take a jab in the arm. But there are many jobs, perhaps, that can prevent you from working if you decide not to get vaccinated. So I think we need to be more proactive, and we will see industry take the lead in this."
Emphasis mine. Jonathan Reiner is, for those who may not recall, Dick Cheney's doctor. Bad enough considering that family's lineage. But the good doctor and I grew up and went to school together. It's one thing to have to listen to a piece of shit stranger like Xavier Becerra all but threaten to break down doors and forcibly inject you against your will. It is beyond heartbreaking to see someone you knew and cared about speaking quite cooly and calmly in technocratic jargon that nevertheless belies the Vito Corleone "offer he can't refuse."
From the schools to the boardrooms to the halls of power to Main Street, the rot is ugly, dark and deep.
Johnny, I hardly knew ye.
Have a good weekend.
- Raymond Ibrahim: "In one nation, at least two dozen mostly Catholic but some Anglican churches have been vandalized or torched in recent weeks; and that nation's leaders are either openly calling for more or shrugging their shoulders. That nation is not Iraq, Syria, or Libya under ISIS but rather Canada."
Canadian Leadership on the Torching of Dozens of Churches: "Burn It All Down!"
- "People are waking up to the damage done to this country by the wrecking crew that is the Biden [junta]."
The Four Horsemen of our Apocalypse: George Soros, Xi Jinping, Bill Gates, and Joe Biden
- "Labor is ennobling. It's fundamental to America. The Democrats hope to rip it from our souls and replace it with dependence."
The Nation That Wouldn't Get Out of Bed and Go to Work
- "In my own lifetime, the landscape of rural America has become unrecognizable. Payday lenders charging 500 percent interest to working moms, dollar stores full of junk made by Chinese slave labor and legal head shops have replaced the stolid brick credit unions, family-owned grocery and hardware stores and mom and pop restaurants and dive bars . . . Here is the future that Big Dope wants (Big Finance and Big Tech, too): a nation of drug-addled semi-employed morons addicted to junk food delivered by wage slaves, pornography, Internet gambling and whatever crass entertainment is suggested by the algorithm. Sit on your couch, wait for your Biden Bucks, and order takeout. Destroy your attention span with phony outrage online, shrug at the rainbow logos on your toothpaste and orange juice."
Big Weed's Meteoric Rise is a Sad Symbol of Rust Belt Decline
- "The identity of Babbitt's killer matters for reasons beyond a family's grief?
Who Shot Ashli Babbitt? And Why is This a State Secret?
- Julie Kelly: "Prospects look dim for those caught up in Merrick Garland's Capitol protest witch hunt."
No Relief for Lego Man or Other January 6 Detainees
- "The six-month anniversary of the Capitol 'riot' not by Black Lives Matter exposes exactly how unserious the left is about the reality of that day -- and how serious they are about using it for their own political ends."
Fear, Incorporated: 6 Months After Jan. 6 "Riot," the Only Thing Democrats Are Serious About is Power
- The bald-headed stooge pervert is right, insofar as this illegitimate junta that stole the election and staged the January 6th "riot" is itching to do what Bill Ayers dreamed about; rounding up millions of pro-American citizens and Ashli Babbitt them into a ditch.
National Man-Boy Lincoln Project's Steve Schmidt: Jan. 6 Riot "Profoundly More Dangerous" Than 9/11 Attacks, "Likely to Kill a Lot More Americans"
- "If adhering to Judeo-Christian values, the Constitution and a free-market philosophy be 'insurrection,' then, by all means, make the most of it."
If This Be Insurrection, Make a Day of It!
- Angelo Codevilla: "We've already learned that all of us -- with the exception of our rulers -- are racists, sexists, etc. That's a valuable lesson because it means, effectively, these accusations are substantively empty."
The Scarlet "E"
* * * * *
- "The very serious media reports: 'It's unclear why Morss had the Lego set.'"
FBI Seizes "Fully Constructed" Lego Model of U.S. Capitol at Home of Alleged January 6th "Rioter"
- "Attorney David W. Fischer filed a motion to move the trial to the Western District of Virginia where there are fewer people who 'despise many things that traditional America stands for' and who have less 'petulant intolerance for those with differing views.'"
