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July 08, 2021
The Morning Report - 7/8/21
Good morning kids. Thursday and you'll notice that a category that, for virtually all of the past five years since I've been doing these posts, has been down at the bottom of the heap has now vaulted to near the top. I'm talking about Education and What Passes For It, both the category and the literal phrase. You don't have to be Dr. Bloody Bronowski to understand that the situation in which we find ourselves did not happen overnight but took at least half a century or more to come about. We allowed the educational system of this nation to be taken over lock, stock and barrel by anti-American radicals hell bent on destroying it. In fact, one of, if not the most crucial tenet of Communist revolution is the seizure of academia. Take it from good ol' Vladdy Lenin himself:
"Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted."
They've had at least 60. Everywhere you turn, from politics to the media to the military, to business to your neighborhood and maybe even G-d forbid your own dinner table, we're surrounded. What is it about our nature or the American character that just refuses to recognize existential threats when it's just way too late? It's great that ordinary people, and at least a few individuals on our side of the aisle have woken up, gone to the kitchen, turned on the light and finding a swarm of cockroaches feasting on the crumbs dropping from the maw of a giant radioactive rat with its head turning away from the refrigerator and now staring us in the face, pissed off at the interruption. But look at the clock.
Ridgeway, the CRT teacher, then says that CRT is not being taught in public education -- and that, if it is, that's a good thing.
She tells the camera that "Critical Race Theory is not being taught in schools. It is a theory. It is a lens by which to view history and the way that law and race kind of overlaps [sic] and connects in society.
Ridgeway then backs down. "Can it influence the way that some teachers teach? Uh, yeah, but that's a good thing, right? Because race and racism is [sic] literally the building blocks of this country."
Ridgeway shows CNN the books she uses in her class, including "Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings that Formed the Movement" -- and the late socialist Howard Zinn's error-rich "A People's History of the United States."
"I'm creating little free thinkers and future politicians, and lawyers, and teachers, and changemakers," says Ridgeway. "I'm teaching children to question America. And that's what makes a good patriot."
The public school teacher then explicitly ties her pedagogy to shaping her students' political beliefs and future voting patterns. "Not only do they become critical thinkers, they also become voters, and that is what's scaring a lot of these people because they know that as this generation gets older, a lot of these people that are making these laws will be voted out of office."
"Voted" out of office. You mean like Donald Trump was "voted" out of office. But I digress. Anyway, interesting how this teacher does the Captain Willard non-denial denial of "I know of no such operation, and if I did I would not be at liberty to discuss it." Yeah, Crackpot Disg-race Theory is a myth, or it's "just a lens" with which to examine our history -- the history of an illegitimate stolen land that is structurally racist so as to keep colored people of color permanently enslaved. And Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life."
If you listen to the way this "teacher" speaks she sounds as mind-numbed, robotic and empty as the kids she abuses and brainwashes on a daily basis. There's a reason for that; she herself was brainwashed from kindergarten all the way through post graduate by others who were brainwashed before her, going back to our old friends Billy Ayers
and Mike Klonsky with the root of this cancer going back to Antonio Gramsci and Theodore Adorno and the Frankfurt School. Look it up on Wikipedia, but read between the lines considering the latter is a house organ of Big Marxism.
And then there's today's poster child for all this garbage, Ibram X. "Crement" Kendi. Seriously, if you read his words, they're so puerile, inchoate, contradictory, irrational and gobbledygook that an unbrainwashed child can rhetorically rip him limb from limb in a debate.
Kendi's problem is laziness, but it's a particularly white kind of laziness. How to Be an Antiracist, like most critical race theory texts, leans heavily on the personal narrative of his particularly uninteresting life. Kendi manufactures victimhood out of thin air, when his father waves to him on the basketball court, he suggests that might have gotten him lynched or killed by the police.
His grandmother dies after a struggle with Alzheimer's. "A disease more prevalent among African Americans," Kendi notes. "There may be no more consequential white privilege than life itself." Black people have a 3.5 percent higher prevalence of Alzheimer's than white people for a disease that is the fifth most common cause of death among American senior citizens.
When your claim to oppression is your grandmother's Alzheimer's, you're low on material.
But Kendi's story is a familiar one to generations of white and then minority immigrants where the first generation labors hard to succeed, and then sends its kids to college only to have them come back as radicals who complain that their parents sold out by abandoning their dreams.
