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June 18, 2021
The Morning Report - 6/18/21
Good morning kids. Friday and the weekend is here. There are a number of stories breaking including two huge rulings from SCOTUS that underscore that corrupted institution's schizophrenia. On the one hand, they delivered a 9-0 annihilation against Big Homo forcing Philly's Catholic Social Services to countenance homosexual marriage. That is a huge and important victory for religious freedom, especially given today's insane political and cultural environment. Yet, at the same time, the court handed down a 2-7 loss that seemingly leaves us with Obamacare forever. Feh. Well, after all, it is a tax/penalty/tax/penalty or whatever the penumbric emanation of the goat entrails told Cheap Justice Julia Roberts to call it.
A good friend of mine is a lapsed Catholic and atheist who has always blamed the Church and all religious dogma for his as well as the world's ills. G-d bless him, when I pointed out that its not the Church nor religion that's the problem; it's the failing of people who ignore religious doctrines of ethics and morality that's the problem. I think a lightbulb went off with him and considering he's a testa dura Pugliese, I consider that a small victory. But Psaki-psircling back to SCOTUS, we have their abject failure in the wake of at the very least a completely compromised 2020 election to do their duty in hearing the cases that was the absolute bitter end for me and confirmed for me that besides being irreconcilably divided, America's house was rotten from the inside out.
But, with revelations that confirm the obvious premeditated fraud as well as outright larceny on election night in Georgia, Arizona and now in Pennsylvania, the Court may once again be the focus of attention.
The Supreme Court avoided involvement in the election because they wanted to stay out of the controversy -- they didn't want to be bullied by the Democrats or the media. There are other possible motives, but they're even more disturbing. Cowing to bullies will not avoid conflict. Bullies prey on weakness. One has to either stand up to them eventually or accept servitude. Every kid on the playground has learned that lesson by the 8th grade. Apparently, John Roberts hasn't. Each time Chief Justice Roberts has acceded to the bullies, he's made the court's future challenge greater.
Ruling that last minute ad-hoc election changes were unconstitutional would have been relatively straightforward -- but the court didn't. Hearing the election fraud evidence and adjudicating the result would have created a political crap-storm -- but it would have been the right thing to do. What will become of the court's reputation if it becomes obvious that the election was stolen and rather than stand up, it sat down
An April poll by Rasmussen Reports found that 51% of the population believes that fraud affected the election outcome. Does Roberts grasp the significance of that number? It's the percentage of the population who believe the Supreme Court was derelict in defending the Constitution. If John Roberts wanted to defend the court, perhaps he should have considered pursuit of the truth rather than avoidance of controversy.
A recent Ipsos poll found that 63% of the public thinks it's time to impose term limits on Supreme Court Justices. The public isn't stupid. It recognizes that the Supreme Court needs to be taken to the woodshed. The next few months will say a lot about the Supreme Court. Will it correct course, or will it embrace servitude to the mob?
Paraphrasing Mark Levin, every June, the entire nation bites its nails in anticipation of be-all-end-all rulings from 9 very flawed human beings that will affect the lives of 320 million of us forever, with no recourse. The court was never meant to have this kind of power but then again, the Federal government was never supposed to be an ever more powerful and invasive Leviathan of unelected bureaucrats issuing edicts that carry with them the force of law. And yet, here we are, with every institution that is supposed to safeguard our G-d-given inalienable rights as well as ensure our physical safety totally corrupted beyond all recognition and anathema to the very reasons the nation was founded in the first place nearly 245 years ago.
Levin himself proposed term limits for all justices up to and including SCOTUS in his Liberty Amendments from a few years ago. Ironically, with Ruth Bader-Meinhoff's departure for the Choir Invisible and the installation of alleged originalist Amy Coney Barrett right before the election, the Left were not only hell bent on packing the court but failing that, they glommed onto Levin's term limits brainwave. Seems appealing insofar as getting rid of the hacks-in-black but the cold reality is, as someone much wiser than I once postulated, "any organization not explicitly conservative will turn liberal over time." In any case, our nation from top to bottom and inside-out has been so thoroughly corrupted that it's pissing in the wind trying to fix it piecemeal, even something as important as SCOTUS. For argument's sake, let's say the audits actually confirm what we already know, that select cities across 6 states essentially rigged and stole their 2020 elections. First, there's the gauntlet of not only the media/Democrat propaganda shit-storm claiming the audits are frauds but now we have this tinpot Torquemada in Merrick Garland threatening the auditors.
