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March 19, 2021
The Morning Report - 3/19/21 [J.J. Sefton]
Good morning, kids. Friday and the weekend is here. Hopefully it brings some respite from the assault on our sanity. Fat chance; every time I see someone wearing a worse-than-useless face diaper to prevent exposure to a virus that is marginally more lethal to most people than common flu, which is sort of like putting up a chain link fence to prevent mosquitos, it's a slap in the face and a reminder that you must obey. If it means anything, Rand Paul who is an actual doctor reamed the shit out of Dr. Sigmoid Fraud, aka Fauci for his insane, contradictory proclamations and prognostications that traumatized a nation for the sole purpose of removing Donald Trump from office. Well, they ultimately achieved that and dare I say a dash extra: a clear shot at absolute power and the knowledge that they can bamboozle and brainwash upwards of half the populace, if not more into surrendering their freedom while eagerly assisting the regime in taking it away from the rest of us.
It brings me to my "irk" of the day, which is the idiocy from the punditry and others who continue spewing the nonsense that the Democrats are in for an epic ass-kicking come 2022 and 2024. For example, Josh Hammer at American Greatness:
...dispensing with the Senate filibuster would accelerate the Senate's lamentable institutional decline. The "world's greatest deliberative body" was, especially prior to the ratification of the 17th Amendment, intended to be a "cooling saucer" of sorts that filters out and soberizes the House's hotter, intemperate passions. The filibuster, which is legally not a constitutional or statutory provision but instead merely a rule of internal Senate procedure, has nonetheless attained an ethos of quasi-constitutional status.
Put another way, it is philosophically and intellectually downstream of the counter-majoritarian features that have attained constitutional status, such as the federalism and separation of powers constructs. In a sense, then, the Senate filibuster directly flows from James Madison's famous discussion of "faction" in Federalist 10, the most famous founding-era writing on the insidious threat of majoritarian tyranny.
Nuking the Senate filibuster -- something Republicans notably eschewed during their own Trump-era control of the Senate -- would undermine the American political order, in which counter-majoritarian measures are deeply woven. But it would also be a shortsighted move, even from a cynical, partisan perspective. If dedication to James Madison doesn't prevent Democrats from embarking on this misplaced crusade, perhaps their own long-term self-interest will.
"Oh, Mr. Hitler, it would be political suicide to invoke that Enabling Act because you and your fellow Nazis are going to get your asses kicked in the next election and sent back to the Burgerbraukeller forever."
But Friedrich Ebert sent mean Tweets, right? Hammer noting that Republicans eschewed nuking the filibuster during Trump's first term is risible in the extreme when you consider the permanently-lying-in-state John McCain's thumbs down when it came to eradicating Obamacare. The only thing that stopped Trump cold from tearing down as much of the anti-Constitutional bureaucratic Leviathan from whence the Left gets almost all of its political muscle was the GOP itself in both the Senate and the House. Had they nuked the filibuster there, in order to abolish say the IRS, the EPA or Ed. Dept. (to name only a few), it would have been morally, ethically and historically the right thing to do. But that's getting into the weeds.
DC is surrounded by barbed wire, barricades and National Guardsmen, the military and now local police forces are being purged of "white supremacists and insurrectionists," i.e. avowed Christians and non-Leftists, our borders are being erased and millions of new non-citizens along with the tens of millions already here are about to be given citizenship, and HR-1 will essentially hand over total control of our electoral process to the Leftists forever - and that's just the tip of the iceberg. The only thing standing in the way of this is the filibuster, the fate of which is hanging on by a gossamer-thin red pubic hair's breadth. And it depends upon the ethics, morality and political (if not physical) futures of Kristen Sinema and Joe Manchin. And they ain't exactly Joan of Arc and Nathan Hale.
So explain to me, Josh Hammer et al exactly how, after trying to overthrow Trump since 2016 and then actually succeeding by stealing the 2020 election, the Democrats are ever going to rue the day they blow up the filibuster!
It is just mind-numbingly infuriating that people whose supposed job it is to write about politics can be so utterly blind to what the hell is going on. You expect this crap from pasty frauds like Rich Lowery, whose job it is to keep up the illusion in order to keep the money coming in from the suckers out there who still believe that "next time we'll get 'em good (but not with Trump)!"