Did the Feds Lie About January 6? Navy Vet Capitol Protester Says So and Wants His Case Moved Out of "Trump-Hating'"DC
- "NBC and WaPo were very concerned about alleged members of QAnon but somehow failed to capture the true essence of what the demonstration was like."
Antifa Violently Attacked Christian Protesters in Broad Daylight While Uninterested Media Looked for More QAnon
- "Republicans should denounce this committee as the House Un-Woke Activities Committee -- or HUWAC."
Will the Democrats Have Broad Smiles on Their Faces at the End of Their Jan. 6 Kangaroo Inquisition?
- I'd be amazed if it does come down. The propaganda value is immense, at least in the junta's eyes.
Capitol Fence to Come Down as Soon as Today
- "Kendi said that teachers educate children about the Holocaust in age-appropriate ways beginning when they are very young in order to prevent it from happening again, and the same approach should be used when teaching about slavery." (I'd be rolling on the floor laughing hysterically if I wasn't rage-stroking at the gall of this creep decrying the very thing that he is actually itching to bring about - jjs)
Tiresome, Hormonal Teenager Ibram X. Crement Compares Criticism of CRT To KKK, Segregation
- "The lawsuit was filed in Hillsborough County Circuit Court, the Tampa Bay Times reported. The Scarpos want the academy to stop promoting itself as a Catholic institution and calls for the Florida Catholic Conference to revoke its accreditation."
School "Lost Its Way" to "Woke Culture": Couple Who Donated $1.35 Million to Catholic School Sue for Money Back
- "My kids attend one of the highest-rated public school systems in Pennsylvania. I may not be sending them back because of critical race theory."
I Might Pull My Kids From Public School This Fall For Teaching Them Racism
- "At its yearly convention, the National Education Association advanced its political agenda, while doing nothing to address America's failing public schools."
Decolonizing the Curriculum, Confronting White Nationalism, and Combatting Period Poverty
- Lloyd Billingsley: "The nation's biggest union unites with the federal Department of Education against America."
Report Card on Real Racism
* * * * *
- "Private litigation against [Crackpot Disg-Race] theory in Evanston public schools is necessary because the Biden [junta] won't enforce federal law as written."
A Landmark Civil Rights Lawsuit
- "A refusal now seems disingenuous and hypocritical. Children do not become wards of the state when they enter a government-run school. Parents have the right to know what teachers are teaching their kids." (devil's advocate: high time parents became involved with their kids when they get home from school, like mine did - jjs)
Putting Cameras in Classrooms May Be the Best Thing for Everyone -- Especially Teachers
- "Time to wake parents up to how gravely schools are failing their children -- and time to do something about it."
Stop Wasting Time and Match the Left's Radicalism on Education
- "Young people have the right to accurate and clear information to make healthy decisions. And they need access to resources to protect their health and the health of others as they act on those decisions." (drop out of school and go learn a trade - jjs)
Condoms Available Starting in 5th Grade in Chicago's Public Schools
- "Would these self-described liberals -- or any reasonable person -- insist it was an illiberal 'speech code' for public schools not to adopt one of the pet theories of their major founder, Horace Mann?"
Would it Be a "Speech Code" to Ban Public Schools From Teaching Phrenology?
- "The growing numbers of American parents going up against woke educators and their school board allies are performing an important -- indeed, historic -- service to their country."
Three Hard Facts That Doom Woke Public Schooling
- "If the median American is afraid to step outside his or her house, little else in our politics matters."
Secure Law and Order in America
- ". . . by 'muddying the waters,' or conflating those two issues, 'we're not going to get to the heart of it.'"
NYC Mayoral Candidate: Police Reform, Street Crime Are "Two Different Issues"
- The group of negotiators, including Representative Karen Bass (D-CA), Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), and Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) added, "There is still more work to be done on the final bill, and nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed to. Over the next few weeks we look forward to continuing our work toward getting a finalized proposal across the finish line." (feh, if I hear the word "bipartisan" one more time . . . - jjs)
Civil Rights Groups Write Letter to Lawmakers Pressing for End to Qualified Immunity in Police Reform Bill
- "The National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) announced recently that attacks on police had risen drastically in the past year, and anti-police rhetoric has been high since last year. According to the group, which is the largest police union in the nation, men and women law enforcement officers saw a surge in ambush-style attacks, rising 91 percent from 2020."
