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February 19, 2021
The Morning Report - 2/19/21 [J.J. Sefton]
Good morning, kids. The weekend is here and the tributes and reflections on the life and legacy of one of the finest, most consequential citizens the nation formerly known as the United States of America has ever produced, Rush Limbaugh, keep on coming as they no doubt will for at least the next few days if not longer. His producer, James "Bo Snerdley" Golden said it best, so grab a box of Kleenex as he talks about Rush. The torch has been passed and life does indeed go on, with so many battles yet to fight.
Between the absolute deadly fiasco in the wake of the winter storm hitting Texas, both in terms of idiotic "green" energy policy in a state that's swimming in oil and the indifference and incompetence of the current junta controlling the federal government to the plight of citizens it regards as at best political enemies and at worst sub-human, the decision of the junta to take us back to the dark ages by banning fossil fuels resulting in our now being a net energy importer once again, a foreign policy of said junta that is once again hell bent on allowing psychotic annihilationist Armageddon-worshipers to possess nuclear weapons, the official erasing of our national borders and the imminent granting of instant citizenship to tens of millions of foreign peasants, and the continued destruction of our economy along with the untold damage to our mental health due to national house arrest under the pretext of a pandemic that is marginally more lethal than seasonal flu, it's a miracle we haven't collapsed into a smoldering ruin. Backtracking to the Chinese Lung AIDS for a second, the only people that it presents any sort of real danger are the old and infirm, who were intentionally exposed to it because of the insane edicts of Angel of Death Cuomo and a half dozen or so other Democrat despots in cities and states across the nation. For the trolls who will no doubt shriek about the death toll, these frauds account for the lion's share. Bravo.
Most frightening of all is the ramping up of efforts to silence all voices of political opposition and remove any threat to the permanent control of the levers of power by the Democrat Party and its allies/confederates in the media as well as the corporate sphere. It's easy to mock Malig-Nancy Pelosi but this mobbed-up decrepit bag of botulinum is deadly serious.
Dinesh D'Souza did a podcast pointing out Nancy Pelosi's very peculiar behavior regarding events at the Capitol in the days leading up to January 6. In the five weeks since then, Pelosi has turned Washington, D.C. into an armed, walled city and is working with the White House to crack down on dissenting views -- meaning, any views that run counter to the Democrat party narrative. There's something weirdly un-American about what we're seeing now...
... D'Souza points out something we've all noticed, which is that, on January 6, many of the people peacefully walked and gawked through the Capitol after having been invited in -- and treated respectfully -- by the relatively small number of Capitol police officers on duty. If you've ever visited the Capitol in the past, you know that's not how it ordinarily works...
...In case you're wondering, this is how totalitarian dictatorships operate. Free speech is out; increasingly brutal suppression is in. And speaking of increasing brutality, there's the fact that the Democrats have used the events of January 7 to turn Washington, D.C., into a security fortress of the type any tyrant would love...
...One could say that Pelosi was Machiavellian enough to position matters in advance of January 6 to create a trap for Trump and his supporters. Equally, one could say she simply elevated a stupid, drab, depressing event into a crisis so that she could refrain from letting it go to waste. No matter the viewpoint, the fact remains that January 6 was the best thing that ever happened to a political party anxious to jettison the Constitution and achieve total control over America.
As we have reported over the past few days, Pelosi is now calling for some sort of 9/11 style "commission" to investigate what was a staged event with Antifa/BLM confederates dressed in MAGA gear to create a scene, which tragically resulted in the deaths of four individuals including Ashli Babbitt who was blown away by a DC cop for no apparent reason, and to be used as a pretext to quite literally purge Congress of any real political opposition, the military of anyone in their imagination that might take up arms and move against them, and beyond that, a swathe of prominent citizens and other influencers on our side. Sounds rather Stalinist, n'est ce pas?
