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January 14, 2021
The Morning Report - 1/14/21 [J.J. Sefton]
Good morning, kids. Thursday and of course the complete and utter sham of a second impeachment of perhaps one of the greatest Presidents in history - and quite possibly the last - tops the news. I'd say our government is a joke but for the fact that yesterday's Roman farce merely confirms that it's dead. The pretext for the Enemy to seize absolute power underscores one of the greatest political aphorisms of our time, from the mind of none other than Ace himself:
Our speech is violence, their violence is speech.
And of course, when there is no violence, the Enemy will plop on a MAGA hat, wrap themselves in a Gadsden flag, initiate some, then blame it on us, as was the case on Black Wednesday. For me to get all worked up about corrupt degenerates on the left and pseudo-right in DC, in the propaganda organs or in show biz and everywhere in between strutting, preening and foaming at the mouth with their sub-literate drivel is a waste of time. What I am worked up about is that rigging an election and overthrowing the country merely to seize power is not the end game. It's just the opening gambit. Forget about what's in store in terms of laws and edicts handed down from the rogue's gallery of hardcore Marxist freaks, geeks and thugs that now control the Legislative and Executive branches with little to fear from an at best neutered Judiciary.
Any opposition will now be considered seditious and subject to imprisonment. Think that that's hyperbole? Think again:
During a live stream on her Instagram page, Ocasio-Cortez was asked by a viewer if, to help with national healing, there were congressional plans to institute any "truth and reconciliation or media literacy initiatives."
The socialist congresswoman replied that, yes, indeed, she and some of her colleagues have been exploring media literacy initiatives to help "rein in" the press and combat misinformation after last week's riot at the U.S. Capitol.
"It's one thing to have differentiating opinions but it's another thing entirely to just say things that are false," Ocasio-Cortez added. "So that's something that we're looking into."
Oh, are they?
Now, perhaps in the political systems favored by AOC citizens are impelled to look to government for ultimate truth, but that's not the case in the United States. At least, not yet. Here, the Constitution "reins in" Congress from intruding on the speech of citizens, journalists, or any private institutions, not the other way around.
We need only point to our media "factcheckers," journalists with political and ideological biases who have regularly, and arbitrarily, labeled completely debatable contentions as falsehoods, while either ignoring or justifying scores of other unsettled contentions. Are these the arbiters of facts who will be manning the government commission appointed by those storied truth-tellers in congress?...
... For those unaware, the "truth and reconciliation commission" the AOC fan asked about was most famously used in South Africa after the fall of apartheid as means of "restorative justice." The insinuation by those who use this phrase is that 74 million Americans who voted for the Republican presidential candidate are racist thugs in need for similar programs. It's a disgusting smear, and speaks to the dangerous and illiberal inclination of progressives.
Not so long ago, 2008 to be precise, a number of people were raising the alarm bells about the then Democrat candidate for president and his connections to some of the most rabidly anti-American radicals including Bill Ayers, the former head of the Weathermen terrorists, whose bombs left a trail of bodies and terror from coast to coast in an attempt to overthrow the government. Larry Grathwohl, a Vietnam vet managed to infiltrate the group and became an FBI informer. He recalled sitting in on one of their meetings in the early 70s in what the author of this piece (a tribute to Grathwohl after his death in 2013) described as "a kind of Wannsee Conference at which WUO [Weather Underground Organization] members plotted the murder of 25 million Americans."
I brought up the subject of what's going to happen after we take over the government: we become responsible then for administrating 250 million people. And there was no answers. No one had given any thought to economics, how you're going to clothe and feed these people.
The only thing that I could get was that they expected that the Cubans and the North Vietnamese and the Chinese and the Russians would all want to occupy different portions of the United States.
They also believed that their immediate responsibility would be to protect against what they called the counter revolution and they felt that this counter revolution could best be guarded against by creating and establishing reeducation centers in the Southwest where would take all the people who needed to be reeducated into the new way of thinking and teach them how things were going to be.
I asked, well, what is going to happen to those people that we can't reeducate that are diehard capitalists and the reply was that they'd have to be eliminated. And when I pursued this further they estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these reeducation centers. And when I say eliminate I mean kill -- 25 million people.
I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people most of which have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well known educational centers and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people and they were dead serious."
One chilling idea WUO leaders entertained was working enemies of the revolution to death in labor camps, something many so-called progressives today would no doubt favor doing to Tea Party supporters.
And here we are in 2021. The heirs of Ayers, BLM and Antifa, have bombed, napalmed and lain waste to at least a dozen cities across the nation, only this time with the approval of, and quite probably at the behest of the Democrat Party, with the same goal: the overthrow and destruction of the United States. And once again, Ivy League eggheads with doctorates are talking about re-education camps. And Bill Ayers is still tied at the hip to Barack Hussein Obama. And Barack Hussein Obama orchestrated the coup that wound up not only sabotaging President Trump, but finally overthrowing a nation, society and a people that he despises.
When Titty Caca AOC blathers on about "truth and reconciliation" commissions, and Robert Reich as well as other incompetent little Eichmanns of his ilk parroting Ayers and foaming at the mouth in orgasmic anticipation of "re-education camps," to laugh at this - especially in light of what we have seen with our own eyes this past year - is to be dangerously out of touch. As sick and twisted as these people are, they have captured the government and all its instrumentalities of law enforcement. There are no more firewalls. The only thing that can sate a will to power is absolute power.
Dangerous times ahead.
- 10 RINOs vote with the Enemy.
House Impeaches President Trump for a Second Time
- Scum.
Here Are the 10 Republicans Who Voted to Impeach Trump
- "[Cuck Schemer] was reportedly trying to use the authority granted to the two Senate leaders in 2004 to reconvene the Senate in times of emergency to impeach Trump."
Chinless McConnell Confirms the Senate Won't Hold President Trump's Impeachment Trial Before Biden's Inauguration
- "At best, supporters of post-departure Senate impeachment conviction could say there is an argument for it, but it's complicated. Opponents merely need to point to the words of the Constitution."
Impeachment 2.0 - No, the Senate Cannot Convict President Trump After He Leaves Office
- Rabbi Dov Fischer: "It will smoke out Senate RINOs, separating them from the courageous."
Why I Support Impeaching President Trump Again
- "Malig-Nancy Pelosi's renewal of her Captain Ahab-style attempts to purge the White House of Donald Trump hit a new low."
Incitement, Insurrection, Impeachment, Imperiousness, and Idiocy
- "Fanatical Dems impeach President Trump for the second time -- and again without evidence."
Doubling Down on Impeachment Insanity
* * * * *
- "The Speaker said to us just moments ago, words matter. But apparently, those words don't matter when they're uttered by Democrats."
Watch: Matt Gaetz Condemns Violent Rhetoric, Triggers Outcry from House Democrats
- "Who, exactly, is guilty of 'inciting insurrection?'"
Trump's Democrat Impeachers and Double Standards
- "If government buildings are indeed temples, they were first desecrated long before last Wednesday -- by the actions of our elected representatives."
The Capitol Riot and 'Sacred Temples to Democracy
- This is what is known in the trade as "a bald-faced lie."
Dem Rep Accuses GOP lawmakers of Abetting Protesters in "Reconnaissance" Mission Ahead of Capitol Riot
- "It's not so much fun when your enemies start using your playbook, is it, Chuck? While not endorsing anything this woman says or has done at any point in her life, I think she brings up some valid points."
Transgender Gypsy Heckler Takes Over Chuck Schumer's Press Conference
- "In 2005, these Democrats committed the sin of voting against certifying electors from states, on suspicion of election irregularities."
Hey Corporate Execs, Here Are Some Democrats You Can Dump For "Undermining Democracy"
- "Complacency is a problem for east Tennesseans. They are so used to Republicans winning elections that they falsely assume victory is automatic. It is not."
Leftists Are Colonizing Red Towns Like Mine, and Local Republicans Are Clueless
- Daniel Greenfield: "The establishment would like to talk about anything and everything except its own power."
The Language of the Unheard
- "Astonishing photos show the moment an FBI vehicle rolled down a quiet Queens street to take a suspected Proud Boy into custody after he allegedly threatened to send an armed caravan to the US Capitol." (should've done a Manafort at 3:00AM with a XiNN crew rolling videotape - jjs)
Stunning Photos Show Moment FBI Tank Rolls Down Quiet Queens, NY Street
- "America's Cold Civil War will only heat up as those with all the power take precisely the wrong lessons from the Capitol Hill riot."
Democrats Are Using the Recent Capitol Riot to Consolidate Power
- "This legislation is less about securing Americans from domestic terrorism, and more about propagandizing a dangerous narrative and enforcing a political bias in our counterterrorism efforts."
A Domestic Terrorism Bill Only Antifa Could Love
- Dennis Prager: "Haunting parallels to 1933."
The "Good American"
- Multiply this woman times how many others in not just the 6 stolen states but all 50.
San Antonio Woman Arrested for Widespread Vote Harvesting and Fraud Despite "No Evidence of Fraud" in 2020 Election
- Fix the Court, a nonpartisan watchdog, wrote in a letter Wednesday that the lawmakers engaged in conduct unbecoming an officer of the Court by "baselessly objecting to the certification of the Electoral College results." (that entire sentence is comedy gold, and yet utterly horrific- jjs)
Oversight Group Presses Justices to Remove Cruz, Hawley from Supreme Court Bar
- "Millions of Republican activists in every state in the country are asking themselves, what can we do now? All of our political lives we put our faith in our elections."
Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us
- "The man Democrats have put forward to be the next speaker in the Illinois House is facing scrutiny from his colleagues for his history of domestic abuse."
This Illinois Democrat Is Eyeing State Speakership, But His #MeToo History Is Coming Back To Haunt Him
- He's a classy guy. He even gets out of the shower to pee!
Watch: Democrat Rep. David Cicilline Pulls Down Mask to Sneeze into His Hand
- Not to worry. Dominion has an app for that.
Two-Thirds of Republicans Ready to Vote for Trump in 2024 GOP Primary
- "Democrats now control the presidency, the Senate, and the House of Representatives."
The Clock Has Almost Struck Midnight
- Texas holds the line. For now.
Supreme Court Rejects Texas Dems: All Eligible Voters Cannot Vote By Mail
- "The anger and frustration that the Republican base is feeling right now has been years in the making by the Democrats ongoing manipulation of voting laws and regulations culminating in the highly suspect 2020 election."
Why the Right will Neither Forgive nor Forget
- "Looks like the roll-out for the Gropey Joe Biden Traveling Unity and Healing Show is going to be a rough one."
Unity: Airbnb Cancels D.C. Inauguration Week Reservations
- "The new Democrat coalition of woke and wealthy find it fashionable to discard the time-tested values that built America and made it a success."
Leftism is a Luxury Good and Its Awful Price Will One Day Be Due
- "Bipartisanship is now a country-club Republican illusion, although one that Democrats periodically trot out when they want the Romneys, Murakowskis, Toomeys, etc. to vote with them."
The Unwanted Ghost of Trump?
- "In the words of the immortal Tommy Heinsohn, Mitch McConnell should go home to his wife. Because nobody here loves him."
Mitch McConnell Should Go Home to His Wife
- "When Republican leaders constantly countermand the voters of their own party, many voters would rather start from scratch than reward the people who seem to hate them most."
The Republican Party Killed Itself
- Power made at least seven requests between November 30, 2016, and January 11, 2017, two of them on the same day, to unmask Flynn on the reports, though she testified under oath that she had "no recollection" of ever making those unmasking requests.
Biden Nominates Flynn Unmasker Samantha Power to Lead USAID
- "[ Johnson & Johnson] are hoping for levels similar to the other two available vaccines: Pfizer and Moderna. Both are reporting efficacy rates higher than 90%."
Single Dose Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Projected to be Ready by Mid-February
- Will someone please do a public service and shove this rotting corpse onto an ice floe already?
Dr. Fauci Now Warning About "Possibility" the U.S. Has Its Own Super-Chinese COVID
- "The media buried long-standing scientific concerns that Anthony Fauci had been 'sucking money away from work to understand and counter natural disease outbreaks.'"
A Short History of How Anthony Fauci Has Kept Failing Up Since 1984
- "The state is stonewalling -- plain and simple. This would be like the New York City Police Department reporting homicides on weekdays and not weekends." (I guess he can't just blame Trump - jjs)
Watchdog: Angel of Death Cuomo Still Refuses to Fully Disclose Total Number of Chinese COVID-19 Nursing Home Victims
- "Another cover-up in the offing?"