But even if the audits successfully run that gauntlet, what is the end-game? Surely, there's no way in hell that we'll get a do-over, let alone see Trump re-installed back into 1600! But it is crucially important that the audits go forward and the truth put out there. The nation as we knew it, or at least as we had perceived it to be up until about 2009 and for sure on January 6th, 2021 is gone. We are in uncharted and very dangerous territory. Trying to deal with things and anticipate outcomes based on institutions like elections and run of the mill party politics is a complete waste of time. Even worse is institutions that are supposed to be independent of political considerations, especially business, have now for the most part also been subsumed by the Leviathan.
As more and more people are waking up to the nightmare of a dementia patient being used as someone's puppet (and it looks like the way is being made for Biden's exit), the abject evil that is Crackpot Disg-Race Theory, the fraud of Anthony Fausti and the 18-month imprisonment over Wu-Flu and the acknowledgment that Red China caused it and is out to conquer the world, those who have inflicted these evils on us are quadrupling down on the censorship and persecution.
Something's building out there, and it's big.
See you tomorrow for the hobby thread and have a great weekend.
- Daniel Greenfield: "If you disagree with the Democrats, you're a 'domestic terrorist.'"
Biden's Terror Strategy Defines Republicans as the New Terrorists
- "It is such an obvious attempt to try to crush political dissent, you wonder if they thought no one was paying attention."
White House "Domestic Extremism" Report Puts Target on Democrats' Political Opponents
- "The Lying Government is the Real Terror Threat."
Enough With the "White Boy Domestic Terror Threat" Fiction
- "If there were a scintilla of doubt that McConnell did the nation a great favor, that doubt should have been put to rest during Garland's June 15, 2021, speech on 'Violent Extremism and Domestic Terrorism.' The ideological purge will make Lois Lerner blush."
Mitch McConnell Did the Nation a Great Favor By Keeping Merrick Garland Off the Supreme Court
- "Indiana Republican Rep. Jim Banks sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland criticizing the DOJ's double standard in riot prosecution."
Banks Rails At Attorney General Over DOJ Treating Portland Anarchists Better Than Capitol Rioters
- "Under the guise of fighting 'domestic terrorism,' the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] is shrinking your rights."
Biden's Creeping Police State
- Angelo Codevilla: "What might happen if Republican senators were serious about confronting the Biden [junta's] political weaponization of the intelligence community?"
Fighting the Extremism Fight
- "The McCloskey's, both of whom are lawyers, were captured on video in June of 2020 brandishing weapons on their St. Louis property as a large group of protesters marched past their home. Mark was seen armed with a rifle while Patricia held a handgun."
McCloskey's Agree To Forfeit Guns, Plead Guilty To Misdemeanors
- "Cory Budworth, 40, is the first officer in the county to be prosecuted for using force during a violent protest."
Entire Portland Police Rapid Response Team Resigns After Officer Indicted for Breaking Up Antifa Riot
- "Justin Tyran Roberts told the detective "white males had taken from him, and also what he described as 'military-looking white males' had taken from him."
Suspect in Multi-State Shooting Spree Allegedly Targeted White Men
- "When every kid is taught that whites are evil people, unfairly hoarding power and wealth, you can expect more anti-white mass shooters."
The Inevitable Fruits of Critical Race Theory
- "These apparent contradictions can cause confusion, frustration and moral whiplash in a swiftly changing society where many people fear that one wayward move can result in a public flogging or a pink slip."
The Left's Logic-Defying Race Rhetoric Is Making Normal People's Heads Spin
- "RedState's sources confirmed that the defector is, in fact, Dong [Jingwei], that he was in charge of counterintelligence efforts in China, and that he flew to the United States in mid-February, allegedly to visit his daughter at a university in California. When Dong landed in California he contacted DIA officials and told them about his plans to defect and the information he'd brought with him. Dong then 'hid in plain sight' for about two weeks before disappearing into DIA custody."
Defector Claiming Chinese Military Responsible for Chinese COVID-19 Identified as Top Counterintelligence Official
- "Global Times column bashes lab-leak concerns through unnamed 'China-WHO' virologists."
Chinese Propaganda Outlet Trots Out Anonymous Scientists To Combat Lab-Leak Theory
- "Stand up and take masks off these children! Don't be afraid!"