Meanwhile, if you raise your voice in public, at work, school or even at home, you'll be swiftly stomped on by your teachers, your boss, the bank, your medical provider and even your own family members until you get your mind right. And by raising your voice to protest, it's not just about the so-called "insurrection" or the legitimacy of a stolen election. It's about protesting junk-tuckers in girls bathrooms, that white people are genetically racist untermensch, calling Chinese coronavirus Chinese and not believing it's a world-ending plague is racist, abortion is like a pedicure, eating meat and using oil is a sin against Gaia because global warming is causing snowstorms, Iran deserves nukes because the evil Jooz are evil, etc. etc.
When someone quipped "you will be made to care" they weren't kidding. Kind of brings me back to Rush Limbaugh. A few years back, I was working on a freelance writing assignment for one of the country's most prominent "progressive" institutions of higher learning, tasked with rewriting some of their website content. On their "About" page, I described them as being "on the cutting edge of societal evolution." I wonder if they ever caught on to that. Nowadays, if I did that, you'd read about my arrest in the paper when I'm charged with a federal hate crime.
Have a good weekend.
- "We can't wrap our brains and our hearts around it that our beloved Rush has returned his talent to G-d. And we are so thankful for him. You know, Rush is to me a second-generation founding father. This went beyond radio. This went beyond politics. What Rush did for America. One man changed so many trajectories in this country."
James "Bo Snerdley" Golden Delivers Emotional Tribute To Rush Limbaugh
- "One of our finest profiles, on one of conservatism's greatest legends."
From the Archives: Rush Limbaugh's Revolution
- "America has lost the finest ambassador of its political values with the passing of Rush Limbaugh."
Farewell, Dear Friend
- Ben Stein: "Eternal life grant unto him."
Thank You, Rush
- "For more than 30 years, the White House occupant could not ignore Rush Limbaugh."
A Radio Man and His Presidents
- "The everlasting tribute to Rush Limbaugh is to keep fighting for our historic American principles."
A Tribute to a Midwestern Icon: Rush Limabugh
- "Rush deployed all he was conferred."
The Limbaugh Effect
- "I will never forget the vital lessons that Rush taught us."
Rush Limbaugh - and the Importance of Being Hated
- "Robert Spencer's new pamphlet delivers a robust defense of Western culture - and of America."
Stealing the West's Cultural Heritage
- "Funded in part by the left-wing billionaire [Nazi collaborator and convicted felon] George Soros, a Lancet committee proposes a raft of radical policies in the name of 'public health.'"
How an Influential Medical Journal Laundered Progressivism as "Public Health"
- "So the reason the National Guard will remain in Washington is to act as props for Democrats criticizing Republicans for not telling people to stay home and not to believe a lunatic scheme that Trump will still be inaugurated?"
Why Are 5,000 National Guard Troops in Washington for Another Month?
- "Honore has a history of criticizing Republicans including former President Donald Trump. He was also a somewhat regular guest on multiple corporate broadcasts such as CNN and MSNBC to give his takes on Trump's response to the 2017 Puerto Rico hurricanes, the 2020 [Chinese] COVID-19 pandemic, and more."
Malig-Nancy Pelosi's Pick to Lead Capitol Security Investigation Thinks Hawley is a "Little Piece of Shit" Who Should Lose His Job
- "Honore has said on Twitter and in television appearances that he believes police officials were complicit in the riot."
Retired General Leading Capitol Review Has a History of Peddling Far-Left Conspiracy Theories
- Probably trying to prevent the Antifa/BLM goons from being allowed in by confederate cops working for Pelosi.
Capitol Police Suspends Six Officers For Alleged Actions Taken On January 6
- "[Malig-] Nancy Pelosi's behavior regarding events on January 6 looks peculiar, while the incursion into the Capitol has placed dangerous power in her hands."
It's Possible That Trump Supporters Fell Into a Trap on January 6th
- "The bill also prevents Trump from being buried at Arlington National Cemetery."
House Democrats Introduce "No Glory for Hate Act" to Prevent Trump Name from Being Displayed on Federal Projects
- "Racist Dems buy a ticket in the leftist lawsuit lottery."
The War on Trump
- Dems' fighting words. Literally. Sick and disgusting projection.
