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November 20, 2020
Three Michigan Republicans Introduce Articles of Impeachment Against the Tyrant Bitch Whitmer, But Of Course They Are Opposed by Republican Leadership
Background: Her previous illegal orders were ruled unconstitutional by the Michigan Supreme Court.
She just issued more illegal orders, this time making up a new fictitious authority to act as a tyrant.
Instead of relying on the Emergency Powers Act, she now asserts she can impose the same lockdowns, against the wishes of the legislature, relying on the inherent power of... the Department of Health and Human Services.
The Michigan Supreme Court ruled last month that Whitmer's previous Covid-19 orders, which were among the strictest in the nation, violated the state's constitution. The Democrat governor, a fierce critic of President Donald Trump, had attempted to keep her emergency orders in place without legislative input.
Since the ruling, the state health department has issued Covid-19 restrictions, including a mask mandate and a limit on indoor non-residential gatherings to 50 people. Whitmer used the same legal basis for Sunday's order, imposing her new rules through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.
What she's really doing is betting that by the time the Supreme Court rules that she is acting tyrannically again, she'll have already imposed her illegal orders for 21 days.
Then she'll cite a new bullshit source of power for her next unconstitutional decrees.
Tired of this shell-game, three Republicans introduced articles of impeachment, citing Whitmer's determined defiance of the state's highest court and grim determination to rule without limits.
So obviously, Republican leadership rushes to protect her whimpering about the need for "bipartisan action."
But not all of Michigan's GOP agree with the calls for impeachment and Michigan House Speaker, Rep. Lee Chatfield, R, called the move a "distraction from the real things we have to get done in our state."
"We're not the party that impeaches someone because we're upset with policies that they've enacted," he told local news outlet Michigan Live....
Chatfield and Republican Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey said they were frustrated that the governor had ordered the partial shutdown on her own but said they were eager to work in a "bipartisan way."
They're claiming they opposed Trump's impeachment (why do I sense they mostly opposed that in their minds?) and so consistency requires them to oppose this impeachment.
Except... this is a crime in progress, and she is determined to pass laws without the legislature.
She has already been scolded by the Supreme Court. Now she just invents a new reason why Rule by Tyrants is good and necessary, and waits for the Court to strike her down again.
By the way: Anyone think the Court will be working Thanksgiving week? Because I don't. That's additional time for the order to stand without any judicial review even beginning.
And these assholes whimper about the need for "bipartisan action," while this ugly tyrantress continues passing laws unilaterally.
Question: Is this more Failure Theater by Republican Leadership? Have they given Whitmer the okay to act unconsitutionally?
Are these cowards too cowardly to vote for the shutdowns they actually favor, so they've worked it out so that Whitmer will keep imposing them with no legislative vote, and they can keep on Conning the Rubes and pretending to oppose them?