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November 26, 2020
Thanksgiving ONT
Happy Thanksgiving Morons!
Listen, I'm going to keep it simple tonight. The comments are, of course, completely open to any and all, but I'm going to suggest that y'all – not limit yourselves, but – start with what you're thankful for. IG is always reminding us to hold our heads high because we're Americans. Excellent advice, but tonight, at least for your first post, why don't you bow your head low in gratitude? Being grateful is an almost forgotten act for many Americans, and when you step back it's hard to understand why. We have so much to be grateful for, and yet we selfishly take it all for granted. Why? Mostly because we're human, but being human allows us to recognize such behavior and correct it. I once heard Hall of Fame football player Derrick Brooks boldly state that he can stand tall each day because he starts each day on his knees – beside his bed, thanking God for his blessings. That's a great idea, let me start with two, one personal, one “professional”.
On a personal level, I am very thankful that we were invited to share the day with some new friends here in Texas. We had been kind of dreading the day, being new here we were thinking that it was just going to be the three of us and Gingy especially hates not being able to celebrate this holiday with a group of friends to share out gratitude with, but they're in the same boat we are: They just moved here to “live in a free country again” (a line I've used myself), but from California, not Maryland. One of their 6 sons is on the football team with Little, and so they invited us out to their ranch for the day. We had a lovely time, not only a wonderful dinner, but also a day full of Texas style entertainment, which in this case wasn't guns but motorbikes. They have a full sized motocross track on their ranch (how full sized? Well, imagine taking a 50-something year old man who hasn't ridden dirt bikes in 35 years, putting him on a YZ 125, and sending him around the track. It took me a good 5+ minutes to make 1 circuit. I did get faster as the old reflexes came back, but give me a break, I've been riding Harleys on the street for decades now, not Yamahas in the dirt). In any event, it was a wonderful, happy day with wonderful, happy people, and I am truly thankful for their hospitality.
On a “professional” note, I want to thank the Moron Horde for being the people that y'all are. Although Ace built this place, and it is his genius that keeps it humming along, it is you, yes, you, that's right, you there with the glass of Val-u-Rite, who make it one of the most special places online, a message board that has become an extended family for so many people. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for allowing me to natter at you senselessly twice a week, and thank you for continuing to support the blog by supplying the commentary that is content. This place is like an iceberg, Ace's posts are the gleaming white part that can shines above the waves, but down below is the 80% that gets the work done.

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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