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May 09, 2021
Sunday Morning Book Thread: [05/09/2021 [All Hail Eris]

Good morning to you all from the stately Dungeon of Discord. Welcome once again to the classy and luxurious Sunday Morning Book Thread, the plushly appointed mosh pit of opinion, snark, choler, jest and japery, and our continuing conversation on books, reading, writing, and spending too much yet never enough on more books. Unlike that uptight square OregonMuse, I don't impose harsh moral strictures, or expect my readers to obey outmoded notions of decency. If you want to read Catullus skyclad, or bone up on Plato lounging in a silk shorty robe, who am I to judge? Nor will I judge you for wearing pants. Even if it's these pants, which are like chaps that use the entire chap.
It Pays To Increase Your Word Power®
Flogging. Widespread ignorance of this word makes its use ("By God, old boy, I believe you deserve a vapulation for that!"} quite safe, even when addressing a Professor of English Language and Literature.
(From "The Superior Person's Book of Words" by Peter Bowler, an essential volume in every Horde library)
Who Dis:
Cry Bullies: Protecting yourself against social muggers and victimhood aggression by Robert Juliano
In These Uncertain Times, one must be on guard against the sniveling snools of Social Justice, who want to dismantle the culture via a kind of "soft brainwashing". One of the ways they do this is by manipulating the meanings of words to hijack discourse. "Language is one of our operating systems...When people try to change the meanings of words, they are trying to change the concepts in other people's operating systems." They are in effect attempting to change the way you are allowed to think and narrow your options for action.
Because you can't compromise with these people, he doesn't provide negotiation tactics (that requires two people willing to meet in the middle). He outlines their game playing (dog whistles, virtue signaling, word fogging, incitement, etc.), does a brief breakdown of Alinsky tactics, then shows how to short-circuit their rules of engagement.
It's a short but pithy read, and reasonably priced at $2.99.
Viking Nicknames

[The entire issue can be viewed!]
So that's it for this week. What are you reading?

posted by Open Blogger at
09:00 AM
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