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Quarantine Cafe: Mixed Bag Edition »
November 23, 2020
Elite Hypocrisy and Contempt for the Plebian Class Reaching Dangerous, Revolution-Sparking Levels
Andrew Cuomo has issued an edict limiting Thanksgiving dinners to ten persons. And officials warn people not to travel for Thanksgiving, and not to have Thanksgiving with anyone outside your immediate current household.
So, guess what Andrew Cuomo announced? Both his mother and his daughter would be traveling to his house -- that's three households eating together -- and surely there would be more than ten people present. Especially when you count his servants.
Only after intense backlash does Andrew Cuomo now backtrack and announce that he'll pretend his family isn't coming to visit.
Oh, I'll bet you they'll still be there. He just will say they're not coming, and will ask his media allies to cover up for him.
They'll be only too eager to lie to the public in the service of the Democrat Party and tyrannical socialist control.
Cuomo's been having trouble getting sheriffs to agree to enforce his Laws-for-You-License-for-Me diktats.
Speaking of illicit hosting: This borderline-mentally-challenged MSNBC whore used to voluntarily host Keith Olbermann's fettucinidick in her vagina, and she has some scoldings for you.
Oh, and Jake Tapper has some additional scoldings and some reccomendiktats, too.