From the Mouths of Babes: Children Speak Out Against School Mask Mandates
- "The unearthing of the 2015 conference follows a recent exchange where Senator Rand Paul probed Dr. Anthony Fauci about whether or not his agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), had funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology."
Fausti-Funded Researchers Including Ralph Baric Attended Chinese Government "Gain-of-Function" Conference with Military Scientists
- Ted Noel, MD: "Fauci's unelected, unchecked power flows from the code of the Fourth Branch of Government: 'The Bureaucrat is the smartest person in the room.'"
Anthony Fausti: Guilty Bureaucrat Extraordinaire
- "With respect to the origin of the [Chinese] coronavirus, here's what I heard [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden do today. I heard him politely ask the World Health Organization and China to get to the bottom of it, pretty please with sugar on top, and that's the typical Washington way - keep trying what doesn't work and when it doesn't work again, do it some more."
Sen. John Kennedy: "If You Turn the Other Cheek to President Xi, He'll Just Stab You in the Neck"
- "In a 9-0 judgment, SCOTUS held that the City of Philadelphia's refusal to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) for the provision of foster care services unless the agency agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents violates the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment."
1st Amendment Victory: SCOTUS Strikes Down Philadelphia Law Forcing Same-Sex Adoption at Catholic Org
- "Philadelphia refused to contract with a Roman Catholic adoption agency."
Religious Freedom Advocates Celebrate After SCOTUS Sides With Catholic Group On Gay Couple Foster Parents
- "Israel has become the ball and chain that endangers their standing as good progressives."
"Un-Jews": Famed Jewish Refusenik Who Spent 9 Years In Soviet Prisons Blasts American Leftist Jews
- "American elites are tight-lipped on an upsurge in anti-Semitism."
In Corporate America and Academia, Silence Speaks Volumes
- "'Jews are being attacked day and night on American streets by mobs incited by Rep. Omar's rhetoric,' the rabbis wrote. '[Y]our reply that Rep. Omar 'has a point that she wanted to make, and she has a right to make that point' is both acceptance of bigotry and an abdication of leadership."
Rabbis Drag Malig-Nancy Pelosi Over the Coals for "Acceptance of Bigotry and Abdication of Leadership"
- "...Hunter's new venture has sparked growing concerns about the potential for pay-for-play corruption in light of the fact that the buyers will remain anonymous, and the shadowy nature of the art world is a notorious avenue for money laundering." (shocked, SHOCKED! - jjs)
Hunter's Dip into the Art World Connected to "Weed Slut" Lingerie Entrepreneur Zoe Kestan
- "Easy targets make for great shields."
Disinterest in Hunter Biden's Racial Slurs Reveals the Moral Bankruptcy of Virtue-Signaling Elites
- "The document, below, also reveals a string of 'chain of custody' issues surrounding ballots and the integrity of their transportation, as well as issues surrounding transparency, lack of access for Republican Party monitors, and incompetent election officials."
"I'm Ready to Fuck Shit Up" -- Stunning Georgia Election Docs Reveal Discrepancies, Flaws, Lies, and Human Error
- "Thousands of ballots are potentially impacted by these irregularities, suggesting they could be results-changing, as Joe Biden's state-certified victory in the state was by fewer than 12,000 votes." (by 10PM, Trump was running away with it, but by the next morning, after the water main break, Biden somehow captured the lead, held on by a red pubic hair and "won." - jjs)
HUGE: Significant Election Irregularities Exposed in Fulton County, Georgia
- "The revelation is likely the first direct link, discovered in Pennsylvania."
Democrat Strategist Linked to Early Push on Controversial Election Grants
- McYertle: "I would make this observation about the revised version. It still turns the federal election commission from a judge into a prosecutor... and, in what is an extraordinarily dubious constitutionality, would remove redistricting from state legislatures and hand it over to computers. Equally unacceptable. Totally inappropriate."
McConnell Says No Republicans Will Support Manchin's Possible Version of Voting Rights Bill
- "The election of 2020 is going to lay bare the dereliction of the Supreme Court for all to see."
The Supreme Court's Day of Reckoning is Coming
- "What is more, the Georgia Democrat claimed to not know of anyone who opposes voter ID, despite Democrats' constant objections to such election integrity safeguards, frequently harkening to the era of Jim Crow."
