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February 26, 2021
Biden Orders an Airstrike on Syria, Without Congressional Approval
The media is literally getting moist over getting their war on.
The hard left really loves... how polite and respectful the attack was!

No Mean Tweets in this attack!
El Kabong
I see someone switched the NPCs to War Mode this morning.
The true believers are assmad, but the ones who think whatever their phones tell them to are going full Conan.
Apparently Biden (or whoever is, unconstitutionally) really in control of our armed forces) ordered a strike on militants backed by our "Partners in Peace," Iran.
Jack Posobiec
Kamala Harris was not informed prior to the Syrian bombing and is very upset about being left out of the loop, per WH official
Update via Tami:
@JackPosobiec 7m
Biden refused to take a meeting with House Democrats on Syria this morning per WH official
Flashback to Cumala whining about Trump's strike on Syria in 2018, and demanding Congressional approval:
Emotionally-frangible mental spastic David French has also changed his view on the need for congressional approval, oddly enough!