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February 18, 2021
NOAA’s Awful (But Predictably Warm) Winter Forecast;
Governor Windmill of Texas & His Humanitarian Crisis
[Buck Throckmorton]
Last October, the politicized frauds at NOAA issued their predictable winter forecast of an abnormally warm winter for most of the country. They do this every year. They have to –their apocalyptic climate religion requires it. From New England to Texas and throughout most of the West, it was going to be abnormally warm. Uh-huh.
NOAA’s Winter Forecast

Despite significant snowfalls as far south as Texas in January, the climate clowns doubled down – predicting that a really, really warm February would make up for their failed prophecies.
Nope, the Northeast got a blizzard on February 1, which was just an appetizer for the current arctic blast that has smothered most of the country.
The situation in Texas is unfolding as a post-apocalyptic nightmare, as millions of people shiver in their homes without heat, electricity or water. And when it thaws, they’ll have flooding from all the broken pipes. I pray that this doesn’t turn into in to a mass casualty event.
Texas gets about 25% of its electricity from wind. That isn’t working out so well right now.
How did America’s biggest producer of carbon energy find itself in this mess? Oh…
Governor Weathervane has earned a new nickname – Governor Windmill. Governor Abbott’s new tech-bro friends that he’s bringing en masse from Silicon Valley may love the “clean energy” of windmills, but I suspect “windmill” will be a four-letter word for millions of regular Texans going forward.
At least everyone in Texas is sharing the misery equally, right? Oh wait. The gentry liberals in downtown Austin are not having any interruptions in their power. Too bad for the regular folks in their single-family homes across the highway from downtown Austin.
Of course, once you get north of Texas, it’s even colder. Much of the central plains is dealing with temperatures below zero. They are rationing power too.
Rotating power outages in Lincoln and Omaha metro area
A snapshot of Midwest electricity production on February 17 shows that 55% is coming from coal while less than 3% is coming from “clean” wind and solar. The sun isn’t shining and the windmills aren’t turning. Yet our current ruling class is promising to take that coal down to 0% and replace it with wind and solar. Our country would be a frozen killing field if that plan were in place now.
Don’t forget, according to the prophets of the climate religion, snow longer exists.
Yet the United States is buried under an unprecedented snow cover.
And Europe is suffering under record cold too. It’s even snowing in the Mediterranean.
In Athens, rare snow blankets Acropolis
With tens of millions of people freezing as electricity blackouts roll across America, and with our political leaders promising to eliminate the carbon energy that is producing the vast majority of electricity that is being produced, what does the future hold?
General Motors plans to exclusively offer electric vehicles by 2035
Where are those cars going to get their electricity?
We are ruled by a deluded class of fools who are no longer satisfied to use the climate hoax to limit our liberty and economic freedom. They are now freezing ordinary Americans to death. We need better leaders. Maybe this awful freeze and the accompanying blackouts will help motivate people to no longer play along with the climate hoax and all that goes with it.
(buck.throckmorton at protonmail.com)

posted by Open Blogger at
06:06 PM
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