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October 09, 2020
The Morning Report - 10/9/20
Good morning, kids. The weekend is here and as usual, there are a few things vying for the top slot but right off the bat it's a potential Wile E. Coyote step-on-a-rake moment for the Democrat-Media Complex. So, the FBI busted a half dozen shaggy loser chuckleheads and accused them of plotting to kidnap Drag-in-Lady Gretchen "Wretched" Whitmer, the governor/gauleiter of Michigan. Immediately, the stenographers classified them as a Trump-supporting, Trump-inspired ultra-right-wing-super-duper-conservative element of the vast white supremacist movement out to destroy our "Democracy." The incel Twitter bots are still being programmed to act enraged over Mike Lee's comments on that subject (click here or linked in Culture Wars below), but I digress.
Naturally, Wretched Whitmer jumped on the bund-wagon to condemn... the President.
In a press conference after the news broke, Whitmer said, "Our head of state has spent the past seven months denying science, ignoring his own health experts, stoking distrust, fomenting anger, and giving comfort to those who spread fear and hatred and division.
"Just last week the president of the United States stood before the American people and refused to condemn white supremacists and hate groups like these two Michigan militia groups. Stand back and stand by, he told them, stand back and stand by," she said.
"Hate groups heard the president's words not as a rebuke, but as a rallying cry, as a call to action. When our leaders speak, their words matter. They carry weight. When our leaders meet with, encourage, or fraternize with domestic terrorists, they will legitimize their actions, and they are complicit. When they stoke and contribute to hate speech, they are complicit," the governor said.
Her projection is just staggering to behold, but then again, par for the course. I assume she does not include Barack Obama who despite his transparent lies to the contrary was and remains close friends with Bill Ayers, or Maxine "Mikvah" Waters who, along with the aforementioned jug-eared dog-eating fraud, loudly exhorted people to physically confront Republicans, conservatives and Trump administration officials, or Dick Durbin who still refuses to answer for his apparently close and long-standing connection to would-be mass assassin James Hodgkinson, and so on and so on and scooby dooby dooby. She also doesn't include herself in that list as her own refusal to accept the demand of the highest court in her state to lift her blatantly unconstitutional and illegal lockdown based on a virus that is now provably as lethal as seasonal flu is, of course, justified because, reasons!
Better bookmark her glorious display of righteous rage because she and the anti-media media are going to memory-hole this one at any moment, because lookie here!
After the FBI revealed the plot in an indictment on Thursday, Governor Whitmer irresponsibly accused President Trump of stirring up the hatred against her by his support for the Proud Boys. For the record, the Proud Boys, a right-leaning group, was not mentioned in the indictment, no one is stated to be a part of the group, President Trump reportedly didn't know who the Proud Boys were until the past few days, nor did President Trump give them instructions, as Whitmer claimed in her inflammatory news conference following the news of the indictments.
But now, as they say, the plot thickens. At least two of the six people indicted on Thursday were not right-wing militia members, Trump supporters, or Proud Boys, as Whitmer irresponsibly represented. According to information coming out on Thursday evening, one of the ringleaders of the plot is a leftist insurrectionist anarchist who hates President Trump. Another, Pete Musico, shares the same philosophy.
It makes you wonder what else do we not know about these Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Case Daniel Harris, Brandon Caserta, and others up on state charges in Michigan.
Producer Robby Starbuck, Reddit, and probably 4Chan went to work to trace back the social media breadcrumbs left behind by the feds, who likely "disappeared" most of the social media footprints of the men who'd been charged.
Starbuck found information on two of the men indicted by the feds who appear to be off-the-reservation anarchists who hate both Trump and Whitmer.
Brandon Caserta was found to have a YouTube channel in which he apparently railed against the Trump administration. In one video obtained by Starbuck, he said "Trump is not your friend dude." He said that Trump was a "tyrant" and the "enemy."
Another arrested conspirator, according to Starbuck, Pete Musico, shared Caserta's anti-government and anti-police beliefs.
For those who are unaware, anarchism is by definition not conservative, Republican or in line with Americanism. It sure as hell, though, is in line and solidly linked with a group and movement known as "Antifa." Sound familiar? As long as we're talking "dog whistles" Fraulein Gauleiter, your words give a green light to the anarcho-terrorists of Antifa and BLM to burn, loot and murder your common enemy - we the people and We The People. For that, I wish you a speedy vayr ge hargit.
Next on the hit parade, with more and more of the confirmation that Hillary Clinton, with the participation of or at minimum approval of Barack Obama, was behind the most heinous political crime in US history, the plot to sabotage the candidacy and then coup against the Presidency of Donald Trump, the myriad co-conspirators and their underlings are digging in their heels in refusing to cooperate with the investigation. In doing so, they are acting as co-conspirators after the fact in the crime itself. I am talking of course about the current head of he CIA Gina "Ass-Pill" Haspel.
In a letter to Haspel, Sens. Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley said that CIA officials have refused to schedule a phone call to discuss the document request.
"More than two months later, we still have not received any of the requested records that we detailed in that letter," Johnson and Grassley, the chairmen of the Senate Homeland Security and Senate Finance Committees, respectively, wrote to Haspel on Wednesday...
Both Republicans pointed to Haspel's testimony at her confirmation hearing that, "If confirmed as Director, I will uphold the Agency's obligations to Congress and ensure that oversight works on behalf of the American people."
"Your apparent unwillingness to speak with us on this matter contradicts your testimony," the senators said, noting that they voted to confirm Haspel. "Both of us fully expected you to honor the commitment you made, but we are becoming increasingly disappointed by the CIA's continued inability to timely respond to our legitimate oversight requests."
They are calling on Haspel to provide the documents by Friday. "Further delay is unacceptable."
Well, Senators, what the hell are you going to do about it, shoot off an angry letter to the New York Times? I'm sure it's a mere coincidence that Haspel was the station chief in London - "Yes, London. You know, fish, chips, cup 'o tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary fucking Poppins... LONDON!" If I may add two items to Doug the Head's description, Stefan Halper and Christopher Steele, the pimp and prostitute of the Steele Dossier. We should've smelled an extra large rattus norvegicus when the Gus Hall-voting crypto-Muslim John Brennan praised her up and down at her confirmation hearing. Right now, if I were President Trump, I'd order her to turn over the files, strip her of her security clearance and boot her ass the hell out of Langley. And then hire Mike Flynn or Richard Grenell to torch the place. Call it a Black-Ops Lives Don't Matter protest and give them the space to destroy.
Of course if that happens, they Left will shriek cover up. The bitter, and galling irony is they are already calling DNI Ratcliffe's files Russian disinformatsiya. That said, it would be impossible for the Left to prove the negative that Trump colluded than it is to prove the opposite - that is, the truth. But now that John Durham is now investigating a new angle in this because some mongoloid Russky just happened to stay at a Trump hotel... This is making what little is left of my hair hurt.
Finally, for a bit of comic relief, with all the garbage going on, Malig-Nancy Pelosi and yet another bug-eyed momzer Jamie Raskin, who looks like his aesthetician at the Hair Club for Criminals crazy glued something pulled out of a whorehouse shower drain on his head, are (get this) forming a committee to pass legislation to remove President Trump from office based on the 25th Amendment. Evidently, President Trump is a deranged lunatic because he took steroids. Well, send him to a baseball field and see how many homeruns he can hit, just not the James Hodgkinson "field of screams," m'kay?
Joe Biden, the Democrat Party nominee for president of the United States, is sundowning from dementia while traipsing about the country, attempting to score with Haitian tweener folk dancers as chemicals that could kill the Toxic Avenger are coursing through his system. But Donald Trump is to be removed from office because, prednisone?
Yes, Malig-Nancy. This will really seal the deal!
Lots of other links, including...
- More fallout and analysis of Pence's complete takedown of Joe's Kamal.
- Chinese dissident scientist doubles down that the Chinese Lung AIDS was a bio-weapon manufactured in China.
- A couple of links on Nazi collaborator Soros as well as this Arabella Advisors billionaire Bolshevik club.
- Great essay up top from Danusha Goska on science and secularism.
- Suburban Wisconsin burning.
- Cal Cunningham circling the drain as well as several other Democrat scandals of note.
- Trump to guest host on the EIB Network today.
- Some good news in WI and TX on courts checking the mail fraud.
And other picture postcards. Be sure to peruse all the links. Too many to list here. On a personal note, a big thank you for all who have hit that tip jar, both here and on my site. It is appreciated.
