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January 29, 2021
The Morning Rant

PROVERBS FOR MODERN TIMESThere are three things that feminists hate, yea, even four things they despise: a contented wife, a strong husband, happy children, and a household full of love.
Progressives look at Reason and say "who are you?" and to Common Sense they are a stranger.
Marxism is the opiate of the elite.
Socialists boast of their their righteousness, but their desire is only power.
Progressives demand three things: your approval, your money, and your children.
Libertarianism is a bridge that is only half-built.
Progressives hate normal life, and a city that is not in upheaval they abhor.
The mainstream media are dogs; either attack dogs or lap dogs.
Feminist women think the worst of men because feminist men are the worst of men. (h/t Grump928(C))
The Democrats' demand to let justice prevail actually means let just us prevail.
The Progressive has two daughters: Submit, and Shut Up.
The elite sneer at truck drivers who deliver their food.
Progressives hold a street protest to proclaim their virtue, but others must clean up their mess.
The more loudly the media insists that something is true, the more likely it is to be false.
What is advocated by liberals today will be defended by conservatives tomorrow.
Progressives want to remake the world on someone else's dime.
Foolishness is bound up in the heart of an antifa loser, but a 10-year stretch in a Federal PMITA prison will drive it far from him. Or, perhaps not.
Progressives define hate speech as speech that they hate.
Joe Biden in the White House is China's delight.
Cancel Culture:
Revenge of Cancel Culture:
And Now, An Important Announcement From The Language Police:
None Dare Call It Terrorism:
Seems About Right:
Today, In Joe Biden's America:

Who Dis:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4 (leggy!)
Photo 5Photo 6Photo 7
For the 'Ettes:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5
Wednesday Who Dis: I was surprisd at the number of shirtless pics of our last 'who dis' male actor, George Nader, and then I found out that he played on the same team with Rock Hudson (although they never sat next to each other on the team bus, IYKWIM). So perhaps those two data points are not unrelated. The last photo was a shot from the craptacular sci-fi stinker, Robot Monster, reputedly one of the worst films ever made. Shot in 4 days on a $16,000 budget, the filmmakers could not afford an actual robot suit/costume required by the plot, so the director used what he could get, a gorilla suit and a diving helmet. I guess he thought it could work. Hint: it didn't. Not even in 3D. Nader also starred with Jan Sterling, who made a career out of playing cheap floozies, hard-bitten dames, and other 'bad girl' roles, in the 1958 film The Female Animal.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Blooming Onions:

Blooming onion recipe available

posted by OregonMuse at
11:15 AM
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