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January 12, 2021
Idaho Internet Provider Blocks Facebook and Twitter, Citing Their Censorship
But check it out: this media report will soon declare that Twitter and Facebook can ban whoever they want, because they're private companies, but that the internet company cannot ban Twitter and Facebook.
Citing 'censorship' concerns, North Idaho internet provider blocks Facebook, Twitter
The actions of Your T1 WIFI, which provides internet services to North Idaho and the Spokane area, could violate Washington state's Net Neutrality law.
SPOKANE, Wash. -- A North Idaho internet provider, Your T1 WIFI, confirmed it is blocking Facebook and Twitter from its WIFI service for some customers due to censorship claims.
Your T1 WIFI provides internet services to North Idaho and the Spokane area.
The move comes after Twitter and Facebook banned President Trump from their platforms due to incitement of violence and undermining the transition of power to President elect Joe Biden.
The social media sites banned the President due to violations of their terms of service. Because Twitter and Facebook are private companies, their bans on the President do not violate the First Amendment, which protects speech from being limited by the government.
Your T1 WIFI's actions, however, could violate Washington state's Net Neutrality law.
Oh, I see. The tech monopolies aren't guilty of censorship, because they're private companies, but this private internet company is actually the government now, so it is censorship.
Meanwhile, in Florida, a state representative has written to Governor and future President Ron DeSantis, asking him to divest the state of all equity or debt holdings in Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, and Google.