Comedy Gold! Get This; Raphael Warlock Claims He Has "Never Been Opposed to Voter ID"
- "A spokesman for the New Jersey Democrat's office confirmed the video is in fact legitimate and that he was in his underwear during the congressional hearing."
Democrat Congressman Caught Napping In Underwear During Zoom Hearing
- Daniel Greenfield with the 8th in a series of profiles from Frontpage Mag.
Racist Mayor: Chokwe Antar Lumumba
- Ex-Obama? This means the Kalorama Kontrollers are moving to have Biden gone ASAP.
Ex-Obama Doctor Torches Biden In Brutal Letter, Demands Biden "Submit to a Cognitive Test Immediately"
- I would think the raison d'etre of this idiocy runs counter to Crackpot Disg-Race Theory, nein?
Biden Signs Juneteenth National Independence Day Act Into Law, Marking America's Newest National Holiday
- He also used it to continue to blood-libel whites and conservatives. He's the world's most dangerous vegetable.
Biden Uses Juneteenth to Push His Federal Takeover of Elections and the Suburbs
- "The common thread binding the deep state and its allies is China."
Lab Origins of the Biden Alliance
- "Democrat city councilman has been feuding with the L.A. County Sheriff over homeless encampments in his district."
L.A. Progressive Who Represents Venice Beach Served With Recall Notice as Tensions Rise Over Homeless Encampments
- "Conservatives have too often failed to present a compelling approach to consumer protection."
How Conservatives Should Take On Corporate America
- "Of all the lies the Democrats tell black folks, the myth of impending reparations is the meanest. H.R. 40, the 'reparations' bill, has been bouncing around Congress almost as long as Pelosi, and yet it never gets any traction. I'm not saying the government won't some day follow through on this ridiculous plan but to do so at this point would mean the death of the Democrat Party and the Dems know it. White, Asian, and Hispanic voters (not the libs, of course) would flip. Then again, if the Dems can keep cheating in elections, they won't need real votes."
"I'll Have Those [You-Know-Whats] Voting Democrat For 200 Years"
- "GOP gov looks to wall, but activists say citizenship work requirements needed to curb border crisis."
Border Hawks Call on Abbott to Expand E-Verify
- "'This [CRT] issue is like something that was created out of thin air by a couple of producers at right-wing media outlets and all of a sudden, now school boards all across the country are dealing with something they did not know was an issue,' NBC News' Chuck Todd falsely claimed Tuesday."
Panicked Media Escalates Disinformation War Against Crackpot Disg-Race Theory Opponents
- "For the past six months, this liberal Dream Team has been hard at work on their big report to help the federal government work with corporations to squash news they call 'disinformation.'"
A Who's Who of Left-Wing Hacks: Behind the Aspen Institute's Upcoming Report on Silencing Dissent
- "The News Media Alliance Board of Directors is populated by a Who's Who of establishment media executives."
Push Poll Purports to Show Majority of Republican Voters Support Media Cartel Bill
- "Obama was 'the worst president ever on issues of national security and press freedom.'"
Trump's Supposed Press "Scandal" is Nothing Compared to Obama
- "So is Don Lemon's. It's the same thing. Everyone knows they're not real. They're not real humans."
Rogan Slams Tater Stelter: "Motherfucker, You're Supposed to be a Journalist," "Your Show's Fucking Terrible"
- "For decades, a corporatist GOP blithely toed a libertarian line on antitrust. But antitrust is not necessarily best conceived as nefarious economic 'regulation' -- it is targeted law enforcement." (meh, they own the government; anything the GOP does will be essentially toothless - jjs)
Big Tech Only Has Itself to Blame for Republican Rethinking of Antitrust
- "Why should they bother with any of these categories any longer, if they include everyone and everyone can apply? The only reason I can fathom is to categorize the applicants by race, and then toss out the white applicants during the approval process... Welcome to the new leftist Utopia, where bigotry is endorsed and encouraged, as long as that discrimination is designed to specifically benefit the approved minorities. All else need not apply."
Today's Blacklisted American: NY Accounting Program for High School Students Bans Whites
- "We are confronted with the likelihood that [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden's nominee for the ATF will root his decisions in distaste for Americans, not policies framed by the Constitution."
ATF Nominee David Chipman's Record Shows He Despises Americans and the Constitution
- No comment needed.
