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July 09, 2021
Poll of the Potential 2024 Field: Trump In a Walk
I'm surprised and disappointed that DeSantis doesn't have something like 30%.
This poll is from the Trump campaign's pollster, John McLaughlin.
Maybe it was "rigged" a touch in Trump's favor, maybe it's meant to be a warning to DeSantis not to get thoughts above his station...
But even if it's a bit skewed, it's still big for Trump.
This is fun: A poll from June 8 (a whole month ago) says that a majority -- a large majority of 59% -- holds unfavorable views of Lisa Murkowski. Only 26% of the public has a favorable view of her.
And look at her numbers with Republicans, the party whose voters she supposedly represents:
6% of Republicans have a favorable opinion of her, while 84% have an unfavorable opinion.
Alaska rigged the system to make it much easier for Lisa Murkowski to win -- it's a jungle primary system, which means that even if a Republican (a real one) gets more votes than she does, they will both advance to the final vote. Assuming she's the second-highest vote-getter, I mean.
The Republican will get most of the Republican votes, and Murkowski -- being the only other person on the ballot -- will get the Democrats, some "centrists," and the people the Murkowski family services with Snowbilly Socialism.
And she'll be back in DC to vote for abortion and against Republican judicial appointees for another six years.
But with Lisa Murkowski doing this badly --will she be in the top two of vote-getters in the primary?
The more strongly-positioned Murkowski is, the less likely a strong Democrat challenger. Democrats will figure, might as well just back Murkowski; she's effectively a Democrat anyway.
But what happens when she doesn't look like she can carry a majority of the public, period?