� Trump Threatens to Veto Defense Spending Bill -- Unless It Contains a Repeal of Section 230 |
After Damning Video of Ballot Stuffing Goes Viral, True Warrior of the Constitution Georgia Governor Brian Kemp Finally Calls for Signature Audit After Refusing to Do So for Weeks �
December 04, 2020
Happy Fun Time Open Thread
No arguing. I'll put up a post right on top of this one for political arguing.
If you want to talk politics, go upstairs to the top thread.
You can make fun of these idiots, of course:
1. This looks like the guy who gets cucked by Brian Stelter.
2. This looks like a giant egg wearing a blazer from Chess King (TM).
3. This looks like a fatter, whiter maskless Darth Vader at the end of Return of the Jedi.