Politically Vulnerable Sub-Imbecile Democrat Lauren Underwood Blames Police Officer Retirements on "Low Morale"
- "An approach to crime-fighting that scorns policing and incarceration relies on empirical and conceptual errors."
Progressive Policies Won't Stop the Crime Wave
- ". . . That's why America has a crime problem."
America Has a Democrat Problem
- They said if I voted for Trump, we'd get a fascist dictatorship, and they were right.
HHS Secretary: It is "Absolutely the Government's Business" if People Haven't Been Vaccinated
- I grew up with and went to school with Dr. Reiner (who incidentally is Warcock Cheney's heart surgeon). All I can say is "Johnny, what the ever-loving fuck are you thinking?!" I'm flabbergasted.
XiNN Medical Analyst Dr. Reiner: "It's Time to Start Mandating Vaccines"
- My body, my choice.
CDC Director Shames Unvaccinated Americans: Normalcy Requires "All of Us to Do Our Part" and "Get Vaccinated"
- TuCa: "It's so obviously unnecessary that it's vindictive, and it makes you wonder, what is this really about? Medical privacy, physical autonomy, the right to control the medicines you take. These are the pillars of medical ethics, officially, or were. They no longer are."
Tucker Carlson Torches Biden Junta For Vaccine Policies, Says They're No Longer "Pro-Choice"
- Trial Judge: "In other words, CDC can show no factor that outweighs the need to conclude an unwarranted and unprecedented exercise of governmental power."
CDC Seeks Emergency Stay In Appeals Court After Trial Judge Denied Request to Keep Cruise Restrictions
- Not that the Original Oriental Outbreak was the Andromeda Strain either, yet here we are.
Don't Buy the Hysteria -- The Delta Variant is Actually Less Dangerous
- "Mohammed Othman accused of three anti-Semitic attacks in Manhattan on May 20."
Arrest Made In "Pro-Palestinian" NYC Fireworks Attack That Burned Jewish Woman
- "All Capitol Hill Baptist Church ever asked is for equal treatment under the law so they could meet together safely as a church. The church is relieved and grateful that this ordeal is behind them. Government officials need to know that illegal restrictions on First Amendment rights are intolerable and costly."
D.C. Learns that Onerous Church Restrictions Are "Intolerable and Costly"
- "I think these are dark days for religious freedom in Canada."
"Dark Days": Church Arsonists Plunging Canada Toward "Kristallnacht" Levels of Evil, Journalist Warns
- "Walter Shaub, who served as the Office of Government Ethics director under former President Obama, previously said the art venture has a 'shameful and grifty feeling to it' and hinted the White House's plan is not sufficient." ("Shameful Grifty Feeling" was an Eagles tune, no? - jjs)
White House Struggles With Hunter Biden Art Sales Ethics, Proposes Anonymous Buyers
- "The Court is not persuaded by Plaintiffs' argument for a bright line exception to Purcell because they have alleged First Amendment harm. Plaintiffs have not provided authority, nor is the Court aware of any, that would support this interpretation of the law."
LIBERAL TEARS: Federal Judge Refuses to Block Georgia's Election Integrity Law
- "The statement comes two weeks after an Axios report revealed that the Japanese automaker's corporate PAC donated more to Republicans who contested Biden's [so-called quote-unquote] 'victory' than any other company, doing so by a significant amount."
Toyota Says it Will Stop Donating to Republicans Who Objected to the 2020 Election
- ". . . in addition to stronger voter ID laws, they also support signature verification, chain of custody controls, bipartisan observers overseeing counting and 'cleaning up voter rolls.'"
New Poll Shows 78% Are in Favor of Stronger Voter ID Laws
- ". . . millions of Pennsylvanians have serious doubts about the accuracy of the 2020 General Election." (where was this guy and his colleagues in the PA GOP before they certified the vote?! - jjs)
Pennsylvania State Sen. Doug Mastriano Initiates Forensic Investigation of 2020 Election
- "The [so-called quote-unquote "vice president"] repeatedly made the claim that Republicans are attempting a mass disenfranchisement in the name of election integrity." (an evil dimwit installed after her party stole an election; the fucking gall is radiant - jjs)
Kamala Harris Shows America Just How Little She Understands About Election Integrity
- "Cuomo's controversial book deal is the subject of pending probes by federal and state officials who are also investigating his administration's cover-up of the state's nursing home death toll from [Chinese] COVID-19."