WHO Sends Team to China to Investigate Chinese Coronavirus Origin
- "Univision is reporting that Biden wants to create a "path to citizenship" for most of the 11 million illegal aliens living in the U.S." (it's called blanket amnesty and 11 million is more like at least 33 million - jjs)
Biden Immigration Bill Would Give Green Cards to DACA and Illegals Under Temporary Protected Status
- "The FBI warned law enforcement agencies prior to the assault on the U.S. Capitol last week that there would be potential violence, reports the Associated Press. This report contradicts earlier statements that they were caught off-guard by the incident."
Attack on Capitol Partially Coordinated on Twitter. Will Apple, Google, and Amazon Ban It Now?
- "Gab is currently experiencing bandwidth issues over a surge in new users and attacks from liberal groups."
Epic! Twitter Competitor Gab Backed Up Trump's Twitter Account and Recreated It on Their Platform
- On January 13th, Bloomberg reported that Kushner "stopped an effort to sign up the president on fringe social media platforms such as Gab and Parler after Twitter suspended his account last week, according to three people familiar with the matter."
Jared Kushner Is Blocking Trump From Joining GAB
- "A former Trump worker allegedly lost his job simply because a pro sports league refused to work with a company that would employ Trump workers."
The Public Sector Purge is Beginning
- "The legacy media has spent the last week repeating the lie that Trump supporters travelled to Washington D.C. last week in a coordinated attempt to overthrow the government. It's a lie."
The Insurrection Lie
- "The pieties of liberalism are hard to take."
From the Weather Underground to Twitter Bans
- "Social media's purge of President Trump and other conservatives puts Americans' rights at risk."
The Cold Civil War: Social Media Bans Threaten Free Speech For All
- "Back in 2015, Attorney General Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) demanded that two conservative nonprofit organizations, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) and the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), hand over their donor lists. This demand threatened to reveal the identity of donors, potentially subjecting them to threats and harassment for supporting these groups. It also flew in the face of a 1958 Supreme Court decision upholding Americans' right to support causes they believe in without government harassment."
Supreme Court May Finally Reverse Kamala Harris' Attack on Free Speech
- David Harsanyi: "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been a wellspring of truly terrible ideas for years, but her new one might be her worst one yet: A Ministry of Truth."
Titty Caca AOC and Other Progressives Have a New Goal: Silence the Press
- "Americans should divest themselves from all products, services, and applications that give Big Tech power over our daily lives."
How Everyday Americans Can Resist Big Tech
- "The steep decline in airport traffic because of [Chinese] COVID-19, coupled with all of the new ways that people are consuming content on their personal devices, has lessened the need for the CNN Airport Network."
CNN Shutting Down Airport Broadcasts Now That Captive Audience is Largely Gone
- "And then, because CNN breeds arrogance, rather than take the 'L,' he doubles down."
Fake Yapper Jake Tapper Literally Questions a Wounded Warrior's Patriotism
- "Then government could limit the money Americans spend on political speech."
Biden Wants To Amend Constitution To Limit Political Speech
- "A pair of Duke University professors are calling on President-elect Joe Biden to establish a bipartisan commission to address fake news."
Duke Profs Call For Biden to Create a Misinformation Commission
- "Opponents to medication-induced abortions argued that facilitating remote access could lead to misuse of the drug without sufficient medical oversight and that the drug could potentially be used to end pregnancies unknowingly. Katie Glenn, a lawyer at Americans United for Life, said the regulation would protect women against coercive abortions."
Pro-Life Advocates Cheer Supreme Court Ruling Restricting Access to Abortion Pills
- "The announcement is also the latest violation of the 2015 nuclear deal. The agreement signed by Iran and major world power explicitly prohibits research into uranium or plutonium metal-making."
Iran Begins Research on Key Nuclear Weapons Material in Latest Breach of Nuclear Deal
- "The CCP has engaged in a systematic and widespread campaign of violence, torture, detention, forced sterilization, and enslavement of the Uighur Muslim people in [China's Xinjiang province]. Its actions reflect an intent to destroy, whether in whole or in part, this population."