Malig-Nancy Pelosi "As We Confront and Combat the... Police Brutality Targeting Black Americans"
- "No good can come of the rhetoric that forces people into racial groups and then allows schools or other actors to make sweeping generalizations about the individuals who fall into those groups."
We're All People of Color Now
- Daniel Greenfield: "How anti-racism adopted the Nation of Islam's racist theology."
White People Aren't Human
- "Michael Madigan was the longest-serving house speaker in the country."
Scandal-Plagued Illinois Democrat Resigns from Office
- "On Thursday, he postponed a trip to Michigan, where he was to tour a Pfizer vaccine-making plant, then called an 8 a.m. lid -- notifying the press that he won't be seen in public for the rest of the day. Why? Because DC is getting snow. Seriously."
Spurious Quote-Unquote "president" Biden Takes Another Snow Day -- Get Your Milk Cartons Ready
- "Marco did speak with Ivanka a few weeks ago," Nick Iacovella, a spokesman for Rubio, told the New York Times. "Ivanka offered her support for Marco's re-election. They had a great talk."
Report: Ivanka Trump Will Not Challenge Rubio for Senate Seat
- "They've been at each other's throats over their responses to the pandemic, the riots, the protests, the police, the schools -- and sometimes nothing at all. That it's been a very public spat is unusual, especially since they're nominally from the same political party."
DeBolshevik Enjoying Angel of Death Cuomo's Fall From Grace -- Hugely
- "The weakness and stupidity of America's right has allowed false narratives to cement in the minds of the public. It's killing our freedoms. It's killing our jobs. It's killing our families."
The First Step Towards Righting America is Refusing to Believe the Left About Anything
- "In today's political trench warfare, the term far-right and its ideological parameters have been unreasonably stretched to fit a Democrat narrative."
Inoculating Against the Wrong Attitudes
- "Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer flipped on his position over Puerto Rican statehood this week, declaring his opposition to the idea after endorsing it."
Cuck Schemer Flips on Puerto Rican Statehood
- "These politicians showed that even when they vote the 'right way,' they can still be a huge net drag on the party by legitimizing the Democrats' relentless and hostile narrative."
In Undermining Trump, GOP Senators Rejected the Politics of Prudence
- "Republican voters will not go back to the neoliberal GOP of the past 30 years."
The Reform Party Roots of the New GOP Are Its Future
- Conrad Black: "The notion that Donald Trump is about to be abandoned by the force that he created is poor and wishful thinking."
The Uniparty's Wishful Thinking
- "Good."
Report: FBI, U.S. Attorney in Brooklyn Investigating Angel of Death Cuomo Admin Over Nursing Home Deaths
- "State Democrat Party chairman Jay Jacobs said he did not support the proposal."
NY State Assembly GOP Eyes Angel of Death Cuomo Impeachment Commission Amid Nursing Home Scandal
- "... the Cuomo administration provided incomplete data about nursing-home deaths apparently because he feared real data would hurt him politically."
Angel of Death Cuomo's Nursing Home Scandal is More Than Just a Cover-Up
* * * * *
- "A new study blames systemic racism for [Chinese] COVID spread in black community."
Harvard Docs Say Trillions in Reparations Needed to Address Chinese COVID
- "Gov. Ron DeSantis has put the leaders of locked-down blue states to shame, and Democrat politicians are ashamed to admit it."
These Shocking Graphs Show Florida's Far Better Chinese COVID Outcomes With Far Milder Lockdown Than New York, California
- Yes, they were feverishly working on a vaccine. But why were they not as frantically looking for a cure or treatment? And why were they continuous knocking down every possible treatment that was suggested?"
Chinese Covid Therapies Versus Chinese Covid Vaccines: Who Benefits?
- Katie Hopkins: "Wondering about driving into a wall."
Formerly Happy Brits Now Sit Alone in their Cars
- "Uzra Zeya nominated for undersecretary of civilian security, democracy, and human rights."
Biden Nominee for Top State Dept. Post Contributed to Book About How "Israel Lobby" Controls American Politics
- "Ben Rhodes made multiple comments featuring anti-Semitic tropes directed toward Israel, its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Jews."