But for anyone else to continue not see that America was mortally wounded last November 3rd, was My Pillowed on January 6th and then cremated two weeks later is living in a state of denial that is borderline mental illness. Lots of other crucial stuff going on but peruse the links and they'll jump out at you. Meh, the way things are about 99% will do that.
Have a great weekend.
- "Joe Biden is lying about his 2011 dealings with Vladimir Putin in Moscow, and the Russian president isn't putting up with it. I know this because I was an eyewitness to the events of that day."
Putin Humiliated Biden In Moscow Meeting, Reveals Obama-Era White House Stenographer
- "Politicians, journalists, and scientists have transferred the disease burden onto the working class. They've also dangerously undermined scientific inquiry."
One of the Lockdowns' Greatest Casualties Could Be Science
- "While all institutions are born of a good idea, the institution often becomes the enemy of ideas."
ISIS, Air Power, and RAND
- "New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is encouraging the city's law enforcement to police behavior or speech they believe is hateful, even if it is not criminal."
DeBolshevik Encourages NYPD to Confront Noncriminal Conduct They Deem Hateful
- "You bum, why did you hit me?!"
Elderly Asian Woman Swings Back at Attacker, Leaves Him Bloody on a Stretcher
- "...a temptation for him that he wanted to eliminate."
Georgia Police: Shooter Attributed Killings to Sex Addiction, Not Racial Hatred
- "The Asterisk President incites hatred of Asians so that he can then attack it."
Say it ain't so, Joe
- "Governments have an interest in preventing violent criminals and members of the Ku Klux Klan from joining police forces. Yet a new bill supposedly aimed at preventing gang members from joining law enforcement could prevent conservative Christians from taking the blue or result in their firing."
CHILLING: California Police Reform Bill May Ban Christians From Law Enforcement
- "California has been a fascist state for at least a decade, with its voting system designed by the Democrats to prevent any opposition party from winning. This bill only accelerates that process."
Today's Blacklisted Americans: California to Blacklist All Conservative or Religious Policemen
- "Kraus told Fox that he avoided direct compliance with Cuomo's order by locking down his nursing home."
Whistleblower Says Angel of Death Cuomo Order Caused Threats Against Nursing Homes if They Rejected Chinese COVID-19 Patients
- "The latter might lead to troublesome questions about their own [Chinese] COVID response."
On Angel of Death Cuomo, the Left's Preference Is Sexual Harassment Over Nursing Homes
- Daniel Greenfield: "For 20 years, Democrat sexual predators have run the state of New York."
The Last 3 Dem Governors of New York Sexually Harassed Women
- "Only in government could someone as incompetent as she is continue to hold a job, let alone get promoted."
"Rachel" Levine Committed Cuomocide in Pennsylvania
- "It is well past time for a full investigation into Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf's awful handling of [Chinese] COVID-19 in long-term care facilities at the behest of a new Biden administration official."
How Joe Biden's New Health Official Caused Thousands of Extra Deaths In Pennsylvania
- "Whatever [Angel of Death] Cuomo's ultimate fate, he is in uncharted political waters."
A Brief History of New York Impeachments
- Conrad Black: "The sooner both these unworthies are banished to the merciful obscurity of the memory, the better for the Empire State and the nation's suffering metropolis."
New York's Corrupt and Venal Leaders Must Go
- "Go back to China."
Daughter of Former New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan Accused of Racist Anti-China Rant
- The resolution McCarthy authored noted Swalwell "has not denied public reporting that a suspected Chinese intelligence operative helped raise money for Representative Swalwell's political campaigns and facilitated the potential assignment of interns into Representative Swalwell's offices."
House Democrats Kill Resolution to Force Flatulent Fang-Fang Spy-Fucker Swalwell Off Intelligence Committee
- "Fred Wellman, whose previous workplace was described as 'definition of a toxic work environment,' tasked with getting 'house in order' at scandal-plagued PAC."
Lincoln Project's Executive Director Filed for Bankruptcy as He Joined Group
- "Donations rebound a year after SPLC's founder was fired for racial discrimination."
Southern Poverty Law Center Maintains $160 Million in Offshore Accounts
- Has this hack seen the Grammy Awards?! My guess is the case details are too utterly damning of dozens of Dems and leftists for the public to see.