The old boomer paradigm that fed sixties white radicalism has kicked in among minority millennials of the upper middle class with a vengeance. The new black nationalist surge on college campuses largely owes its growth to privileged black men and women like Kendi, whose parents took the corporate route, while the kids rebelled and went into Black Studies . . .
. . . How to Be an Antiracist is meant to be part memoir, but Kendi doesn't have much of a story to tell. That's surprisingly commonplace among critical race theory memorists whose lack of interesting personal content, beginning with Ta-Nehisi Coates' Between the World and Me, has only made their works more successful. If Obama's memoirs offered elements of the exotic, the black middle class activist against whiteness succeeds because his story is familiarly white.
We have come a long way from Eldridge Cleaver's Soul on Ice or Alex Haley's dubious Malcolm X biography. Today's black nationalist is a suburban college kid nurtured by a middle class two-parent family who denounces the suburbs, the middle class, and families like his as racist.
But the familiar problem, which Kendi only loosely describes in his chapter on dueling consciousness, and which is better embodied by the title of Black-ish, is that the generation of middle class black parents who kept their children safe from crime (Kendi's father put up a basketball court in their backyard because he was worried about his son getting shot) succeeded all too well. Like too many generations of Irish, Italian, Jewish, Latino, and Asian parents, they raised radical woke snowflakes who are good for little except complaining . . .
. . . How to Be an Antiracist doesn't convey a racial crisis, but the crisis of an American upper middle class which has lost touch with its own roots and whose children have become an enemy of its aspirational values. That, more than anything else, is leading the country into the kind of shopworn Marxism that Kendi and other radicals peddle as narcissistic identity politics.
Defining everyone, including his parents, as racists, interpreting and reinterpreting the world through academic lenses, is the hobby of privileged people who don't have real problems.
Ibram X. Kendi may not have real problems, but the rest of the country isn't so privileged.
And Kendi has become another of the problems undermining the black community, destroying the middle class life his parents worked so hard to achieve, and tearing apart America.
As usual, Daniel Greenfield does an outstanding job in exposing this dangerous, vapid fraud. And now that parents are finally waking up to the wolf at our throats, naturally the defilers of our children are screaming bloody murder and "racism!" while hiding behind the First Amendment.
Let me say here and now, and this might shock you, but to hell with the Constitution. They have destroyed that document now that they have in effect overthrown the country on which it was based. We are in essence political prisoners, internal exiles in a territory that was the USA. Trying to fight by rules that our new overlords use alternatively as a shield and a cudgel to attain power is useless. We have got to wrest the next generation away from these bastards if we have any chance of overcoming them, as well as the radical homosexuals intent on their being reduced to catamite status. Thank you Gay Mens Chorus for "coming out of the closet" and confirming that nightmare.
If we survive this "premeditated invasion" paraphrasing FDR, we must make sure that this cancer never metastasizes again. If having a first amendment means giving rise to what we are suffering with right now, then to hell with the First Amendment.
And abolish the goddamn teachers unions.
- "The Biden [junta], the bureaucracy, military, media, academia, Silicon Valley, and corporate boardrooms across America don't know how to explain, much less solve, our mounting crises."
Scapegoats, Boogeymen, and Hobgoblins
- Daniel Greenfield: "Critical race theory makes children into the enemies of their parents."
Ibram X. Krement's Parents Worked to Give Him a Good Life. He Called Them Racists.
- "Too bad the terrorists aren't calling it quits."
Biden Ends War On Radical Islamist Terrorists "Over Here" and "Over There"
- "The White House's ominous domestic terrorism 'fact sheet' is strangely devoid of facts."
A Vacuous and Potentially Dangerous Response to Domestic Terrorism
- "We want the details on what looks to be unprecedented abuse of the financial privacy of countless innocent Americans by big banks and the FBI," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. "The FBI's stonewalling and non-denial denial of our request speak volumes."
Judicial Watch Sues FBI for Records on Obtaining Financial Information on People in D.C. on Jan. 6
- "When did it become contentious for a person to professionally advance and financially gain on account of her race? Isn't that what BLM wanted?"
Race Quotas and Affirmative Action Are What They Wanted and Now They're Mad People Noticed
- "Columbus Academy will not re-enroll Amy Gonzalez's child and two of Andrea Gross' children because the mothers allegedly breached a contract by leading a campaign against the school's alleged efforts to 'indoctrinate' students with leftist ideology."
