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Quarantine Cafe: Fuzzy Friends Edition »
May 11, 2021
Quick Hits: Anti-Mothers-Day Greetings Edition
New word: "bigoteering."
LA Times poll finds only 6% support for Caitlyn Jenner (ne' Bruce).
The survey's results were especially bleak for retired Olympic gold medalist Jenner, as just 6% of Californians who took part in the survey said they would vote to have her replace Newsom -- a vast majority of Democrats, Republicans and unaffiliated or independent voters said they would not be inclined to support her candidacy.
The poll found that leading the Republicans in the race were former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer and Rancho Santa Fe businessman John Cox, who lost handily to Newsom in the 2018 governor’s race, although each had backing from just 22% of those polled. Former Northern California Rep. Doug Ose registered 14% support.
Of Jenner's low support, DiCamillo said that, despite the media attention, "there doesn’t seem to be a significant constituency for her candidacy."
"Even among Republicans, only 13% say they’d be inclined to vote for her," DiCamillo said. "It's a very poor showing."
Well, good.
A "transwoman" gets off on fake-breastfeeding a baby.
Surprise! Feminists, both female and male (RAPE WHISTLE!) attack a woman for sharing her story about giving birth to her first child on Mothers Day.
How dare she suggest that childbirth has anything to do with womanhood!
Has-been feminist Jill Filopovic asked Twitter to supply her (on Mothers Day!) with anecdotes about Birthing People who regretted having children "at all," which is ungrammatical, but whatever.
After 9/11, Biden's first reaction was to praise Iran and offer to send them $200 million, for no reason except to show that we're Nice Guys that they shouldn't fund terrorism against.
Obama mind-meld partner and "echo chamber" conductor Ben Rhodes offered this wisdom even as Hamas rained hundreds of missiles on Israel:
More White Supremacist attacks on Asians:
Sharyl Attkisson is on it now:
This video is interesting. I kept wondering which one was going to try eating the other one first.