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May 14, 2021
Shocking: Fauci Admits That At Least 40%, and Maybe As High as 50%, of His Own Agency's Employees are Refusing to Get the Vaccine
A lot of government pressure -- and some rumors of actual legal coercion -- to get you to take the vaccine, while government employees, who could be ordered to get vaccinated as a condition of their employment, refuse and are permitted to refuse.
Fauci firs says "a little bit over half" of his agency is vaccinated, then says "probably sixty percent."
Sixty percent is not "a little bit" over half.
I take the first as more likely to be truthful, and I take his edging that up to sixty percent as a dishonest attempt to cover up for his first more-truthful estimate, after he realized the implications of it.
Rachel Walensky of the CDC refused to even answer! So you know the CDC is just as unvaccinated, or even more so!
I was pro-vaccine until this.
These people are engaging in a public pressure campaign to get other people to take the vaccine while refusing to do so themselves?! There is only one reasonable conclusion to draw from this!
Walensky is merely "encouraging" her staffers at the CDC to get vaccinated, while proposing "vaccine passports" to mandate that the rest of us do?!