Moms Speak Out After Private School Expels Their Kids Over Questioning CRT (hat-tip to commenter MTF - jjs)
- "My white kids are oppressing my black kids?"
Nevada Mom Discusses CRT Lawsuit Against Son's Charter School
- Rule #1 about CRT is you do not talk about CRT . . .
CRT Teacher: CRT Isn't Taught in Schools
- "#CriticalRaceTheory is not taught in K-12 schools. The right's culture warriors are labeling any discussion of race, racism or discrimination as such to try to make it toxic. They're bullying teachers to try and keep them from teaching the truth."
Vile, Self-Gassing Jew Randi Weingarten Has Denied a "Woke" Infiltration of Classrooms. Now She is Vowing to Defend the Right to Teach It
- "The NEA, the nation's largest teacher's union, used their annual business meeting to cement a coordinated, national campaign to advance the divisive Critical Race Theory ideology. Once the news broke, parents everywhere erupted with concern. Now, the NEA is working to cover up their indoctrination of America's students, and teachers by scrubbing the agenda items from their website."
What Are They Trying to Hide? CRT Resolutions Mysteriously Disappear From Teachers Union Website
- "Only engaged and informed parents can save America's public school system from the radicals who run it." (only one way to do that, and it involves tar, feathers and pitchforks - jjs)
The Left's Crackpot Disg-Race Theory Is Ruining U.S. Public Education
- "What I found interesting about this piece is that other than screaming 1984!!!, no case or argument is made against the idea of cameras in government-run public school classrooms. Is there one?Is there a good argument against this kind of accountability and transparency?"
Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers
- "CRT holds that America is fundamentally racist, yet it teaches students to view every social interaction and person in terms of race. Its adherents pursue 'antiracism' through the end of merit, objective truth and the adoption of race-based policies."
Republicans Are Turning Up the Heat With Anti-Crackpot Disg-Race Theory Bills and the Reaction is Hitting a Boiling Point
- "The first K-12 teachers' union in the U.S. to endorse the BDS movement."
Moral Narcissism at the National Education Association
- "The National Education Association approved measures to teach critical race theory and to attack opponents of the racist curriculum. Then they scrubbed those plans from their website."
Parents Don't Want Crackpot Disg-Race Theory, So Of Course the Nation's Largest Teachers Union Just Decided to Push It Harder
- "This is not about banning racists from speaking, but in using representative government to deny them the privilege of receiving taxpayer sinecures to help them pursue America's collapse."
It's Crackpot Disg-Race Theory That Is Un-American, Not Laws Banning It
- I am so completely sick of this puerile, sub-literate toddler in a Predator wig.
Ibram X. Kendi: "To Be Racist Is to Constantly, Consistently Deny . . . Like Donald Trump"
- That doesn't fit the narrative, Al. Shocking, though, that you of all people took notice after, what, how many decades? Sorry to break it to you but you're not relevant anymore.
Sharptone: "We Must Have the Balance of Outrage" Over Police Shootings, Violent Crime in Black Community
- "We've gone down this path before for virtually the exact same bleeding-heart reasons, and we lived through the tremendous pain of the results."
When Stores Close Due to Rising Crime, Urban Blight is Back -- And it Will Get Worse
- "Defunding the police demonstrably hurts people of color here and now. That's irrefutable, whether it was intentional or not. Even in the present, it looks like it was intentional. Never mind the woke future."
Revisionist History Now: How Will the Future See "Defund the Police?"
- "The bottom-line message from Giuliani is: 'You're not going to stop the epidemic of violent crime with social workers.' No doubt Adams will cop it from the liberal left if he follows Giuliani's prescription, but that is what his voters expect of him. His victory shows how out of touch and inconsequential The New York Times and Democrat progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are. Both opposed him."
Rudy Giuliani's 5-step Crime Plan for Eric Adams
* * * * *
- "Law enforcement said many cultivation sites are 'directly tied' to Mexican drug cartels, along with Asian and Armenian organized crime groups."
Authorities Seize More Than $1 Billion Worth of Illegal Pot in the Desert
- Meh. Strip Bro-Fo Omar, slather her in baby oil and hurl her over the wall at Pelican Bay.
