« The Ratings for Brian Stelter's Show -- "Eye of the Potato" -- Increase.
Bad News: The Ratings Increase When Tater Is on Vacation and Has a Fill-In Host. |
Ludicrouthly Lithping Male Karen Attacks Pregnant Woman for Not Wearing Mask »
May 06, 2021
Quick Hits: They'll Start With Hollywood Kids But They Won't Be Satisfied Until They Have Yours Edition
Content warning: A suspect draws on a cop at pointblank range and the cop shoots him, presumably killing him.
I assume the perp was white because there aren't any cities Peacefully On Fire.
Will Smith's and Jada Pinkett-Smith's daughter Willow has revealed she's "polyamorous," which means she wants to get banged by multiple people at the same time:
If this sounds familiar to you: Well, this is actually new, but you might be remembering that the Smith's son is... "genderfluid."
Just keep repeating:
There's nothing wrong with our culture. Our billionaire oligarchs and social media monopolies tell us so.
There's nothing wrong with our culture. Our billionaire oligarchs and social media monopolies tell us so.
There's nothing wrong with our culture. Our billionaire oligarchs and social media monopolies tell us so.