� The Last Bush Betrayal |
Food Thread: Big Chunks Of Cow And The First Installment Of Festive Meals! �
November 08, 2020
First-World Problems...Part Dreiunddreißig
I love autumn weather, when the mornings are cold and the grass has hints of frost and I can see my breath in the clear air. Brisk weather seems to make everything seem clean and bright and refreshed, unlike the summer with its sodden air and looming clouds and oppressive heat.
And this fall began wonderfully, with a few cold mornings and a single night of frost that sadly killed my oddly late-flourishing basil plant! But that is a fine trade for my favorite weather.
And then all of a sudden...poof...it was gone, and horrid Indian Summer has arrived. What a tease! Just when I began to daydream of snowblowing the driveway of a foot of beautiful snow and building a big fire and sipping a fine bourbon and dozing with a good book while the next storm drifts in from the north, this horrid hot (for certain definitions) and unseasonably clear weather arrived, with no end in sight!
If I have to go another year without a big snowstorm, I might not survive the winter!