Report: Convicted Terrorists Led Religious Services in Federal Prisons
- "Obama health secretary criticizes [junta] for tiptoeing around a full-on vaccine mandate."
Biden's Door-Knocking Vaccine Strategy Draws Fire
- "According to a Rasmussen Reports poll, 32 percent of American adults think that 'public health officials are lying about the safety of [Chinese] COVID-19 vaccines.'"
Poll: 1 in 3 Say Public Health Officials Are Lying About Vaccine Safety
- "Why we should wait until there is enough long-term data to scientifically show that the vaccine is safe."
Scientific Reasons for Waiting to Get the Chinese COVID Vaccine
- Rodent.
Dr. Faustian Tells People Hesitant About the Vaccine To "Just Get Over It"
- "Latest letter exposes cracks in scientific coalition on Wuhan lab theory."
3 Scientists Drop Names From Lancet Statement on Chinese COVID Origins
- "The biggest mistake [Trump] made in 2020 was not listening to his gut and pushing ahead."
Trump Was Right: The Cost of Lockdowns Will Persist for a Generation or More
- "The letter did not mention the previous denial and it did not offer an explanation or an apology. Even so, First Liberty and Christians Engaged celebrated the reversal."
IRS Finally Approves Christian Group's Tax-Exempt Status, But There's a Catch...
- "Over the years, Stutzman employed gay workers and did floral design work for gay customers -- without discriminating in any way. Then, one long-time customer, Robert Ingersoll, asked her to do the floral work for his wedding to another man . . ."
Barrett, Kavanaugh and Roberts Betrayed a Woman of Faith
- "We don't want two states; we want all of it!" went one chant, negating Israel's right to exist.
Anti-Israel Activists in NYC Marked July 4 by Burning, Spitting on American, Israeli Flags
- "It's a no-holds-barred attack on Christianity to advance the opposing worldview, and if that means smearing as racist a -- *checks notes* -- time-tested historical account in which a divine Middle Eastern man is the central figure, so be it."
The Left Wants You To Believe The Bible is White Supremacist So They Can Force Evolution Down Your Throat (okay, now do the Koran!!! - jjs)
- "It's pretty clear that Hunter Biden's corrupt foreign influence peddling benefitted the current [so-called quote-unquote "president"] of the United States."
In a Healthy Country, the Bidens Would Be Seen as the Picture of Elite Corruption
- I'll take "what's 200,000 all-Biden ballots in the trunk of a '76 Le Sabre at the Schotz Brewery?" for $500, Alex.
Democrat Governor of Wisconsin Vetoes Bill to Ban Private Funding of Election Administration
- Call me cynical but I predict a full exoneration, and blame cast on Donald Trump. And Jews. And White Supremacy. And Capitalism.
Michigan Auditor General To Investigate Wretched Whitmer's Role in Chinese COVID Nursing Home Deaths
- "The status of Giuliani's suspension in D.C. is contingent upon the outcome of a review of his earlier suspension in New York." (persecution straight up - jjs)
Rudy Giuliani Suspended From Practicing Law In Washington DC
- "We are watching the disgusting criminalization of political opposition in America."
New York's Trumped-Up Tax Evasion Charges
- "The official, Peter Kucik, was formerly a senior sanctions policy advisor at the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control. He was hired by lobbying firm Mercury Public Affairs last month, which added him to its Hikvision account last week."
Former Top US Sanctions Official Hired by Chinese Surveillance Firm With Ties to Military
- "Brian McKeon, Barack Obama's Deputy Director For Voter Protection, now serves as a lobbyist for Tencent -- a tech platform flagged by the U.S. State Department as a 'tool' of the Chinese Communist Party."
Obama's "Vote Protection Director" Now Lobbies for a Firm the State Department Flagged as a "Tool" of Chinese Communist Party
- "Kerry also went maskless on March flight."
PHOTOS: John Kerry Flouts Mask Mandate at Airport
- "A recent poll shows voters support Ron DeSantis to be the 2024 Republican presidential nominee today, assuming [PIEOTUS] Donald Trump does not run."
DeSantis Leads the Pack in 2024 GOP Primary Poll Minus Trump
- "Douglas Wilder says fellow Democrat also dismissed blackface scandals."
Virginia's First Black Governor Slams McAuliffe for Marginalizing Black Candidates
- "Will Republicans take advantage of the signs of doom for the Dems?"
