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April 01, 2021
Quarantine Cafe: Just Two Quokkas Having a Nosh Edition
CGI visual effects artists evaluate the special effects used to fake the moon landing.
Or, should I say, Moon " " " Landing " " ".
Petting Finnegan Fox.
Bulldog was afraid of everything.
But loves helicopter rides.
The bulldog has a weird nervous habit -- it walks backwards, to guard its rear, I guess.
A pair of strays are inseparable.
Woman says that the weird-looking dogs she's rescued help her with her severe hospitalization-level anxiety.
In Australia they call this the "Joe Biden owl."
Let's check in with Australia, where God put all of the animals who want to kill you:
Okay, this last one, featuring The Happiest Animal on Earth (TM), the quokka, is very cute, but, not gonna lie, at first you're gonna say "Get that nasty mutant garbage out of here."
But remember, it's a marsupial!