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May 20, 2021
Quick Hits: Everyone's Transitioning Edition
Liz Cheney has transitioned from popular to unpopular, and from "supported by Republicans" to "supported by Democrats:"
While only 15 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning voters view Cheney favorably, 42 percent of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters view her favorably. Conversely, while 53 percent of Republican voters view Cheney unfavorably, only 22 percent of Democrats view her unfavorably. Put another way, nearly 2.5 times more Republicans disfavor Cheney than Democrats.
Content warning for this link, an advertisement for a cosmetic surgeon who offers "bottom surgery" to remove any kind of external genitalia in his mental patients. I mean, patients. He wants to "help" people who feeeel they are sexless become, to the eye at least, physically sexless.
The content warning is for a picture the "after" results he promises. It's Silence of the Lambs style nightmare fuel.
Relatedly, a biological male claiming to be a woman has, get this, won a women's golf tournament, and hopes to join the LGPA tour.
Weird how these men who were never anything in the men's division suddenly start racking up the Ws when they compete with women. Why, it's almost as if there are irreducible biological differences between men and women.
Also relatedly: NYC's Department and Education and taxpayer-funded PBS to air a drag queen show aimed at children... from 3 to 8 years old.
They just want your children, that's all!
A children's show on PBS featured drag queen and author "Little Miss Hot Mess" singing, dancing, and reading a book about drag queens to an intended audience of three to eight-year-olds.
"I think we might have some drag queens in training on our hands," Little Miss Hot Mess said after dancing and singing for the virtual audience.
The episode is part of the show "Let's Learn," produced in partnership by the public media company The WNET Group and the New York City Department of Education.
Note the name of the book: "The Hips of the DRAG QUEEN Go Swish Swish Swish."
A blessing of liberty, as noted Drag Queen Story Hour fanatic David French might say.
And speaking more of transitioning: Geraldo Rivera needs some Androgen because he is swimming in estrogen.
Al Gore's former fashion advisor and kookie feminist lefty Naomi Wolf continues in her Red Pill Therapy. More transitioning!
She had previously written:
I was raised to hate and fear guns but I just had a really fun couple of hours on a beautiful remote hillside, learning gun safety from @BrianOSheaSPI and a friend, and I target shot four times. Kind of zen, kind of loved it, kind of healing/empowering for a female survivor.
Dr Naomi Wolf
May 15
2/ After I fired, for the first time in my life I felt what it was like not to be vulnerable physically to being harmed or overpowered by a bigger, stronger man. It feels better -- not to be a potential helpless victim. It's not the same experience of physical femininity at all.
The US Army has transitioned from an organization that turns boys into men into one that turns lesbians into empowered lesbians.
Meanwhile, the Russians stick with the old Toxically Male model of the military.
Gee I wonder which one will win in a fight.
Joe Biden transitions a Reagan joke to his own, and transitions it from being funny to being unfunny.
So unfunny he has to insult the audience for not laughing.
Biden loves taunting the military when they don't laugh at his lame stolen jokes:
And speaking of Biden's age and decay: