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January 25, 2021
The Morning Rant

I don't know why people do this. Click bait, I guess. Here is something that made the rounds on social media last week:
Sounds bad, doesn't it? Gets your blood pressure up, doesn't it? Makes you real mad, right? And it sounds quite plausible, doesn't it. Because the Biden administration demanded that the national guard troops be vetted for wrongthink and 12 were reassigned elsewhere because of "ties to right-wing extremist groups", not that they told us exactly what groups they were referring to. For all we know, all they could've done was donate money to the Heritage Foundation. And if the military was using the SPLC definition of "hate group", all they had to do is vote for Donald Trump to be so labelled.
So demanding that a private company remove Trump supporters (fire them?) sounds like something the Biden administration would do.
Anyway, here is the article in question. (Link is to archive.is, not to the NY Times). Read it for yourself.
It's actually not a bad article. It's remarkably free of the foaming-at-the-mouth, rabid partisanship that has been de rigeur at the NY Times since 2016. It discusses cybersecurity issues raised by presidents using internet-connected devices. It talks about George W. Bush, Barak Obama, and Donald Trump. But, and here is the important part, it says NOTHING AT ALL about Biden requesting that Petelon vet Peleton employees for their political views because he uses their product. There's no evidence that the Biden team is asking Peleton to get rid of employees who happen to be Trump voters.
Now, is the Biden adminstration capable of doing something like this? That's a speculative question. Given their demands to vet Guard troops, and given the rise of 'woke' insistence on 100% compliance to its way all of the time, and given the method Biden used to win the election (i.e. cheating), I wouldn't put it past them. But right now, there's no evidence.
So the tweet is pretty much fake news. At first I thought the twitter account was a parody account, but I looked through the TL, and it doesn't seem like it. So I don't know if they just made a mistake or are just trying to stir sh* up. There's no 'there' there. And then, a few steps into the tweet chain, they admit that the article doesn't discuss their main point, but then add a lame "...but sources say" explanation. Nuts to that. Does anybody do actual *journalism* any more?

Evi L. Bloggerlady)
Not A Cult:
Scratch A Lefty, Out Pops A Racist:

Every time.
Please No:
Fake, But Accurate:
It Could Mean That Joe Just Sucks At Being A Catholic:
Who Dis:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5Photo 6Photo 7
For the 'Ettes:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5
Friday Who Dis: Some women can manage to be sexy but not beautiful, andAdrienne Barbeau is a good example. She's attractive enough, but generally speaking, the male reaction to her is not 'what an astonishingly beautiful woman' but rather 'holy crap, look at the size of those...' Having said that, you can tell by the last photo that she has aged rather well, and one of you morons mentioned that she gave birth to twins at age 51. Meanwhile, the freewheeling Sammy Davis Jr. was out of his Church of Satan phase by the time he starred with Ms. Barbeau in The Cannonball Run, along with practically everyone else (the cast list reads like a 'who's who' of Hollywood stars).
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Barbecue Chicken:

(click for bigger chicken)
(h/t Food Overload)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:18 AM
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