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Dennis Prager: I Now Understand 'the Good German,' the German Who Went Along with Naziism, Because I'm Seeing It In America »
January 08, 2021
Video: The Capitol Police Allow Protesters Into the Capitol
At least, that's what it's claimed to show. I don't see the Capitol Police around. I do see what seems to be completely unlocked doors-- no one has to pound on the doors or pry them open. They open just with a pull.
Did Capitol Police open the doors, or were they just never present, or were they present but left?
I don't know.
But apparently it is now unquestionably a good thing to shoot and kill a 14-year Air Force veteran -- who served four tours fighting the elite's wars in Iran and Afghanistan -- for entering " " " " the People' House " " " " through completely unlocked doors.
No memorials, no questions.
This is the snarling face of fascism, millions of "Good, Decent People" cheerleading for shootings and killings and calling themselves righteous and virtuous for doing so.
These are the "Good Germans" of Nazi Germany.
As a matter of personal experience, I can attest that trespassing doesn't feel like trespassing when an institutional building's door is unlocked.
There was a private school near my house that was empty in the summer. They had a big, beautiful indoor basketball court.
They frequently left the doors of the court unlocked.
Obviously, we'd always go there first to see if the doors were unlocked, before going to a back-up court.
Yes, we got chased out a lot. Eventually guards would come by.
But given that we didn't have to force the doors -- it just did not feel like any kind of a crime.
Of course it still was trespass. It just wasn't breaking and entering. Entering, yes, but not breaking.
But I'll tell you, that lock is a major psychological thing. Sure, you can always bust open a door lock.
But breaking that lock feels serious in a way that just entering the gym doesn't.
And note, we're coming off a year of being told that we must forgive the minor arsons/lootings committed by Mostly Peaceful Protesters, because they're "angry" and feel "aggrieved" and have been told inciting fictions by their political leaders and because being part of a mob just changes the way you think.
We were told that we couldn't judge protesters.
Well that was then and this is now.
Now we have to lock all these serious law-breakers up -- and possibly charge them with treason.
And also, we have to assassinate some unarmed female veterans of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
This is the People's House.
Come in, and we'll murder you.