Ghislaine Maxwell Case Details Too "Sensational and Impure" for Public, Judge Says.
- "The unAmerican Left, which has subsumed the Democrat Party, is making a massive power grab with H.R. 1." (the Democrat Party has always been unAmerican - jjs)
H.R. 1 is Nothing But a Massive Democrat Power Grab
- "Biden suffered this latest brain freeze when addressing how minorities have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, underscoring the importance of distributing the [Chinese] coronavirus vaccine to such communities."
Joe Biden Mistakenly Refers to So-Called Quote-Unquote "vice president" Kamala as "President Harris"
- "The radical [so-called quote-unquote] 'veep's' virtual apology tour begins."
Kamala Harris, Traitor
- "The tyranny of practicality, logic and thoughtful debate is finally over."
Meet Joe Biden, America's First Idiocracy So-Called Quote-Unquote "president"
- "Ploy to enact radical 'progressive' legislation must be stopped in its tracks."
Biden Says He Supports Filibuster Rule Changes
- "More important than the world stage is what President Trump brought to the rest of us."
The Trump Swagger
- "Yes, but conservative populism--both as an ideological movement and as a practical political agenda--will evolve with or without the libertarians." (not seeing it myself but YMMV - jjs)
Is a Conservative-Libertarian Alliance Possible?
- "An interview with Matt Palumbo, author of Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New York."
The Twin Tyrants Wrecking New York
- "A federal judge had tossed out a conviction against Rafiekian in September 2019, claiming that the government's evidence was 'insufficient.' The appeals court reversed that decision, saying that jurors 'heard sufficient evidence' that Rafiekian worked for Turkey."
Appeals Court Reinstates Guilty Verdict For Michael Flynn's Business Partner In Turkish Lobbying Case
- "You parade around in two masks for show."
Sen. Rand Paul Rips Dr. Fauci on Wearing Masks After Vaccination
- "Living in greater harmony with nature will require changes in human behavior."
Daniel Greenfield: Fauci Blames Coronavirus on Our Failure to Live in "Harmony With Nature"
- She made the trains run on time, and helped steal Michigan last November.
Fauci: Whitmer "A Really Good Governor," Who Has "Done Some Really Good Things"
- "Say what you will about many pandemic decisions coming last year from the White House, one thing is certain: In under 10 months, Donald Trump single handedly willed not one but several successful private sector productions of 'China Virus' vaccines which are proving effective despite predictions from many -- including the now discredited 'Saint' Anthony Fauci -- that it could not be done on such a short timeline."
Biden Strategically Neglects "Operation Warp Speed" and Any Credit for Trump on Vaccines
- Julie Kelly: "If politicians and public health authorities want someone to blame for people's reluctance to get a vaccine, they should take a long look in the mirror."
Mixed Messaging and Silencing Campaign Fuel Vaccine Skepticism
- "The state mask mandates however, which are particularly stringent, are becoming a progressively burdensome issue for a [Chinese] COVID-fatigued public one year into the pandemic."
Oregon Health Officials Propose Making Mask Mandates Permanent
- "...And I don't think it's fair."
As a "Person of Color," I Received a Chinese COVID-19 Vaccine Easily and Quickly
- "Striking down the falsehoods - one libel at a time." (well worth bookmarking for future reference - jjs)
Lies in the Cognitive War Against Israel
- "Ads opposing Biden pick for Pentagon policy chief set to air during March Madness."
Pro-Israel Group Launches Six-Figure Ad Buy Urging Manchin to Vote No on Colin Kahl
- Wayne Allyn Root: "Drug kingpins have waited their entire lives for this fantasy."
Has Joe Biden Sold America Out to the Mexican Drug Cartels?
- Kevin McCarthy: "Before we even came here, I sent a letter to the president to work together to solve this problem... He doesn't even acknowledge a letter."
Piss-Hockey Psaki Walks Back Description of "Crisis on the Border"
- "It is a crisis like we have rarely had and certainly we have never had on the border."
Trump on Border Crisis: "They Are Going to Destroy Our Country if We Don't Do Something About It"
- Instant citizenship and legal status for millions, if not tens of millions.
House Passes Two Immigration Bills As Border Crisis Intensifies
- Does that mean pimp them out to wealthy leftists?
