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October 15, 2020
Biden Town Hall Thread
Now for Sundown Joe's last hour -- probably the only hour people will see!
Will we get to hear him sundown?
It's on ABC. Commenters who were watching the whole time say that former Clinton spin doctor George Stephanopolous was all but massaging Biden's shoulders.
I added my grade for Trump's performance as an update to the previous post.
Donna says at least one squish suburban woman in danger of defecting to Biden liked Trump's performance:
I watched the Trump town hall with my sister, who is very definitely the sort of Republican suburban squish Trump is in danger of losing. She's scared to death of Wuflu, hates Trump's tweets and his personality generally, thinks Biden is "nice" and is only voting GOP because she recognizes the left is nuts.
She thought Trump did great tonight and hated the way Savannah kept arguing with him. Trump was strong, but subdued, he didn't insult anybody, she thought his answers were great. She feels better about voting for him now. (And feelz are important to her when it comes to voting.)
NBC thought Trump would be mean to Guthrie and all those Dem women asking him questions - this whole thing was obviously aimed at suburban women. Trump knew that and did a great job. Their hit job failed.
Posted by: Donna&&&&&&V
That observation -- that the women questioners were there to upset Trump and provoke him into being mean -- is a great one. I believe 100% that that is the tactic they were trying.
Update: Weft-cut loop writes -- "Fucker's trying to get someone killed."
@RadioFreeTom 39m
Journalists, if you don't find out who that woman is nodding behind Trump at an "undecided" voter town hall, then I don't know what you're getting paid for
WH source tells @OANN that after walking offstage at townhall, Trump said to everyone, "I expected worse. She tried, God bless her...she tried."
Posted by: Mark1971
A friend writes (in response to the comment from Donna that I shared with him):
FWIW, Megyn Kelly recently mentioned on a podcast that she lives among and is friends with many of these upper-middle class suburban women who "hate Trump". And she said that they're all basically lying. Privately they have, almost to a person, said they are voting for Trump.
Wow, if that is true, then... Wow.
I've heard that from several women but I never know if maybe they're in a conservative-leaning bubble or not. It's always good to hear this sort of thing from another woman in a different location with an entirely different social network.
He's referring to the black woman who was nodding to Trump's answers, who apparently is now to be hunted and killed by the Twitter mob for not conforming to her Mandated Racial Political Role.
Unapproved Nodding is now a Thoughtcrime.