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May 10, 2021
Morning Rant - Special Guest Ranter [Weasel]
I do a fair amount of highway driving, and for the most part do not mind it. I'm content to hop in the car, turn on the radio, and watch the world go rolling past the window for hours at a time. There is one thing with driving, however, that excites me nearly to rage and that is the self-appointed enforcer of the speed limit occupying the left hand lane. Traffic can be moving smoothly at 80 mph, yet there is one guy who steadfastly maintains 55 mph in the passing lane. This guy doesn't care that he's going to cause a pile-up at some point, because he's going the speed limit, and that's that. He sure as hell isn't going to move to the slower lanes, because he has as much right to the road as anyone, especially those non-conforming speeders. In fact, how dare they speed? He obeys the posted limit, and so should everyone else.
Much of the left's behavior is patterned on this very same principle. They decide what behavior is correct and seek to impose their views and opinions on everyone else, regardless of consequences. The left is not content to stay in their lane and mind their own business. Instead they must forever loudly espouse their views and dictate the terms and conditions of society upon the rest of us. They do not abide differences of action and opinion, but rather appoint themselves judge and jury in every conceivable circumstance. They see any variability of viewpoint as a personal insult.
This is irrational and unrealistic behavior, and makes about as much sense as finding fault with someone's favorite color or choice in music. Yet this is our brave new reality, where only absolute adherence to the party line is tolerated. The danger of dealing with people like this is they tolerate no dissent, and will stop at nothing to see their worldview accepted, eventually through use of force if necessary.
I was at one point hopeful we would awake from our national nightmare with a bad hangover and get back to something approaching reasonable societal conduct. Conduct where people manage their own lives as they see fit, and not attempt to manage the lives of everyone else. Holding whatever values they cherish closely, and respecting the opinions of others.
I am no longer so hopeful.

posted by Open Blogger at
11:00 AM
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