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October 24, 2020
Ace of Spades Pet Thread
Good afternoon and welcome to the almost world famous Ace of Spades Pet Thread. Kick back and relax. C'mon and enjoy the world of animals.
A Little of This. A Little of That.
Today's Feel Good Story.
Hilarious cat photos. (H/T Shibumi)
A safety tip from ALH.......
Meet The PetMorons
Long time lurker. Love the site, especially the pet thread. This is Einstein. We picked him up from the local shelter when he was roughly 6 months old. He’s one of the most ridiculous looking canines you’ll ever see. He’s about half a foot tall but about two feet wide with out of control curly hair. We got his DNA tested and according to the test he’s basically half pit bull, one quarter Maltese and one quarter Poodle. Apparently the house dog snuck into the back yard to visit the yard dog. That being said, he’s a super sweet and smart guy. He loves his trips on the kayak. - Andrew
Andrew thank you for the kind words. Love this photo of Einstein, he really looks like he's chilled out on the water. Nice to see the PFD on him. He certainly lucked out when you "adopted" him. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Mis Hum
We had a Marine/Navy couple renting a place from us and both were deployed last spring. We took in their cat Ron Weasley for their 8 month tour; they are back safely and Ron is heading home this week. He is a machine, averaging 3 lizards/rats/mice/squirrels/moles/gophers a week delivered to us on our front porch. AKA Fat Tony, Big Tuna, El Gordo Gato, and He Who Shall Not Be Lean Cuisined.
P.S. Thanks for all you do.
What a great landlord you are motionview. And thank you for your appreciation. Sounds like Ron added some character around the place, bet you miss him. Thanks for sharing.
Special border collie JACK
Who will wear you ass out playing fetch ball - Larro
It appears Jack is plotting a "fetch session" with you. So a working dog that is also a retriever, quite the guy you have there. We appreciate your contribution today.
I know you've run too many pictures of Paisley but this week she found a light bulb somewhere and carried into my bed.
Obviously she has a very gentle mouth but it scares the snot out of me to think how badly she could have hurt herself.
Someone was looking after her. - Northernlurker
We just run photos in the order we receive them NL. Paisley is a doll and we are happy to hear there were no injuries with her find. Thanks for a reminder to make sure trash is properly disposed.
MisHum, here's a picture I drew of Pepper, submitted today by Theresa in Ft Worth. What a little angel. - Sobek Pundit
You are quite the artist. I admire your work. Thanks for regularly contributing to the Pet Thread.
Fun links and wonderful pets as usual from the best readers on the webz. Thanks so much folks.
If you have something pet/animal related please feel free to submit it to us here at petmorons at gmail dot com.
Until next Saturday, have a great week!!!

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
03:00 PM
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