Sen. Ted Cruz: "Barbaric. Speaker Pelosi Refuses to Say an Unborn Baby at 15 Weeks is a Human Being"
- "Lawmakers say sanctions relief tied to bid for new nuclear deal."
GOP Probes Biden Junta for Lifting Iran Sanctions
- "His European trip adds to his long record of foreign policy failure."
Biden's Follies Abroad
- "A U.S. [so-called quote-unquote "president"] mangles his first major leadership test on the world stage."
The Pathetic Putin-Biden Summit
- I guess Piss-Hockey reminds old Vlad of Col. Rosa Klebb...
Putin Praises 'Professional' Biden, Blasts "Pretty" Piss-Hockey Psaki Who is "Mixing Things Up"
- "...And what the U.S. should do about it." (elect America firsters, outlaw Democrats and Globalists, and liberate the damned world once and for all - jjs)
The Emerging Sino-Russian Bloc
- "What replacing Hamas might just prevent."
Is Egypt Planning to Take Control of Gaza?
- "Ayatollah Khamenei believes that, with Ebrahim Raisi as president, he'll be able to force a favorable 2021 JCPOA and control angry Iranian citizens."
The Sham Election Crisis and the Inflamed Atmosphere of Iranian Society
- "The scoreboard for the 'Guardian of the Walls Operation' of May, 2021."
How Much Did the IDF Hurt Hamas?
- Katie Hopkins: "Freedom Day canceled, mandatory vaccinations pushed into law, and no dancing at weddings."
Beating Down Brits
- "Rep. Liz Cheney condemned a vote to repeal the two-decade-old Authorization for Use of Military Force used by George W. Bush to invade Iraq."
Liz-ard Cheney Puts the "Forever" in "Forever War"
- "Yasen-class submarine could put U.S. fleet at risk." (so they say; Crackpot Disg-Race Theory is the real threat - jjs)
Russian Nuclear Submarines "On Par" with US, Top General Says
- "Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer should immediately announce his intent to retire from the bench."
Democrats Renew Push for Justice Stephen Breyer to Retire
- "Northern California cities are mandating dramatic water cutbacks, which is the result of the state's refusal to prepare following the last drought."
Doddering Drought Response
- "Here's what Congress and the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] [junta] can't seem to understand: government does not make investments."
What Really Happens with the Money Spent on "Infrastructure?"
- "Eighty-two percent of manufacturing companies in the Philly Fed's survey reported paying higher prices for the inputs of their products, while just one percent said costs of input had fallen. As a result, the diffusion index moved up four points to 80.7, the highest reading since June 1979."
Inflation Hits Highest Level Since 1979 in Philly Fed Survey
- "The findings reveal that government lockdown orders devastated workers at the bottom of the financial food chain but left the upper-tier actually better off... They offer yet another reminder that government lockdowns hurt most those who could least afford it."
New Report Shows How Lockdowns Destroyed the Middle Class
- "The wealthy have been fleeing the city all pandemic long, to lower-tax, lower-cost-of-living and lower-crime alternatives. That means big trouble ahead for those left behind, as the top 2 percent of earners supply 51 percent of New York's income-tax take." (but will they still vote for that which caused them to flee? - jjs)
"Exodus of the Rich" Threatens Disaster for NYC
- "The states wanted the courts to overturn Obamacare, arguing that since the 'individual mandate' penalty for not buying health insurance -- which the Court, controversially, redefined as a "tax" in 2012 -- had been set to zero by President Donald Trump's tax reforms, the entire law was unconstitutional. Moreover, since the "individual mandate" was integral to the functioning of Obamacare, it could not be severed from the law, and therefore the whole law had to be discarded." (no way out now short of a legislative repeal, which ain't happening unless we run everything after '24 - jjs)
Supreme Court Rejects Obamacare Challenge over Standing Issues, 7-2
- "Can this be correct?" [Alito] asks. "The ACA imposes many burdensome obligations on States in their capacity as employers, and the 18 States in question have more than a million employees. Even $1 harm is enough to support standing. Yet no State has standing?"
Alito Rips Court's Self-Contradictory Obamacare Opinions: "A Penalty is a Tax. The United States is a State"
- "At least 165 local and national groups have formed to combat Critical Race Theory (CRT) instruction in schools across the U.S., an NBC analysis found.
A Parent-Led Rebellion Against Crackpot Disg-Race Theory is Storming School Boards Across the Country
- "State-based legislation banning the teaching of the toxic ideology is philosophically and legally justifiable."