Biden's DHS Secretary: If Parents Send Children to Border "We Will Not Expel" Them, "Will Care for" Them
- "The Biden [junta] is trying to hide the border crisis, issuing an unofficial gag order on Border Patrol agents and withholding information."
The Biden Junta is Imposing a Media Blackout at the Border
- "BU's center is headed by Ibram X. Kendi, who has become a leading figure in the left's promotion of Critical Race Theory and 'antiracist' training."
Boston University and Boston Globe to Create New Critical Race Theory Publication The Emancipator
- "I will be watching closely and with interest how Amazon continues down this path of censorship and the impact it has on Hoosier consumers. My Office will not hesitate to take action if and when Amazon's practices harm consumers and violate Indiana law."
Indiana AG Threatens Legal Action After Amazon Removed Book Warning Against Transgenderism
- "The Alexi McCammond drama is obviously crazy to everyone, except to the journalists who normalized these absurd standards."
Merciless Teen Vogue Staffers Are Not an Outlier, They're the Future of Newsrooms
- "Multiple apologies for decade-old tweets couldn't save Alexi McCammond's new job as Teen Vogue editor in chief."
Anna Wintour Caves to Woke Mob
- "Guess how an arrested PLO jihad supporter is presented?"
The NY Times' Latest Act of Journalistic Malpractice Against Israel
- "Former California AG survives grueling confirmation battle after winning support from Manchin and Collins." (does it really matter who an anti-American junta picks to run these dens of anti-American vipers? - jjs)
Senate Narrowly Confirms Becerra After Confirmation Fight
- Sen. Cruz: "If a Republican president had nominated someone to HHS like Xavier Becerra with zero health care experience, zero medical experience, zero pharmaceutical experience in the midst of a global pandemic, they would have been laughed out of the room."
Senate Confirms Pro-Abortion "Extremist" Xavier Becerra as HHS Secretary
- "The summit was the first bilateral meeting between the two countries under [so-called quote-unquote] 'president' Joe Biden, who has traditionally been soft on Beijing, and has struggled to balance a desire to break with Trump's tough policies with the need for a strong stance."
China Humiliates Biden's Foreign Policy Team; Cites "Black Lives Matter" on U.S. Human Rights Abuses
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Biden's signals of surrender."
White Flag Supremacy
- "According to Choe's statement, the United States has called and emailed the North Korean regime through various avenues, but Choe called the attempt a 'cheap trick.'" (Rick Nielsen, Bun E. Carlos hardest hit - jjs)
North Korea Calls Nuclear Talks With U.S. "Waste of Time" Unless U.S. Changes Policy
- "Based on the Biden [junta's] weakness toward Communist China so far, it's clear we cannot count on them to stand firm with our strategic allies in Taiwan and properly counter the threats from the CCP."
Republicans Rally Around Taiwan Ahead of Biden Junta's Meeting With China
- State Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, a former Putin aide, said Biden's statement went "beyond common sense" and represented "hysteria driven by impotence." (as they say in Russian, "toch'na." - jjs)
Putin Responds to Biden's "Killer" Remark: "It Takes One To Know One"
- "Countering and containing China needs to be the U.S.' chief overseas objective now and in years ahead." (how, now that they have a puppet controlling the puppet in the White House? - jjs)
A New Cold War with China?
- "Woe to those like Tucker Carlson who stand against it."
Biden's Woke Military
- "Proposals to eliminate racial disparities in foster care decisions will put more children at risk."
Blinders On
- "Weird this happens after Trump left office. UAW endorsed Biden. Will Biden step in?"
UAW Slams Ford Over Decision to Move New Car Production From Ohio to Mexico
- "It's Democrats' first step toward imposing California's counterproductive union work policies on the rest of the nation."
The PRO Act: California Is Coming for You
- "Raising taxes on the wealthy has a way of backfiring. Why? It leads to lower wages and fewer jobs for those who need them most."
Guess Who'll Pay Biden's Tax Hikes on the "Rich?" Hint: It's You
- "Conservatives should lead the way in moving the pendulum back toward the rule of law."
Recover the Moral Imperative of Law and Order
- "The district made no admission of wrongdoing or liability, a copy of the agreement."