Good Omens For 2022 -- For Now
- "Though [Katie] Britt has posted record fundraising totals, she faces a crowded Republican primary to the race to succeed Shelby, who has held his seat since 1987. Other candidates include Trump-endorsed Rep. Mo Brooks and businesswoman Lydia Blanchard, who has largely self-funded her campaign."
Alabama Senate Candidate Shatters Fundraising Records -- And It's Not Who Trump Endorsed
- "Republican academic and policy advisor Lanhee Chen launched a statewide bid for California controller Tuesday in hopes to end one-party rule in Sacramento."
Former Pee-Air Defecto Romney Policy Director Lanhee Chen Jumps Into California Controller's Race
- "A unifying suggestion that doesn't require that anyone be blamed for what is happening, particularly by an aspiring politician, which McConaughey may be."
No, Matthew McConaughey, America is Not "Going Through Puberty"
- "The agenda of the Democrats collides with them."
The Party Against Parental Rights
- "[I]f this is such a terrible country, if the left believes with all their heart that America is racist, systemically racist and terrible in so many ways, why don't they build the wall on the southern border? Why don't they stop illegal immigrants from coming into this terrible country?" (Buck, you magnificent bastard, you read my rant! - jjs)
GOP Rep. Buck: If America's Systemically Racist, We Should Have a Border Wall to Stop People From Coming Into a Racist Country
- "The funds would have gone to the National Institutes of Health, but Becerra assured Congress that the change in allocation would 'not disrupt or impede planned NIH activities.'"
Biden Junta Will Shift Nearly $1 Billion in Chinese COVID Funds to Pay to House Migrant Children at the Border
- "Australia's tough stance has signaled a defense of territorial sovereignty, a refusal to outsource immigration control to human trafficking networks, and an understanding that public support for controlled migration hinges on strong borders."
Australia Shows Why the Most Humane Border Policy is Enforcing the Laws
- "Tlaib was asked about what can be done in order to make sure that even Democrats don't embrace new technologies that have been allegedly marketed as a 'smart' alternative to 'Trump's wall.'"
Rancida Taliban Pushes For Defunding I.C.E., Immigration Agencies, Says They "Terrorize Migrant Communities" (umm, hate to break it to you semtex-tits, that's their job; deterrence - jjs)
- "What we don't want is the government telling private companies what they can say and what they can do. That would be wrong, but we don't want these crazy public enormous monopolistic companies to be restricting our free speech."
Dershowitz: Trump's Big Tech Lawsuit "Will Shake Things Up Considerably"
- "The lawsuit alleges that Google's plan for its pay-to-Play Store violates anti-trust laws, harming consumers in the states."
36 States and D.C. Take Google to Court
- "You can't have free press if intel agencies are secretly spying on you and then using that information to threaten you and to control you. Like, this is a huge problem for the country. And yet, I don't think there was, outside of say Glen Greenwald, I don't think there was anybody who stood up said, 'Wait a second. This is a huge problem for use all of us.' Instead, they made excuses for the NSA."
Carlson on NSA Spying Claims: "This Is a Huge Problem for the Country"
- "Mainstream outlets embarrass themselves yet again in their refusal to acknowledge the [so-called quote-unquote "president's"] incompetence."
Biden Coverage: Pie in the Media's Face
- "I don't know about you guys, but I think climate change is -- as Lord Monckton said -- bullshit."
XiNN Smears Sen. Ron Johnson as "Climate Denier" for Not Bowing to Climate Alarmism
- "The public doesn't trust our corporate media talking heads, and almost nobody is paying attention to them anymore."
The Glorious Death of American Legacy Media, and What Comes Next
- "The resolution was passed at the beginning of June. It is not binding on the university, and as of now there is no indication that the school administration will do what it demands. Thus, if you wanted to stick your head in the sand and pretend all is well, you could say that Landis has not been blacklisted at all.The point however is that it is the student leadership that is demanding this blacklisting. Even if they don't get it now, these same fascists will someday be in charge everywhere, and will make sure they get all their opponents blacklisted then."
Today's Blacklisted American: Students Demand Blacklisting of University Trustee Because He Donated to Trump's Campaign
- "Why did Cuomo create this violent situation? Pssst, because he wants YOUR guns. He created this violent scenario, which is getting POC killed because it was always about getting guns away from responsible gun owners. And if you disagree with him regarding getting guns off the street, you are a racist who is OK with watching minorities get shot, even though HE scrapped bail laws and let felons out of prison."
