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March 17, 2021
Narrative Failure: After Optimistically Slotting In the Massage Parlor Shooter As the One White Anti-Asian Thug, Media Is Disappointed to Learn He's a Sex Addict Who Was Shooting Up the Sex Parlors Because He Blames Them For His Addiction
The media will now simply adapt this into a general Gun Control Narrative.
Jim Sciutto
New: Atlanta shooting suspect told police he had "sexual addiction," "indicators now may not be" racially motivated, says Cherokee Cty Sheriff Frank Reynolds.
More: Mayor Keisha Lances Bottoms says suspect was "on his way to Florida", possibly "to carry out additional shootings".
Police say suspect's family recognized him in security video and helped ID him to authorities.
But the Bluetick racists and civil war accelerationists aren't letting this one go yet:

@ConceptualJames' timeline is filled with Woke Blueticks cumming all over themselves at the spotting of a White Asian Shooter Inspired by Trump.
(BTW, while I'm not certain, I think he's talking about a one-way ratchet. With the idea that the ratchet can only go in one direction -- towards woke anti-white racism-- no matter what facts emerge.)
The below tweets are great. The NY Times' top racist, Nikole-Hannah Jones or whatever her racist name is, previously denied Asians had experienced racism in the US, because, you know, the Wokies are all about "BIPOC" -- black and indigenous persons of colors. In other words, blacks and Hispanics descended from Indians ("indigenous").
In other other words: NOT ASIANS.
They call Asians "white adjacent." Or even just "White," now.
So, prior to the shooting, she wasted a lot of pixels denying that Asians were victims of past discrimination.
But now she opportunistically lunges at the chance to bash whitey and welcomes her Asian brothers and sisters into the struggle.