Have a great weekend.
- "By institutionalizing Hillary Clinton's anti-Trump operation, the former president and CIA director chose to undermine the peaceful transfer of authority and legitimize an attempted coup."
One Step Closer to Despotism?
- "The conclusion is perhaps the most explosive we've seen on the pandemic in a while, wherein Dr. Yan, Shu Kang (PhD), Jie Guan (PhD), and Shanchang Hu explain: 'If SARS-CoV-2 is of a natural origin, no fabrications would be needed to suggest so. The current report, therefore, corroborates our earlier report and further proves that SARS-CoV-2 is a laboratory product.'"
"Unrestricted Bioweapon": China Whistleblower Dr. Yan Releases New Report Claiming Chinese Coronavirus Is "Laboratory Product"
- "Soros' professed belief in the 'open society' has never been properly challenged by journalists. Will his alliance with BLM spark greater scrutiny?"
Thinking Straight About Soros Gyorgy.
- "When modern secularists try (and fail) to fill the 'G-d-shaped hole' in man."
How "Activist" Scholarship Harms Everybody
- "Biden pushed Sowell on his public opposition to affirmative action, implying that Sowell, a black man, is racist for his opinion on the policy."
FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Implied Thomas Sowell Was Racist For Opposing Affirmative Action
- "Archer, who advised John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign, was convicted at trial on June 28, 2018 on conspiracy and securities fraud charges related to a scam involving a $60 million bond offering for the Wakpamni Lake Community Association, an affiliate of the Oglala Sioux Tribe."
Hunter Biden's Longtime Business Partner Will Face Sentencing In Fraud Case Following Appeals Court Reversal
- "This episode of smearing the Right with these kinds of attacks is reminiscent of the murderous attack on the light-rail train in Portland in 2017 in which two people were murdered and another was attacked by a mad man with a knife. Jeremy Christian's social media footprint showed the convicted murderer to be a supporter of Bernie Sanders. The media attempted to label him a right-winger because he hated Hillary Clinton."
At Least Two of Wretched Whitmer's Kidnapping Conspirators Appear to Be Anti-Trump Anarchists
- "Several media outlets, including the New York Times and the UK Daily Mail have attempted to cast the individuals as 'right-wing' and 'Trump supporters,' but at least one suspect, Brandon Caserta, held views more nuanced than that."
Suspect Charged in Gretchen Whitmer Kidnap Plot Had Anarchist Flag, Hates Police
- I didn't know Trump was part of Antifa...
Michigan Gov. Blames Trump for Militia Group's Plot to Kidnap Her
- "Violent demonstrators threw stones at law enforcement as well as suburban homes, as police advised residents to 'lock their doors and move away from windows,' according to a tweet from the city's police department."
Wisconsin Rioters Toss Rocks Into Residential Homes, Bust Storefront Windows, Police Say
- "Rioters moved into a residential area and began throwing bricks and stones through windows. It's a good time to remind these people that Americans just purchased guns in record numbers after a summer of riots and looting."
This Won't End Well: Rioters in Wisconsin Invade the Suburbs
- "In addition to dropping 9 out of every 10 cases in September, authorities dismissed more than 70% of the almost 1,000 arrests since May, a case tracker kept by the Multnomah County District Attorney's Office revealed."
Portland Prosecutors Drop 90% of Cases Stemming from Riots
- Daniel Greenfield: "The new lynch mobs in the South shout, 'Black Lives Matter!'"
Black Lives Matter Wants to Send a Black Man to Jail
- "They are calling on Haspel to provide the documents by Friday. 'Further delay is unacceptable.'"
Senators Say CIA Director Is Withholding Trump-Russia Intel
Report: Durham Using Grand Jury To Investigate Debunked Trump-Russia Allegation
- "The FBI is refusing to provide answers to a congressional inquiry pertaining to Hunter Biden's potentially criminal overseas business activity."
FBI Is Stonewalling Congressional Oversight On Hunter Biden
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Director of National Intelligence declassifies startling info about Obama, Hillary and Brennan."
Turning the Tables on Democrats' Russia Hoax
- "There's no procedural move that I'm aware of that allows the minority to slow this process down at all," Coons said, as reported by Fox News. "And trust me, I've asked a lot."