Angel of Death Cuomo's New Gun-Violence Emergency Is Nothing But a Shameless Gun Grab
- Heather Mac Donald: "Instead of treating New York's surge in gun crime as a 'public-health crisis,' the governor should call for a return to proactive policing."
Angel of Death Cuomo's Gun-Violence Dodge
- "The temporary injunction will put the law on hold until the lawsuit challenging it receives a judgment."
Judge Blocks Indiana Law Requiring Abortionists to Inform Women About Reversing Effects of Abortion Pill
- "Pro-life lawmakers take up new regulations as Supreme Court weighs Mississippi ban."
Record Number of Pro-Life Bills Passed in 2021
- "The assassination, which drew condemnation from Washington and neighboring Latin American countries, coincided with a spate of gang violence in Port-au-Prince in recent months fueled by a growing humanitarian crisis and political unrest. The disorder has turned many districts of the capital into no-go zones." (a glimpse at our own not too distant future? - jjs)
President of Haiti Assassinated Wednesday
- "The killers were earlier described by Bocchit Edmond, Haiti's ambassador to the US, as 'well-trained professional commandos' who were feared to have already fled the country." (they were wearing MAGA hats, right? - jjs)
Four "Alleged Assassins"of Haiti President Jovenel Moise Killed, Two Arrested
* * * * *
- "Taliban fighters can be seen... celebrating the seizure of US Humvees, tanks and assault weapons from Afghan security forces."
Afghan Soldiers Flee as Northern Districts Fall to Taliban
- "It should be obvious why this is a gravely serious issue. It's made more grave by United States silence on the one hand, and Joe Biden's obvious eagerness to get the Obama-era Iran deal back in vogue on the other. Like most American leftists, results that benefit Americans are of dubious value and matter a lot less to Biden than the appearances of inking some 'historic' deal or initiating some government program that the media will cast as well-meaning. It's the PR that sells the thought that counts."
France, Germany, and Britain Sound Alarm on Iran's Nuclear Moves. The U.S...?
- "Will the world look at what kind of man the new Iranian president so unrepentantly is?"
Iranian Lawyer Wants UN To Investigate Ebrahim Raisi's Role In Mass Executions (the UN?! ROFLMAO! - jjs)
- "Biden feels 'good' about the US' ability to respond to attacks."
Biden Promised Toughness on Putin, But Asserts Latest Ransomware Attacks Caused "Minimal Damages"
- "Dubai Media Office Director-General Mona Al Marri told Saudi news outlet Al Arabiya the explosion was a natural accident caused by flammable materials inside one of the containers. He also said the ship's crew had been evacuated in time. Jebel Ali Port, operated by the Dubai-based logistics firm DP World, is considered a critical hub both for global commerce and for U.S. military vessels in the region."
Ship Catches Fire, Causing Massive Explosion That Shakes Dubai
- "Three lecturers at New Zealand universities on Chinese history and politics believe that Chinese Communist Party (CCP) spies have been infiltrating their classes and collecting information."
Professors Claim CCP Is Planting Spies at Their Colleges
- "Federal judges rule against pillar of Democrats' racial equity agenda."
Courts Deal Repeated Blows to Race-Based Chinese COVID Stimulus
- "We were denied priority for small business assistance, not because other restaurants had greater needs, but because of my sex and race."
The Biden Junta Banned Me From Chinese COVID Relief Because I'm a White Man
- "It is possible for ordinary Californians to be able to realize the dream of homeownership in upgraded, modern, glorious, sprawling, glittering cities and suburbs."
Fixing California, Part Five of Nine: How to Make Housing Affordable Again
- "The death toll is now at 46 and officials' hopes of finding anyone alive dwindle with each passing day... Officials attribute the faster recovery effort to the demolition of the remaining standing portion of the building that was brought down Sunday night."
Ten More Bodies Found In Condo Collapse Rubble
- "Exhausted every option."
Crews Switching To Recovery Effort As Condo Collapse Death Toll Grows
- "Prices could move even higher if U.S. oil production in the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf Coast gets hit by a tropical storm or hurricane. Tropical Storm Elsa is expected to move up through Florida, Georgia and South Carolina, missing key U.S. energy producing areas."