After $5.1 Million Book Deal, Angel of Death Cuomo Calls Pandemic "A Tremendous Personal Benefit"
- "Avenatti's punishment is less than the nine to eleven year range per federal guidelines and is likely to disappoint federal prosecutors, who sought a 'substantial' sentence." (don't bend over to pick up the soap - jjs)
Creepy Porn Shyster Michael Avenatti Sentenced to 30 Months in Prison for Trying to Extort Nike
- "The 5th Circuit Court said it will keep sanctions against lawyer Marc Elias, known for his role in the Russia hoax, for his 'lack of candor.'" (Elias was a key conspirator in stealing 2020 - jjs)
5th Circuit Keeps Sanctions On Democrat Russia Hoax Lawyer Marc Elias
- The address book did not lose itself . . .
Address Book Found on NYC Sidewalk Appears to Show More Connections of Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein
- "Neil Bush -- Chairman of the George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations -- joined Chinese state-run media to call for closer ties between the U.S. and the Chinese Communist Party, revealing that one of the regime's top financiers of foreign influence operations is an 'old family friend.'"
WATCH: Bush Brother Admits Top Chinese Communist Propagandist Is "Old Family Friend"
- "Wealthy Democrat says he was unaware of Chinese investment until contacted by the Washington Free Beacon."
Da Nang Dick-weed Blumenthal and Wife Have Six-Figure Investment in Chinese Government-Linked Retail Center
- "Thanks to the blessings of decentralization, life can vary greatly in America depending on where you sit. Those differences are growing into a chasm of philosophical and practical contrasts between two basic models for the American future. Call them the California way and the Florida way."
California and Florida Battle for the Soul of a Nation
- "If any Republican tried to so blatantly deceive the nation, we'd never hear the end of it."
Desperate Dems Deny Their Agenda Three Times
- "Republican Gov. Greg Abbott called the special session in May, when Democrats in the Texas House of Representatives walked out of the chamber, to prevent passage of what they call a voter 'suppression' bill."
Voting Integrity, Abortion, Crackpot Disg-Race Theory, Transgenderism Among the Agenda Items for Texas Special Session
- "Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe is lashing out at his opponent for not agreeing to a debate likely moderated by PBS's Judy Woodruff."
Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe is Mad His GOP Opponent Won't Accept Debate Moderated by Clinton Foundation Donor
- "New York's next mayor -- most likely Eric Adams, now the Democratic nominee -- must demonstrate, and quickly, that the city is governable again."
No Honeymoon
- "For a long time, the Democrats were able to have it both ways, pretending solidarity with the working class while promoting policies that undercut it. But they have overdone things, and now people have noticed. The voting shift of 2020, they fear, was just the beginning." (Dao-Min Yen sez, "don't sweat it" - jjs)
Dems Are Losing the Multiracial Working Class on Basic Lifestyle Issues
- "The old saying that crime doesn't pay couldn't be truer than in this instance. Perez thought his scheme to exploit desperate people looking for work and a better life would go unnoticed, but he was wrong and will now be held accountable."
Alleged Illegal Immigrant Pleads Guilty to Employing and Exploiting Undocumented Migrants in the US
- Robert Spencer: "In today's environment, it would be political suicide for any Republican, even the few who have spines, to suggest charging Tlaib with treason. Instead, her position will likely become the Democrat Party mainstream before too long. Defunding DHS is fine to suggest, but if you dare suggest defunding Rashida Tlaib, your political career will be over."
Did Rancida Taliban Just Commit Treason?
- "A top legal advisor to [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden argued that the Chinese Communist Party's approach to internet censorship was 'largely correct,' insisting that the U.S. 'government must play a large role' in the 'monitoring and speech control' on Big Tech platforms."
"China Was Correct": Biden Advisor Applauds CCP-Style "Monitoring and Speech Control" of Speech
- Just like it was treasonous for the Jews to object to the gas chamber, eh Andy boy?
Cocksucking, Motherfucking Piece-of-Shit Mutt Traitor Andrew Weissman: "Anti-American" for Tucker Carlson to Complain About NSA Surveillance
- "How Democrats, the media, and the deep state work together to ruin the conservatives they demonize."