Democrats Admit There's Nothing Party Can Do To Stop Confirmation Of Judge Amy Coney Barrett To Supreme Court
- "For Catholics who no longer believe in G-d or the moral teachings of the Catholic Church, Catholic teachings can be a real threat."
Poorly Catechized Catholics Complain About Amy Coney Barrett's Authentic Catholicism
- "Barrett's authored opinions give no reason to believe she automatically accepts or rejects a government agency's interpretation of the law."
Amy Coney Barrett's Decisions Are a Threat to Big, Unaccountable Government
- "President Trump has no reason to apologize for getting sick. He took risks to meet the obligations of his office and is now one with the millions who do the same thing, every day."
Trump Is Now One With Countless Essential Workers
- "In an abrupt about-face, House Speaker [Malig-]Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that Democrats would not support a standalone bill to fund airline relief unless the Trump administration buckled to her demands for a comprehensive relief package designed by Democrats and containing spending equal to nearly half the pre-pandemic federal budget."
Malig-Nancy Pelosi Takes Tens of Thousands of Airline Workers Hostage to Demand Blue State Bailout
- Intrepid science reporter Bob Zimmerman: "Newsom isn't interested in the facts or reducing the harm this epidemic is causing. No, all he is interested in is the WIELDING OF POWER. Each edict, no matter how arbitrary, strengthens his political hold on every citizen in California, especially because he is succeeding in getting them enforced."
The Idiocy, Ignorance, and Corruption of California's Governor Newsom
- "President Trump's bout with [Chinese] COVID, and speedy recovery, changes the electoral trajectory in his favor."
The End of Chinese Covid Hysteria
- "The medical state, usurping constitutional rights, is now a reality, poised to mutate and attack whatever realms serve the interests of the rich and powerful."
The Medical Slave State
- Cunningham: Tillis "has now resorted to trying to make this campaign about something other than the issues. But we know, I know, this campaign is about your hopes and your dreams."
Democrat Cal Cunningham Blames Sen. Thom Tillis for Affair Scandal as Campaign Implodes
- "They dream of finding a guy who's hiding an illicit affair like that, because he can be kicked out of the Army and lose everything, or he can cooperate with them and they'll give him money... so it makes him a massive security risk."
Military Experts Say Cal Cunningham's Adultery Poses a Blackmail Risk, Could "Jeopardize a Unit"
- "Nearly $30 million in secret cash has been pumped into the elections through the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a progressive incubator managed by Arabella Advisors, a D.C.-based consulting firm. Because the Sixteen Thirty Fund does not disclose its donors' identities, individuals can use the group to fund super PACs anonymously. Many Democratic PACs report the Sixteen Thirty Fund as their largest donor, which means that their most generous backers remain hidden from public view."
Liberal Donors Pass Millions in Secret Election Cash Through Sixteen Thirty Fund
- "Dark money activists are already scrambling to ensure that only hardened leftists make the bench." (Arabella Advisors -- again - jjs)
Will the Left's Astroturf Activism Corrupt the Supreme Court?
- "Dana Balter was a core member of group that protested Soleimani's death."
NY Dem Organized for Group That Protested Terror Leader's Death
- "Rep. Harley Rouda now calls retirement benefits 'a crucial part of the American dream.'"
CA Dem Terminated Worker Retirement Plans as Real Estate Exec
- Can Collins, the Pain from Maine, regain and retain? Lemme 'splain...
Allegations Maine Democrat Sara Gideon Covered for Male Teacher Accused of Sexual Relations with Female Students Rattle Her Campaign
- Daniel Greenfield: "Angel-of-Death Cuomo and DeBolshevik blame the Jews to distract from their failures and crimes."
Anti-Semitic Democrats Blame Orthodox Jews for the Coronavirus
- "The Trump administration, despite the morally checkered past of the president himself, has been a deeply loyal and committed friend of religious and traditionalist Americans." (the "despite the..." line is a completely unnecessary cheap shot, Mr. Hammer - jjs)
Biden-Harris Would Deal a Huge Blow to Religious Liberty
- Caroline Glick: "A blatant - and pathetic - case of projection."
Democrats Accuse Trump of Anti-Semitism
- "It's simple if you think about it."