Pain at the Pump: Gasoline Rises to 7 Year High, Up 40% Since January
- "Between May 2012 and May 2021, the average price of a Californian residence rose from $305,000 to $668,000 -- a 119% increase. Meanwhile, the average home price in the United States rose from $163,000 to $287,000 -- a 76% increase."
High Housing Costs Are Driving Californians Out of State
- "A uniquely American place can bring down housing costs for families, if we can restore the conditions that made them possible."
The Case for Small Towns
- "I don't know how to say this delicately, but I really do think every sentence you said is demonstrably false."
Energy Expert Debunks Titty Caca AOC's Suggestion to Immediately Turn Off Puerto Rico's Coal Power
- To white elitist liberals, minorities are like pets that do tricks for them, like provide the illusion of empathy and moral superiority, for the equivalent of welfare Liv-a-Snaps.
Celebrities Demand Biden Stop Minnesota Pipeline Project That Brought "Millions of Dollars" to Native American Tribes
- "You think that we'll corrupt your kids. Funny, just this once, you're correct." (then they'll be coming on and in your children - jjs)
"We're Coming For Your Children": Historic Gay Men's Choir Sings In Viral Video
- "Gender-based policies, rules, and practices can have the effect of marginalizing, stigmatizing, and excluding students, regardless of their gender identity or gender expression," states the model policy. (as well they should; 10,000 years of societal development proves it - jjs)
VA Public Schools Propose Dropping "Gender-Based" Events, Such as Father-Daughter Dance
- "Reverence for the stars and stripes is a part of our country's history. This trend that flared on July Fourth raises an interesting question . . . "
Does the Political Right Now "Own" the American Flag?
- "Progressives cede America's cherished cultural symbols."
The Left's Independence Day Gift to Conservatives
- "Celebrating America's founding and our fight for independence shouldn't be controversial, but the left's reaction to July 4th proves that they've politicized patriotism."
Far-Left's Anti-American Reaction to July 4th Proves They've Polarized Patriotism
- "Are Americans taking back their schools, Constitution, values, and the narrative?"
Are We Seeing a Cultural Realignment?
* * * * *
- "Foundation has donated millions to Chinese universities."
Ford Foundation Rallies Behind 1619 Project Fabulist
- "In the name of fighting racism, the NARA report recommends a permanent inquisition into the National Archives' supposed racism, 'permanent bodies' to constantly push NARA in a leftist direction, more tax dollars to hire politically motivated staff, staffing procedures specifically designed to cater to certain races, leftist critical race theory training materials, and partnerships with leftist groups. Just how much money will this institutional Wokeism cost? The task force does not provide an estimate."
The National Archives Provides a Chilling Taste of the Institutionalized Woke-ism Infecting America
- "She requested that the restriction be overturned."
Titty Caca AOC Claims Olympic Ban on Sprinter Sha'Carri Richardson Is Racist
- "Taylor has refused to work with Nichols over the past year after hearing Nichols air her frustrations to Adam Mendelsohn -- longtime advisor to LeBron James -- in an inadvertently recorded conversation between the two in July 2020." (meh, it's a dying league anyway - jjs)
NBA Commissioner Adam Silver Talks ESPN Turmoil, Defends Rachel Nichols
- "Where are the media in San Antonio, or any of San Antonio's cultural leaders, to fact-check any of this and keep the Alamo record straight? All of these records and many more are easily available, and most are online. Why isn't the Alamo City defending its Alamo defenders?The answer is important, as it sheds some light on what portends for the ongoing Alamo project, in which the Alamo City and its media play key roles."
Does San Antonio -- the Alamo City -- Hate the Alamo?
- "We went off the rails in 1969, and few people alive today even know it."
What Would It Take to "Remake America?"
- Daniel Greenfield: "A new book delves into 200 years of his evil influence."
Who Was Karl Marx?
- "Pop princess Britney Spears' court-appointed lawyer, Samuel Ingham III, is stepping down from the celebrity conservatorship."
Britney Spears' Court-Appointed Attorney Steps Down From Conservatorship
- "The just-released UAP Task Force report has the public looking away from mundane problems and up to the stars. Powered by media hype, the distant flying saucers represent a techno-religious future. Looking ahead, it's clear we should also be watching our backs."
UFOs Are a Diversion -- And a Revelation
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:49 AM
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