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June 18, 2021
*whispers* complimenting people on their weight loss is inherently fatphobic. There is no way to do it that doesn't imply that their body was less worthy when it was bigger/softer. Find something else to compliment.
"The" Sarah Kelly then opined that "anti-fatness is a perpetration and enforcement perpetuated by white supremacist beauty standards."
Your weakness is my strength. As always, I will take her whining and use it to make GAINZZZ:

I'm still on my semi-fast. I'm coming up on the four week mark. I've continued to lose, albeit slowly, lately.
One big advantage to ketosis is the crazy levels of energy you have. Glucose -- energy derived from carbohydrate -- just doesn't give you a lot of energy. Maybe after you've had a lot of sugar, but then only for an hour. Then your body pumps out insulin and to clear the excess glucose out of your blood, either to your muscles, if you're exercising, or your fat cells, if you're not.
But ketones liberated from fat-burning really amp you up as far as bodily energy. And they're not kept in a tight range, as glucose is. So once you're burning fat, you can feel pretty hyper.
Five years ago I didn't have energy and also couldn't concentrate on reading so I made an appointment with a psychiatrist for the first time, and got him to prescribe adderall for me. I mean, I didn't lie about my symptoms. They were real. I did, maybe, say some things to convince him I had some kind of adult-onset ADD. Which doesn't exist. But I mean-- I really did have a focus problem. Just probably not the kind of attention deficit disorder that ADD is prescribed for. Like a Google-and-Twitter caused attention deficit disorder.
I bring that up to establish that I know what adderall feels like, and I can attest, ketones in the bloodstream feel just like adderall. I'm getting a lot of chore-stuff done just because I'm always looking to do something. And it's free. And non-addictive.
I'm told by people that ketosis really gives people a lot more mental focus. But I've unfortunately not experienced that effect. I don't lose focus, but I don't gain any, either.
I'm past the "feeling hyper" phase, but I have a lot of energy. I'm always up and down and doing chores.
Can the keto people back me up on the bodily energy claim? And does anyone actually feel better mental focus?
Last week a commenter mentioned he was having trouble getting his daily fat on his keto diet. The keto diet is supposed to be 75%-85% calories from fat, which is actually pretty hard to manage.
I mentioned to him something I'd long seen recommended but only this year became a fan of -- keto "fat bombs."
They're snacks that are about 90% fat.
For example, these simple cheesecake fat bombs. Here's a white chocolate cheesecake fat bomb variation. I made a kind of white chocolate fat bomb with cacao butter and coconut oil, which was also good.
I've made coconut fat bombs, but I want to make these Almond-Joy style fat bombs. (Actually, I'd skip the almonds, and make Mounds fat bombs.)
I'm going to make more of a real white chocolate fat bomb when I get off the semi-fast.
Chocolate peanut butter fat bombs are also very popular.
But what I really want to make are Reece's peanut butter cup style fat bombs.
They're good because most people do not eat enough fat on the keto diet. And most people do want to snack sometimes. And most people miss sweet things and deserts. The keto bomb checks all three boxes.
Keto bombs aren't something anyone should eat unless they're on a low carb diet. If you're low carb, you'll burn the fat for energy. If you're still eating carbs, the body will burn the glucose from the carbs preferentially, and just send the fat your consume to fat cells.
But if you're low carb, they won't add weight. Unless you eat them in great excess, which you probably won't, because fat is naturally satiating.
I have no READING GAINZZZ, alas.
So what about you guys? Tell me about your GAINZZZ, cuz!
And also, what BOOKZZZ you're reading, and what PROJECTZZZ you're starting.