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Food Thread: Ersatz Food And Ersatz Pans...A Match Made In Hell »
June 27, 2021
First-World Problems...
That's a pair of workout shorts that I bought instead of the lazy default to Nike products. As you can see, the label is on the left hip instead of the more common back of the waistline. So it takes me a millisecond to orient them correctly.
Yeah...that's it. That's the only downside to boycotting Nike. I know...that sounds horrid, but in this case I am willing to struggle through it.
'Nike Is a Brand That Is of China and for China' Says the Company's CEO
John Donahoe, the new Nike CEO, while speaking to Wall Street analysts, said that "Nike is a brand that is of China and for China" when responding to a question about competition from Chinese companies during a fourth-quarter earnings meeting, BBC reported.
Fine. Move your corporate headquarters to Peking and stop pretending that you are in any way an American company with American ideals.
We can only do so much as regular Americans, but boycotting Nike is a no-brainer.
Just Do It!