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June 25, 2021
Cry Havoc! And Let Slip The ONT
Well, y'all made it to another Friday. How about opening with some good news?
Anyone know any 14 year old boys looking to buy a house?
The trials and tribulations of a modern day Pinocchio
Fido Friday – Frienz edition
I wasn't aware that this was a pressing need at the beach
Self defense
Friday night game. How many can you get?
Good ole' boys
Bidenbob Squarehead
Common sense abortion control
Uptown Girl is a better song though
Hunter Biden everybody
Coping skills
Word of the day
Well, that's embarassing
Nobody out pizzas my house
He's probably a gamer and those are his alts
Why the Greeks invented paper plates
They saw you coming a mile away
Birbs is smrt
He's not wrong
Be all that you can be
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by penis:
posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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