Vice News Attack on Tucker Shows the Left Has No Principles When Conservatives Are Spied On
- "Instead of questioning or expressing outrage at the NSA, blue checkmarks banded together to write Carlson off as a right-wing conspiracy theorist."
Check Out All the Blue Check Morons Who Swore the Corrupt Intel Community Would Never Spy on Tucker Carlson
- Christian Toto: "Far-left site stokes misinformation, part of a disturbing trend across news outlets."
Hollywood Reporter Repeats Lies About Jan. 6 Protest
- "In the case of David Daleiden and his Planned Parenthood videos, the state of California went after him for allegedly violating state law because he posed as a biotechnology representative in order to obtain the recordings. A California jury later ruled in favor of Planned Parenthood, including the abortion giant's claim that Daleiden violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. As we all know, nothing like this will be done to Greenpeace because their deceptively edited videos made by misrepresenting themselves targeted the 'right' people."
New York Times Just Fine With Greenpeace Undercover Videos After Years of Deriding James O'Keefe, David Daleiden
- "In another instance of selective bigotry, women's health and civil liberties author Naomi Wolf had her Twitter account suspended and YouTube channel frozen after questioning the [Chinese] COVID-19 vaccine side-effects, lockdowns and Anthony Fauci."
MARTYRED! Liberal Author Censored by Twitter and YouTube Considers Lawsuit
* * * * *
- "Multiple sex educators... said there was nothing inappropriate about her classes."
NY Times Provides Cover to "Porn Literacy" Instructor
- "Why did President Trump wait until he had ceded power to begin actually attacking the tech monopolies?" (well, where was the GOP between 2017 and 2020??? - jjs)
Trump Moves Against Big Tech, a Little Too Late
- "If you're anything like me, you're simultaneously unsurprised at this while also thinking, 'What the H-E-double-hockey-sticks is going on here?!'"
Who Are the "Extremists" on Facebook?
- "What's so dangerous about this particular emergency is that the source of the emergency is dulling our senses, coaxing us into complacency with a carefully curated stream of colorful notifications."
Big Tech Isn't a Public Health Issue, It's a Public Health Emergency
- "Perhaps the most amusing thing about this is the way the Washington Post excused the blatantly racist remark as a "stumble" rather than calling it out for what it really was: racism. Imagine if Trump had ever said such a thing. Would the Washington Post dismiss it as a 'stumble?' Not a chance."
FLASHBACK: When the Media Blew Off Joe Biden's Cancel-Worthy Racist Comments About Black Students
- "You're like the holy spirit."
A Look Back at the Media's Love Affair With Creepy Porn Shyster Michael Avenatti
- "That this big social media seems to think it has the right to decide these things for everyone makes it possibly the winner of this year's control freak award. Or maybe not, as the competition for being the number one control freak in America appears quite fierce these days."
Today's Blacklisted American: Facebook to Punish Users Who Link to Peer-Reviewed Science it Dislikes
- "In May, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases -- which is led by Dr. Anthony Fauci -- funded a study at the university in which researchers grew bacteria in aborted babies' spleens, lymph nodes, and small intestines."
NIH Plans to Shell Out $173 Million for Human Fetal Tissue Research After Biden Loosens Restrictions
- "60 percent of those women who aborted during their first pregnancy, many due to pressure from others, also sought an abortion for their next unborn child."
To Planned Parenthood's Profit, the Majority of Women Pressured to Abort Get Pregnant Again Soon
- "Psaki said that the Biden [junta] would push for a 'political outcome and a political solution' and that the U.S. did 'exactly what we wanted to do.."
Piss-Hockey Psaki: U.S. Did Not Win the War in Afghanistan, Not Going to Have a "Mission Accomplished" Moment
- Give them nukes and let them control another chunk of south Asia? Terrific.
State Dept: 'Jury is Still Out' on Whether Iran Will Play "Constructive Role" in Afghanistan
- "After years of failed leadership that's ballooned into an all-out humanitarian crisis in Los Angeles, the Democrat mayor is rumored to be cashing out his political connections for a different gig."
L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti May Be Taking His Abysmal Performance on the Road -- As Ambassador to India
- "We cannot solve human rights issues which generations of politicians were unable to solve."