Obama-Era Official Ben Rhodes Invokes Anti-Semitic Tropes in Anti-Israel Tirade
- Daniel Greenfield: "Verizon won't work with conservatives, but will work with anti-Semitic socialist Cornel West."
Verizon Cut Off Donations to Republicans, Partnered With Marxist Thought Author
- "Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA) and Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) will introduce the amnesty proposal in the House and Senate, respectively."
Biden, Democrats Propose to "Legalize All the Illegal Immigrants in the United States"
- What the hell country is this?
As Texas Residents Freeze, ICE Ensures All Detained Illegal Aliens Have "Food, Water and Heat"
- Well, then order your own police officers to arrest and detain them. Authorize the use of deadly force if you have to.
WATCH: Democrat Mayor Begs Biden to Stop Release of Migrants Into Texas
- "Don't count on [Malig-Nancy] Pelosi's 'truth' commission to correct the record."
Exposed: The Media Has Been Lying About The Capitol Protests
- "Absent Trump, CNN turns to new obsession: black-on-Asian crime."
Trump Leaves, XiNN Grieves: Network Suffers Post-Impeachment Ratings Dive, Fox News Back on Top
- "NBC's coverage was perhaps the most blatant use of Limbaugh's death as yet another opportunity to criticize former President Donald Trump."
MSM Leverages Rush Limbaugh's Passing for Political Gain
- "The myth of Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York, Master of Pandemics, Destroyer of Trump, Boyfriend of America didn't create itself: It was the creation of U.S. media."
Angel of Death Cuomo Didn't Create the Myth of Andrew Cuomo, Corporate Media Did
- "The Times' overblown New York warnings must be viewed in context of the Gray Lady's wider lock-down-the-world agenda. The paper rarely reports unqualified hopeful news about taming the virus, whether in The Bronx, Europe or Africa. When it does, the good news is shaded with warnings about mutant strains, rare instances of people who fall ill after being inoculated or the supposed resistance of millions to getting the shots."
New York Times Wildly Exaggerates NYC's Chinese COVID Rates to Prolong Lockdowns
- "'Mini Mike' sends powerful message that journo lives are insignificant compared with his own."
Bloomberg Fires Dozens of Journalists After Wasting $1 Billion on Failed Vanity Campaign
- "Much of the article consists of flagrant falsehoods propagated by Qui and the Times."The New York Times' Brazenly False "Fact Check" About Trump's Impeachment Trial
- "A new biography uncovers the facts behind the fake news."
Lying About Obama
- "A country that experienced communism firsthand for almost five decades understands exactly what the tech tyrants are doing."
Poland Fights Back Against Big Tech Censorship
- "Don't like what people are writing in the Baen forum? Either join the conversation and refute what they are writing, or go somewhere else. Don't try to blackball someone just because you disagree with them."
Today's Blacklisted American: The Sci-Fi Publishing Company Baen Books
- "Lyft thinks that firearms make people 'uncomfortable,' while carjacking, rape, and murder don't."
Boycott Lyft for Firing Driver Over No-Weapons Policy
- "Gov. McMaster signed the bill this afternoon at the statehouse."
S.C. Democrats Throw Tantrum as Fetal Heartbeat Bill Passes State House
- "A federal courthouse will hold a hearing Friday on whether the new restrictions can stay in place amidst the challenge to the law, which South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson plans to 'vigorously defend' in court."
Planned Parenthood Sues After South Carolina Governor Signs "Heartbeat" Bill
- "Left-leaning Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin wrote that the move from Biden comes after alleged Iranian backed terrorists attacked U.S. forces in Iraq earlier this week -- to which Biden still does not appear to have responded."
Former CIA Director, Critics Slam Biden Over Move to Pursue Iran on Nuclear Deal: "Absolutely Chokes"
- "While the Biden [junta] maintains it will not negotiate with Iran until it recommits to its obligations under the deal, GOP lawmakers fear the desire for diplomacy could lead to dangerous concessions by the United States that will revitalize Iran's economy."
