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October 27, 2020
Trump Spokesman Tim Murtaugh Accuses (Accurately) Fredo Cuomo of Having Broken Covid Quarantine; Fredo Lies To the World and Claims He Didn't
Fredo offered the Liar's Demurrer. A liar doesn't want to be specific about what he's denying. Being specific is just making it easier to prove you're a lair.
So you just resort to nonspecific denials-- childishly gainsaying "Nuh-uh!"
Jake Tapper did this after the debate, calling Trump's charges against Hunter Biden "nonsense" because he had no specific grounds to deny the claims.
So he just yell-cried "Nuh-uh!"
As his CNN chumpmate Fredo Cuomo does here.
He never once says what he's claiming he did do, re: breaking quarantine. He just keeps shouting "No I didn't!"