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February 14, 2021
First-World Problems...Part 2C (Base 15)
Baseball is unique among professional sports in its obsession with statistics. Of course all of them compile an insane amount of trivia, but baseball's love of the numbers links it to its history, and the never-ending debates of who is best,
But along with MLB's suicidal embracing of BLM and the other SJW causes they are meddling with the rules of the game, and that is simply a bridge too far. Tweaking the strike zone is fine; revamping the rules for plays at the plate is...okay...but changing the essence of the game by placing a man on second at the start of extra innings allows runs to score in spite of excellent play on the part of the defense, and that is simply silly and disrespectful of the traditions of the game.
And I haven't even mentioned seven-inning doubleheader games!
But I will give MLB credit, they have succeeded in driving away legions of dedicated fans who would normally be excited beyond all reason for the season to begin. Will I still watch baseball? Sure. As much? Absolutely not. And as for going to see a game? No thanks. I won't spend money on a sport that has no respect for me, its own game, and the country that made its success possible.