GOP Lawmakers Demand Investigation Into Iran's Nuclear Violations
- "...But he doesn't get the reaction he expected."
Iran's Mohammad Javad Zarif Puts Biden On the Spot
- "Beware of relying on bloated bureaucracies."
Europe's Vaccine Fiasco: A Lesson for Americans
- Lloyd Billingsley: "What that means for America's patriotic movement."
As Trump Predicted, Under Biden China Owns the United States
- Meh. In any case, the most-likely permanent junta controlling the country is subservient to the Chi-Coms.
Tom Cotton's Bold Strategy to Fight the New "Cold War" Against China's "Evil Empire"
- "Rare earth minerals include a set of seventeen metallic elements that are a critical component of more than 200 products across a wide range of applications, specifically high-tech devices."
China May Limit Exporting Rare-Earth Minerals: What Does This Mean for the U.S.?
- Robert Spencer: "Just when you thought that France was becoming more sensible about the jihad threat..."
Marine Le Pen Goes On Trial for Opposing Jihad Terror
- Raymond Ibrahim: "...And astonished Christians ask 'why?'"
Muslim Migrants Firebomb Historic Swedish Church
- "The church is located in Ethiopia's Tigray region, where violent conflict between the Ethiopian government and military forces has pushed thousands to flee their homes, and has prevented media and aid groups from entering the region."
Deacon Says Mass Killing of 800 People Happened at Church in Ethiopia Believed to House the Ark of the Covenant
- "Even with limited water and power, many Texans looked for ways to serve their neighbors and entertain their kids."
Record-Breaking Temperatures Strip Texans of Heat and Water: "We Were Not Prepared For This"
- Joe Biden's handlers sitting on their hands while citizens freeze and starve.
FEMA Sends Only 60 Generators to Texas During Power Crisis
- "A third of the board of directors that operate the state's electrical grid do not appear to live in Texas, and their performance in wake of widespread outages has led to a Dallas-area lawmaker's call for change."
Texas Electric Board Members Live WHERE?
- "A rare winter storm has put ordinary Texans in danger -- and exposed the corrupt and parasitic nature of the energy industry in oil-rich Texas."
The Failure of the Texas Power Grid is Worse Than You Think
- "Government intervention, huge savings, and limited opportunities."
Why the Stock Market Is Up While Main Street Is Down
- "After taking office, [quote-unquote so-called] 'president' Biden issued a 60-day moratorium on the issuance of new oil and gas operations permits."
U.S. Will Now Import More Oil than It Exports Under Biden
- "Sabbath-observant Orthodox Jews cannot ship on a Saturday, and existing shipment services cannot guarantee two-day shipping for packages picked up on a Sunday. The move by Amazon does not violate the law, but it has prompted outrage among the large Orthodox Jewish community of Seller Fulfilled Prime sellers, who see the new requirement as an unnecessary imposition on their ability to compete."
Orthodox Jews Slam New Amazon Prime Regulations
- "The theme is the same in many major cities across America, such as Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Baltimore, San Francisco, and others. Soft-on-crime policies like early release, lenient sentencing, movements to defund the police, and a general lack of enforcement combine with a failure to provide addiction and mental health services."
New York City Subway Crime Is WAY Up, Even as Ridership Is WAY Down
- "When private parties contract to run prisons, the results are usually better."
Spurious Quite-Unquote "president" Biden Should End His Misguided Assault on Private Prisons
- "Health experts mainly attribute this to the pandemic, adding that the results from the second half of the year are not yet known."
Life Expectancy in U.S. Drops Most Since WWII
- "All other things being equal, children from married, two-parent homes are doing better amid [Chinese] COVID-19 than those in other familial situations."
Stable Families Are Helping Protect Kids From Lockdown-Induced Depression and Suicide
- "Parents who join the strike say that they will refuse to allow children to participate in remote classes, starting Feb. 22, and will picket in front of schools instead."
Report: Los Angeles Parents Organize Strike Against Teachers' Unions
- "... after allegedly making insensitive jokes about the death of Trayvon Martin."
