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March 16, 2021
The One Year Anniversary of Fifteen Days to Flatten the Curve
This is a fantastic point: The general lockdowns weren't general lockdowns. As a friend said, we didn't have a lockdown, we had poor people delivering shit to rich people.
Instead of protecting the people really at risk, the Ruling Class -- the "Zoom class," the people who can work completely remotely -- protected itself, and killed half a million people.
But let's listen to them some more!
Martin Kulldorff
Rather than #FocusedProtection of high-risk older people, lockdowns protected the Zoom class while throwing low-income workers under the bus. Politicians, journalists and scientists protected themselves instead of the most vulnerable. That is not public health.
Dr. Tannahill Glen
The ENTIRE response to COVID ('work from home,' lockdowns of the outdoors, school closures) has been tailor-made for middle/high SES [socio-economic status, I assume -- ace] populations, who have online jobs, Peletons & takeout. It's as if low SES group didn’t even exist.
WHAT IF the entire response to COVID was instead tailored to vulnerable, disadvantaged lower SES populations? What would it look like? Serious questions.

The general lockdowns were never about protecting the general public.
They were only about protecting Karen.
Below, an important video from Steven Crowder.