Critical Race Theory and Academic Freedom
- "How do I have two medical degrees if I'm oppressed?"
Father Blasts CRT in a Passionate Speech
- High time that We The People make our own list of targets.
Virginia: Far-Left Activists Make List Targeting Critics of CRT in School Curriculum
- "The bill, introduced by Wisconsin Republican Rep. Glenn Grothman, is called the 'Ending Critical Race Theory in D.C. Public Schools Act.'"
Republican Bill Seeks to Ban Crackpot Disg-Race Theory Struggle Sessions in DC Government Schools
- "'Educating for American Democracy' is the return of Common Core under a new label, this time applied to history and civics. America can only restore its civics education by rejecting EAD."
Counterfeit Civics
- "[Self-gassing Jew] Randi Weingarten has not condemned AFT affiliates for attacking Israel." (how the hell is she going to condemn the garbage that she herself spewed from her own filthy sewer? - jjs)
Parent Group Calls On Teachers' Union Head To Denounce Anti-Semitic Statements
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Anti-Semitism has long been the rage at the prestigious University of California campus."
BLM-BDS Bigotry Not New at UCLA
- "Dumb bastard."
Green Energy Worker Blasts Biden On Live TV For Policies Forcing His Wind Turbine Factory To Close
- "Taking cues from its American forebears, grassroots activism in New Zealand is going fully woke."
Climate Change Activist Group Cancels Itself
- A weekend twofer from our intrepid science reporter. First, "...think the real race will be between the government programs in China, Russia, AND the U.S. and the efforts by private commercial companies aiming to make profits in space. And if you ask me to bet on who will get more accomplished faster for less money, I will hands down put my money on those private companies. The more profit they make, the faster they will push to move forward, and will quickly leave these sedate government programs in the dust."
China and Russia Outline Longterm Plans for Building Joint Lunar Base
- Next up, and speaking of private companies, "The U.S. now leads China 27 to 17 in the national rankings. Note: The average number of American launches per year during the 21st century (from 2000 to 2020) was 22. The U.S. has now topped that average by five launches, and the year is not even half over."
SpaceX Successfully Launches GPS Satellite for US Space Force
- "The financial history of Drag Queen Story Hour shows that big money from San Francisco has endeavored to mold our country, and others, in its own image."
San Francisco Leftists Are Funding Your Local Library's Drag Queen Story Hour
- "As the press conference was starting, 'Ronaldo, an advocate of a healthy diet, moved the glass bottles out of the camera frame and instead held up a bottle of water and said in Portuguese: 'Water!' ESPN reported. 'Coca-Cola saw its share price drop by 1.6% to $55.22 soon after Ronaldo's actions. The market value went from $242bn to $238bn -- a $4bn drop.'" (Nelson Muntz laugh! - jjs)
Coca-Cola Lost Billions After Being Snubbed By International Soccer Star Cristiano Ronaldo
- "Despite what woke corporations tell you, not all women want to reject what it means to be feminine."
Victoria's Secret Never Empowered Women And Their Latest Marketing Ploy Won't Change That
- "It isn't just late-night comics who are pushing back. It's also local politicians and ordinary people. After a year of bullying, they've had enough... Fight the power. It's easier than you think."
The Tide is Turning Agains the Woke, Liberal Blob That Misrules Us
- "The family unit -- father included -- is the basic building block of society. It's also the long-term solution to preventing crime far more effectively than BLM's plan to abolish the police."
For Less Policing, Black Communities Need More Married Fathers
- Larry Elder: "The film, with no narrator, just lets the men talk. None blames 'systemic racism.' All concede they made bad choices, but choices nonetheless. All talked about the pain they felt growing up without a father figure to instruct, scold, guide, motivate and instill confidence and direction. I highly recommend it."
Father's Day: Fatherlessness is America's Top Domestic Problem
- "Athletes' availability to the media may be critical to the business of sports, but if society's athletic organizations can't model good sportsmanship, who can?"
Punishment of Tennis Phenom Naomi Osaka is a Lose-Lose Proposition
- Christian Toto: "This impeccably shot, gut-wrenching doc lays bare the enduring legacy of PTSD."
Bastards' Road Is Essential Viewing to Understand the Personal Costs of War
- "A new biography of Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. reminds us of a bygone model of the public servant."
American Cincinnatus
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:38 AM
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