Report: Professor at Historically Black College Under Investigation for Alleged Racially Insensitive Comments
- "As cases of [Chinese] COVID-19 took off, so too did case submissions from students and faculty nationwide alleging rights violations."
Study Finds Chinese COVID Reaction Is Threatening Campus Free Speech
- "...the colleges on the list 'went out of their way to threaten student journalists, dismiss professors for protected speech, render a student homeless during a pandemic for his speech, and refuse club recognition for groups just because of their viewpoint.'"
These Are the 10 Worst Colleges For Free Speech
- "A New York City public school principal calls on white parents to 'subvert white authority.'"
Gone Crazy
- "'Social justice' indoctrination will continue to metastasize until parents wake up and act. The cement is hardening -- the time to act is now."
Elite Private Schools Go Woke
- "Buckle up."
Critical Race Theory Is Coming to Your Suburban Community
- "Of course, the 1619 Project is also false in a much deeper sense. Its narrative delegitimizes the very real benefits of American freedom and prosperity by claiming that racist oppression is the central truth behind the country's ideals, while in truth the country was founded in pursuit of freedom and equality but the Founders allowed slavery to persist, laying the groundwork to defeat it eventually."
1619 Project Backlash Is Building in Statehouses Across the Country
- Our intrepid science reporter is following the Mars rover's mission closely.
Perseverence's Possible Travel Route on Mars
- "Why is the EPA impeding technological innovations that could save American farmers billions?"
Feds Freeze Out Frost Fix for Southern States
- "The University of Delaware offers or advertises a lot of scholarship and grant money exclusively for female students. Men may not apply -- unless they are transgender."
Biden's Alma Mater Bans Men From Posts and Scholarships, Just for Being Men
- "Is it fair for transgender athletes to compete against women?"
Prager U Video: The End of Women's Sports?
- "The former Disney star was cut from her role on The Mandalorian earlier [in February] in a move that the mass media company had reportedly been planning for months over right-wing views Carano has expressed over social media."
Gina Carano's Mandalorian Action Figures Skyrocket In Price After "Cancel Culture" Row
- "The news follows the launch of the Chicago Monuments Project's advisory committee, tasked with conducting 'a comprehensive review of more than 500 Chicago statues and monuments, with an eye toward identifying those that were offensive, problematic or not representative of city's values of equity and justice.'"
Chicago Mulls Removal of Statues of Lincoln, Washington, Grant, and McKinley
- "Gopal, 53, moved to the United Kingdom to take advantage of the same free society and education systems she is now attacking."
Academic Blasting Churchill Over Racial Views Tweeted "White Lives Don't Matter."
- "Cancel culture and the ghost of Eugene Debs."
An Ominous Trend
- "Today, we in the U.S. and the UK, are in the midst of self-proclaimed moralists who seek to erase the memories of those with whom they disagree, and to impose their view of the past and the present."
Overcoming Cancel Culture
- She makes Foghorn Leghorn's Henrietta Hen look like Gal Gadot.
Kamala Harris' Step-Daughter Debuts On Runway After Top Modeling Agency Spotted Her At Biden's Inauguration
- "A new film does a deep-dive into the 2019 Covington Catholic event that was a media creation, and it's worth your time."
Nick Sandmann Documentary Rush to Judgment Chronicles Disturbing Covington Catholic Media Smear
- Christian Toto: "This father-son story offers a template for similarly shattered relationships."
Searcy's Man from Nowhere Serves Up Hope, Redemption
- "One was born in a one-room cabin in Kentucky. The other, born into slavery in Maryland. In time, they became two of America's best leaders."
How a U.S. President and a Former Slave Who Sometimes Disagreed Became Friends
- "Kath's hoard can be dated on stylistic and comparative grounds to about AD950, a time when the Isle of Man was right in the middle of an important trading and economic zone. The Viking and Norse influence remained strong on the island for a further 300 years, long after much of the rest of the British Isles."
Buried Viking Treasure From the 10th Century Discovered on the Isle of Man
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by Open Blogger at 07:09 AM
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