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May 26, 2021
China Joe Shut Down State Department Probe Into Covid's Origins
Breaking: Fauci is now not only admitting he funded the Wuhan lab, but defending it by saying it would have been a "dereliction of duty" if he hadn't sent taxpayer funds to the lab!
Anthony Fauci testified it would have been "almost a dereliction of our duty" if the National Institutes of Health had not worked with China to study coronaviruses as he defended NIH money going to fund "collaboration" with "very respectable Chinese scientists."
He avoids saying the money went to the "Wuhan lab" there, euphemizing it as "very respectable Chinese scientists," but that is exactly where those "very respectable Chinese scientists" receiving the money worked.
Including... the Bat Lady!
The Big Guy's earning his 10%.
The Biden administration ended an inquiry into a possible connection between the origins of the novel coronavirus and a lab in Wuhan, a CNN report published Tuesday claims.
The State Department launched the previously undisclosed inquiry last fall under President Donald Trump -- but the effort was shut down this spring because of "concerns about the quality of its work," CNN reported, citing three unnamed sources.
More from the Daily Mail.
The revelations will lead to uncomfortable allegations for Biden that his team politicized the public health effort, and harmed the nation by shutting down a useful inquiry begun by his predecessor.
The theory of the virus coming from a Wuhan lab had been promoted heavily by Donald Trump, who blamed China for unleashing COVID-19 on the world. Critics said that Trump was blaming China to distract from his own mishandling of the pandemic.
Yet now the idea that the virus came from a Chinese lab is gaining mainstream support, with leading scientists who previously expressed skepticism - such as Anthony Fauci - now saying it is plausible.
Trump on Tuesday night told Newsmax he's always believed the virus stemmed from a Wuhan research facility - and felt vindicated that scientific opinion and the mainstream media was finally coming round to his point of view.
'I said it right at the beginning, and that's where it came from,' he said.
'I think it was obvious to smart people. That's where it came from. I have no doubt about it. I had no doubt about it. I was criticized by the press.'
Trump said that he remained confident his theory about the origins of the virus was correct.
'People didn't want to say China. Usually they blame it on Russia,' he told Newsmax.
'I said right at the beginning it came out of Wuhan. And that's where all the deaths were also, by the way, when we first heard about this, there were body bags, dead people laying all over Wuhan province, and that's where it happened to be located.
'To me it was very obvious. I said it very strongly and I was criticized and now people are agreeing with me, so that's okay.'
We are officially a Third World Country in which our corrupt politicians are routinely bought off by Rich Advanced Countries.
The Democrat-China Silk Road of Cash Donations goes back to the 90s. Instead of calling it out and stopping it, Republicans took China money too.
China Joe, aka Beijing Biden, aka (as some commenters call him) Zho Bai-Den, is just the first "president" to have actually gone into business with China.
We now see this, too, courtesy of Anonysaurus Wrecks:
Fauci now admits that "there's no way of guaranteeing" American taxpayer money he routed to the Wuhan virology lab didn't fund "gain-of-function" research
After having denied this just 15 days ago:
Fauci and the other heads of health agencies claim they had nothing to do with the decision to "spike" the investigation into covid origins -- and admit that China Joe didn't bother consulting them when he made this decision to protect his business partners in the Chinese Communist Party:
A correspondent corrected and said, "No, China has a poop tape!" A reference to a rumor that I'm not familiar with, though I've seen commenters referencing it.
Another correspondent added: "I'm pretty sure anyone who's ever watched Biden stumbling through someone else's script has seen a Biden Poop tape already."