School Pays $325,000 To Former Teacher Allegedly Forced To Edit Trump Shirt From Yearbook
- Sen. Tom Cotton: "The endpoint of critical race theory: segregation."
Columbia University Under Fire for Graduation Ceremonies Segregated by Race, Sexual Orientation
- "The workshop is open to the general public, though its target demographic is mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists, and STEM educators who are 'interested in using the tools of these disciplines to critically examine and eradicate racial disparities in society.'"
California Math Research Institute to Host "Math and Racial Justice" Workshop
- "The college recently recognized the anti-Israel Students for Justice in Palestine."
Skidmore College Refuses To Recognize Club Due to "Troublesome" Pro-Israel Stance
- "To understand the disaster that awaits the nation if Biden makes good on his pledge to replace fossil fuels with wind and solar power, we need only look to California and Texas, two states that have already tried to do exactly that."
Texas, California Blackouts Reveal Fatal Flaw in Biden's Energy Plans
- "The gas prices in the images appear to be legitimate," an Associated Press fact-check says, reporting that the photo is of a gas station in Los Angeles, California that charges unusually-high prices.
Kevin Sorbo Shares Photo of $5.55/Gallon Gas, Asks: "Were the Mean Tweets Really That Bad?"
- "This progressive assault on reality -- all while shouting 'I believe in science' -- is a wonder to behold."
Can Liberalism Survive Science?
- Our intrepid science reporter notes, "For Turkey such a partnership would make great sense. Russia has done this kind of work many times in the past, for India, China, and the UAE. No reason Turkey can't gain from Russia's help. And Russia could use the cash that Turkey will pay for the business."
Russia Offers to Partner in Turkey's Space Program
- And this one which is way out there. Literally: "Images of Saturn taken by the Hubble Space Telescope since 2018 now reveal the slow seasonal changes to the gas giant's atmosphere during its lengthy year, twenty-nine Earth years long." (Jerry Nadler is technically also a gas giant - jjs)
The Changing Seasons of Saturn
- "Robert Hoogland, from Surrey, British Columbia, has a 14-year-old daughter. In February 2019, the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Canada ordered that the girl receive testosterone injections without obtaining parental consent. 'The court also declared that if either of her parents referred to her using female pronouns or addressed her by her birth name, they would be considered guilty of family violence.'"
Father Arrested, Jailed for Contempt After Referring to His Daughter as "She"
- She and that other slag Jackie Speier are bastardizing Antonin Scalia's words, yet again.
Malig-Nancy Pelosi: "But to Be Clear About the Constitution: It Does Not Forbid Discrimination Against Women"
- "The Dan Bongino Show" will air on the radio Monday through Friday from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Eastern, Westwood One announced in a press release.
Rush Limbaugh Cannot Be Replaced, But This Radio Host Will Take His Three-Hour Slot
- "I can understand the heat of an argument, but I find this age of accusation and the need to condemn irrational."
Schindler's List Actor Ralph Fiennes Denounces "Vitriol," "Hatred" Hurled at J.K. Rowling Over Transgender Issue
- "If anyone should be crying, it should be me."
CBS Embraces Soviet Media Model, Tags Sharon Osbourne with Fake Racism Label
- "Ignoring and conceding small battles like six Dr. Seuss books or Mr. Potato Head is what empowers the left's culture warriors to take control of everything."
The Left's Culture War is a Dangerous Distraction That Warrants Total Resistance
- "How will the [Chinese] coronavirus affect this year's tournament?"
March Madness, Chinese COVID Style
- "If history is any guide (and it should be) we have very little time left to pull ourselves out of this cultural tailspin."
Are We Headed Towards Cultural Doom
- "Self-styled anti-racists and social justice activists are seething with hate, but it is only upon love that we can move beyond racial tension and division."
Why the Left is Helping Make America Racist Again
- "What really predicted fertility, the authors find, are attitudes about work and family."
Report: Americans' Obsession With Careers is Contributing to Our Dangerous Lack of Babies
- Christian Toto: "Disney+ series gives Anthony Mackie a well-deserved chance to soar."
Falcon and the Winter Soldier -- Woke Work Under Construction
- "The doc won't change your life but it's a good watch."
Netflix's The Last Blockbuster Doc Is Such a Baller Move
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by Open Blogger at 07:06 AM
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