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June 09, 2021
New York Times' Marcia Gay Says She Was "Disturbed" and Triggered to See American Flags... on D-Day
Wait I thought D-Day was the world's biggest antifa rally. The American flag is therefore the antifa flag, which should be of great comfort to this hysterical Marxist paranoid.
Have I been misled?
It's not very often you hear this kind of blanket honesty from a journalist about how even the simple image of an American flag triggers them.
On Morning Joe Tuesday, frequent guest Mara Gay from the New York Times admitted she was shocked at seeing dozens of "disturbing" American flags over the D-Day anniversary weekend. But what was really disturbing, was Gay likening our country's flag to racist, white nationalism.
She said:
I was on Long Island this weekend, visiting a really dear friend. And I was really disturbed. I saw, you know, dozens and dozens of pickup trucks with you know, expletives against Joe Biden on the back of them, Trump flags, and in some cases, just dozens of American flags, which you know is also just disturbing, because essentially the message was clear, this is my country. This is not your country. I own this. And so until we're ready to have that conversation, this is going to continue.
I'm ready to have this conversation. Get the fuck out. There, we've had the conversation.
Instapundit's Ed Driscoll recalls the New York Times' staffers claiming that their lives were in actual, physical danger by mere fact of the Times running an op-ed by Tom Cotton:
As you may recall from a long day ago, after the opinion page published a fairly straightforward op-ed from Sen. Tom Cotton, arguing to utilize the military in quelling protests -- a position shared by the majority of Americans and 46% of people who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, mind you -- several staff members instigated a civil war, all sharing the same copypasta bullying their bosses: "Running this puts Black @NYTimes staff in danger."
Gee, I wonder if this Diversity Hire -- you need a diversity of different mental health statuses in your newsroom -- was among those shrieking that her black life was threatened by Tom Cotton's aggressive placement of commas.
Meanwhile, National Geographic also descends into Marxist lunacy. It is abandoning its mission to become Black Lives Matter: The Magazine.
Ten years ago, @michele_norris launched the Race Card Project, which asks people to describe their feelings on race in just 6 words. She thought few would respond. Here are some of the responses--out of half a million so far--that she's received. https://on.natgeo.com/3z5EBeL
Check out that whole thread: National Geographic is now nothing but a Racial Grievance mag.
Here's the editor of National Geographic, identifying herself by her Gutter Racial Origin and her Racial Sins In Need of Extirpation.
NeverTrump is just stunned that the left is doing all the things we told them it was doing five years ago!
How does everyone enjoy now living on the Evergreen State College campus?
But the tweets...? Mwah, chef's kiss! Les tweets, ce sont magnifiques!