GOP Leaders Press State Department to Designate China's Treatment of Uighurs as Genocide
- "Months after news broke about the massive SolarWinds hacking attack, one still needs to read between the lines to understand what's going on."
CISA and the SolarWinds Attack: What Do We Know?
- Our intrepid science reporter: "While there are many good reasons to pick Huntsville, I guarantee a major factor was the clout exercised by Senator Richard Shelby (R-Alabama), head of the Senate appropriations committee. He will no longer be in charge of the committee with the new Senate, but in his final act as head he likely used it to get the Space Force to move to his state."
Spaceforce Picks Alabama for Its Future Headquarters
- "Welcome to Wiki propaganda on topics of Islam, Jihad and the Arab war on Israel."
Wikipedia, Karen Armstrong and Me
- "The Framers provided a remedy for a bloated federal government that ignores the voters."
An Article V Convention Is Long Overdue
- "The record $1,376,269,000,000 the federal government spent in the first three months of fiscal 2021 was $197,337,650,000 more than the $1,178,931,350,000 (in constant December 2020 dollars) that the federal government spent in the first three months of fiscal 2020."
Federal Spending Sets Record Through December
- "It's a near certainty that the stock market has been artificially inflated to its current state."
The Inflated Stock Market and You
- "Twenty years later, the bite-mark evidence was dismissed by the expert who testified its credibility, according to the report."
Black Man on Death Row for 26 Years Exonerated After Newly-Examined Evidence Shows No Connection
- "Following the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter [terroristic rioting], schools across the nation have changed or removed names to appease activists."
Well-Known Virginia Public School Could Be Renamed After George Floyd, Kamala Harris
- "A Cupertino elementary school forces third-graders to deconstruct their racial identities, then rank themselves according to their 'power and privilege.'"
Woke Elementary
- "In what amounts to a '1984 Project,' school districts across the country have turned into reeducation camps."
Spirit Murder, Lizard Brains and the Abolition of Whiteness
- Our intrepid science reporter, yet again, concludes: "Every report about this, including today's, waxes eloquently about the terrible threat the iceberg poses to the wildlife on South Georgia Island should it become grounded there, even though ALL past data, let me repeat, ALL past data indicated that it would not hit the island but drift around as it broke up. And, surprise surprise, that is exactly what it has been doing."
Giant Iceberg from Antarctica Breaking Up
- UN climate chief Patricia Espinosa: "The U.S. played a very important role in getting the Paris Agreement together. So we certainly are hoping that we will see this kind of leadership coming back."
U.N. Looks to Biden for "Global Action" on Climate Change
- "In the waning days of President Donald Trump's term, his administration took a series of actions that will act as shock absorbers for the economic havoc Biden's climate policies would wreak."
Trump's Actions Should Slow Biden's Radical Climate Agenda
- "The new "non-gendered language" rules were highlighted by critics online Wednesday when Pelosi used gendered language as she spoke about the prospective second impeachment of President Trump."
Malig-Nancy Pelosi, Who Pushed Through "Non-Gendered Language" Rules Change, Calls Herself "Wife... Mother... Grandmother... Daughter"
- "Walt Disney, a tremendously upright man who loved his country, must be rolling in his grave."
The Disney Company Adds to the Reasons for Boycotting It
- "...stepping up to champion diversity by updating shelf labels to help customers identify goods from minority-owned businesses."
Supermarket Chain Adding "Black-Owned" Tags to Products Offered by Minority Owned Businesses
- Christian Toto: "The Compound Media star calls out the press, liberal comedians for censorship."
Chrissie Mayr: NY Comics Making a "List" of Pro-Trump Stand-Ups
- "It Can't Happen Here was a successful novel by Sinclair Lewis, written as a warning to Americans that their nation could easily follow the path of Weimar Germany."
It Can't Happen Here (but it's happening anyway)
- I'll say this (with the caveat that I have not seen her social media postings), she might have revolted us with her essence of hoo-hoo candles, but at least she seemingly kept her politics to herself. Bully for her.
Gwyneth Paltrow on Acting Departure: I'm Not "Comfortable Being a Public Person"
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by Open Blogger at 07:35 AM
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