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April 27, 2021
Biden Will Generously Allow Us to Not Wear Masks Outside -- But Only If We're Already Vaccinated and Only in Small Groups
It has already been well established by science that the risk of transmission of the virus outside is miniscule.
Sunlight is more lethal to it than originally guessed. (So much of this is just guesswork but they claim it's "science." Well, yes, in the sense that science often starts with a wild-ass guess. But they usually don't insist that their guesses are proven facts.)
This is another case of continuing to tell the public not-so-Nobel Lies, because if they tell us that the risk of covid transmission outside is next to zero, we might... I don't know, acting as if the risk of covid transmission outside is next to zero?
They can't have that. They need us cowed and following orders like good little Nazi citizens.
So Biden replaces an old, outdated, discredited lie with a new, fresh but also-discredited lie.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said fully vaccinated people can exercise outdoors or with members of their household without a mask.
The CDC added that fully vaccinated people can hold small gatherings outdoors with others who are inoculated, or with a mix of unvaccinated people, without face coverings.
The agency did not define how big those gatherings can be, and said Americans should still wear masks in crowded outdoor spaces.
Wow, let us kneel and pray gratitude towards our Overlords and High Priests.
The MIT study found that there is no difference between being six feet away and being sixty feet away when indoors, because the air moves around in the enclosed space.
The key variable, they found, was not physical distance from other people, but rather how long one remains inside a location with other people. More time spent inside, more chances to breathe in an airborne pathogen.
By the way I found this while searching. It's just straight-for-the-clitoris propaganda for Grammy Biden. It's from a site called Syracuse.com. I wonder if it just did minor alternations on a Biden press release.