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February 04, 2021
When NeverTrumpers Fight, Conservatism Wins
Some fighting going on between the progressive-curious National Review and the all-in-for-progressivism Bulwark.
Alexandra DeSanctis -- David French's old podcast partner chippie, and one of the most sanctimonious whiners in the world -- got attacked by the Bulwark's morbidly obese Jim Swift.
She then pointed out that the Bulwark was indistinguishable from any leftwing outlet.
I defy you to take a look at their site and distinguish it from any other liberal outlet. How fleeting were the days of "conserving conservatism"
Which is true, but... have you read the National Review lately?
I defy people to distinguish the openly leftwing Bulwark from the pretending-to-still-be-on-the-right National Review. They're more alike than the National Review would like to admit.
Bill Kristol lisps back that his magazine, which has the masthead slogan "Conserving Conservatism," is conservatism for conservatives who are no longer conservative.
Conservatives shouldn't defend whatever calls itself "conservatism" if it's no longer worth defending. That's why conservatives now need to stand athwart "conservatism," yelling Stop, at a time when no one is inclined to do so or to have much patience with those who so urge it.
"Xan" responded:
My favorite way to defend conservatism is by becoming a progressive
Which is a good line, but then... your magazine did support the last two gonzo leftwing candidates for president, didn't it? Hillary Clinton and then Joe Biden. Whom National Review writers lied about, branding them "moderate centrists."