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November 24, 2020
Republican Legislatures, Which Colluded With Democrats To Flood The States with Unrequested Mail-In Ballots and Turn Down All Verification Procedures to Zero, Now Say They'll Conduct Hearings on Election Integrity
Trump's lawyer Jenna Ellis is hailing this as a victory, but I don't think it is.
The gutless, brainless Republican Party once again ran like panicked cows when the left started making shrieking noises again. The left constantly uses the Fake News Media and Fake News Social Media to start panics, and to force people to act without thinking.
That is the point of these panics: If you had time to think about it, you'd have time to ask questions, and the left does not want that. (And increasingly: The left will not tolerate thinking or question-asking.)
So they panicked the stupid, heartless, gutless Republican cattle into yet another stampede, this time towards dialing all voter-integrity protocols down to zero. "If it saves just one life, then an Open Invitation to Widespread Massive Election Fraud will have all been worth it."
I have thought we were going to lose since September, when these fucking idiots rushed headlong into acting as the Democrats' eager accomplices in vote fraud.
They always do this. They always go along with the media's "Don't think, just do what we're screaming at you to do!" phony panics.
So now, after a coup has been successfully carried out, NOW they'll start asking questions about whether you should blind-mail millions of ballots to every person, living dead or canine, in the state.
They will never learn.
So they will never win.
I'm just getting kind of fucking tired even pretending this party has any interest in actually winning.
At some point, you stop having any interest in a team that is not just a group of perennial losers, but which seems to have fetishized losing as some kind of moral act.
So Jenna Ellis says the Republican legislatures in several key states will look into electoral issues.
Will they be questioning their own complicity in this coup?
No, they won't?
Then this is just more Failure Theater from the political party that produces nothing but Failure Theater after Failure Theater after Failure Theater.
I think it's time to leave the GOP and form a new party.
One without a culture of constantly giving in to every demand made by their (alleged!) political enemies, and then acting surprised when, Whoops! Whoopsie!, they've failed yet again.
Gee, who would've guessed that constantly giving in to every rule-change demanded by your enemies would result in a nigh-unbroken string of defeats.
Sun-Tzu has some advice about taking the advice of your enemy:
By the way: These cretins continue to do everything the hostile, leftwing media demands they do, while ignoring everything that (formerly?) friendly, rightleaning media, such as this blog and many others, tell them to do.
Why should we support you when you continually demonstrate you have nothing but naked contempt for actual conservative supporters?