Amid Criticism Over Beijing 2022 Olympics, IOC Says It Can't Change Countries' Laws
- "[Chinese] COVID has been good to China in more ways than one. Check out the mess Montenegro is in, having gotten itself into hock to China." (I read that as hock-a-tchainik - jjs)
From the Heart of Europe, China Imitates and Improves on Old Imperialist Actions
- "The CCP doesn't give a damn about the planet: It cares about one thing and one thing only -- itself."
Lefty Leaders' Moronic Appeal for "Cooperation" with the Butchers of Beijing
- Rep. Mark Green: "If we allow this destructive ideology to be taught in our Military Service Academies, we will be responsible for this nation's demise."
Lawmaker Demands Removal of Air Force Professor Who Promoted Crackpot Disg-Race Theory
- "In some American cities, regulation costs homebuyers hundreds of thousands of dollars."
The "Zoning Tax"
- "How it violates freedom of conscience and destroys productivity." (exactly why Leftists will never abolish it - jjs)
The Moral Case for Abolishing the Inheritance Tax
- "The U.S. owes its economic strength not to big government, but to private enterprise and free markets."
Independence Day Versus "You Didn't Build That" Day
- "The settlement extracts concessions that will be added to a proposal being voted on by more than 3,000 plaintiffs, including cities, counties, tribes and states who fought to hold Purdue and its owners accountable for their role in the opioid crisis." (what about Communist China flooding the US with fentanyl? - jjs)
15 States Inch Closer To $4.5B Settlement with Purdue Pharma
- "Signatories also took money from groups with ties to Chinese Communist Party."
Nazi Collaborator Soros-Funded Groups Call on Biden to Ignore China's Abuses in Order to Fight Climate Change
- "A day after a report came out showing rising gas prices, Hollywood elites urged Biden to slash an oil pipeline that would carry 760,000 barrels per day."
Amid Surging Gas Prices, Hollywood Elites Demand Biden Nuke Oil Pipeline Plans
- "Scientists say black people are too scared to hold rock hammers." (like Scroono from the Bowery Boys?! - jjs)
Science Journal: Geology Is Racist
- "Logic and evidence must reemerge as the driver of actions and policy."
The Age of Intellectual Cholera
- A weekend intrepid science reporter twofer kicks off with, "Blue Origin's inability to deliver this engine is causing problems at both companies. Both have been forced to delay the launch of their new orbital rockets. Both rockets were initially scheduled to launch in 2020, were delayed to 2021 about two years ago, and now are likely not to launch until 2022."
Problems with Blue Origin's Engine Force More Delays of ULA's New Vulcan Rocket
- Secondly, "Though the details released are sparse, engineers working to get the Hubble Space Telescope back in operation since it shut down due to a computer problem in mid-June report today that they have successfully completed a simulation of the procedures they need to do to fix the problem."
Engineers Successfully Complete Simulation of Hubble Repair
- Perverted, sinning AND cowardly is no way to go through life, sweeties.
San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus Hides "We'll Convert Your Children" Video After Backlash
- "Almost two dozen states believe the agency's guidance is unlawful."
Republican Attorneys General Challenge Controversial EEOC Transgender Guidance
- "Robin DiAngelo's Nice Racism suffers disappointing debut." (surprised the Dept. of Ed didn't buy up a few million to send to the schools - jjs)
Sophomore Slump: White Fragility Sequel Sells Just 3500 Copies in First Week
- "While spectators will be disallowed from all events in Tokyo and its surrounding areas, a few -- like the marathon -- will be held in areas not affected by the new state of emergency, allowing for the possibility that some fans can attend."
No Spectators at Tokyo Summer Olympics
- "Progressive liberal social justice activists are not people with whom one might agree to disagree; they are proto-fascists who aspire to install a tyranny."
Tyrannizing the Marketplace of Ideas
- "G-d created woman out of a rib. Cheaper cut." -- Archie Bunker
Scarlett Johansson, Highest-Earning Woman in Hollywood, Says Female Stars Are Underpaid
- "Casting off brooding high-concept futurism, this shoot-'em-up action vehicle evocative of past hits like Independence Day gives audiences a lot to cheer."
Chris Pratt's The Tomorrow War Brings Back Crowd-Pleasing Sci-Fi
- Humberto Fontova: "Remembering 'the people who opened their arms to us.'"
A Refugee Family's First 4th of July
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:39 AM
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