The Number One Reason Why Bill DeBolshevik is Persecuting Jews
- "If the ruling stands, absentee ballots will have to be delivered to Wisconsin election clerks by 8 p.m. on Election Day if they are to be counted. Results of the presidential race in the pivotal swing state would be known within hours of polls closing."
Court Blocks Extension of Wisconsin Absentee Ballot Deadline
- "Democrats were none too pleased with the court's decision."
Texas Supreme Court Rules Harris County Can't Send Ballot Applications to All Voters
- "Mail ballots are inherently insecure and vulnerable to fraud, and I am committed to safeguarding the integrity of our elections."
Texas Mayoral Candidate Arrested on 109 Counts of Mail-In Voter Fraud
- "With patience and a calm demeanor, Mike Pence exposed that Democrats refuse to tell voters what they will actually do."
The VP Debate Showed the Biden-Harris Ticket Has No Policies
- "Democrat senator gets dishonest about Honest Abe."
Kamala Harris Makes Historically Illiterate Reference to Lincoln in Debate
- "Climate change activist Mark Ruffalo joined the Twitter cacophony, tweeting that the practice pollutes water and causes diseases. He proposed the Green New Deal -- which Ocasio-Cortez brought to Congress, and Harris at one point backed -- as a better alternative to fracking for job creation."
Harris Angers Left With Defense of Fracking
- Mollie Hemingway: "Pence is a deceptively strong debater who would have been tough to beat even on a good night, but Harris' comparatively weaker substance combined with a frankly awful style did not help her out."
7 Quick Takeaways On The 2020 Vice Presidential Debate
- "'Kamala Harris is a vice presidential candidate. She should be able to stand up for herself... A man can interrupt another vice presidential candidate,' Martha Raddatz argued."
The "Mansplaining" Debate is a Silly Media Distraction
- "Her predictable complaints about Pence's interruptions reveal something deeper."
The World Kamala Harris Wants
- "...the bottom line is that had Kamala Harris won the debate the liberal media wouldn't be jumping in and accusing Mike Pence of 'mansplaining.' Nor would there be so much buzz about the fly that landed on Pence's head."
Here's How We Know Pence Won the Debate
- "No amount of eye rolling, smirking, or duplicity from Harris could prevent Vice President Mike Pence from calmly swatting away all of her falsehoods."
Pence Walks Away from the Debate a Clear Winner
- "Harris conveniently forgot to mention some of her other most notable targets during her tenure, such as marijuana users and truant children."
Harris Debate Claims Are Debatable When It Comes to Race and Law Enforcement
- "A self-important moderator held forth Wednesday night, yet despite her best efforts, an actual debate almost broke out."
Overweening Moderator and "Un-Conscientious Objector" Prevented Real Debate
- "Be sure to tune in. You don't want to miss this. It will be special, and I am really looking forward to it."
Trump Will Guest Host The Rush Limbaugh Show Friday
- "The highest Gallup has ever recorded." (for an incumbent this close to an election - jjs)
Poll: 56% Americans Say They Are Better Off Now Under Trump Than Four Years Ago Under Obama-Biden
- "Clearly the commission wanted to shift attention away from Pence's complete victory"
"Extremely Suspect": Team Trump Issues Blistering New Statement on "Virtual" Debate
- "What? Why is the next presidential debate moderator publicly asking one of Trump's staunchest critics in Anthony Scaramucci if he should respond to the president? In a related story, Scully once interned for Sen. Joe Biden. Optics here are horrible & underscore mistrust is media."
"This Is Disqualifying": Controversial Pick For Second Debate Moderator Ignites Critics With Tweet
- "President Trump won the first debate despite a terrible and biased moderator in Chris Wallace, and everybody knows it. For the swamp creatures at the Presidential Debate Commission to now rush to Joe Biden's defense by unilaterally canceling an in-person debate is pathetic."
The Trump Campaign Is on Solid Ground Refusing a Virtual Debate
- "By moving the prime time event into a remote setting, voters are also given limited faith that Biden won't be relying on staff notes or a teleprompter."
A Virtual Debate Is Nothing More Than A Ploy To Protect Joe Biden
- Your political forbears were talking about things in the Berlin bunker in '45 too.
Malig-Nancy Pelosi: "We're Going to be Talking About the 25th Amendment"
- "Retweeting a supporter who suggested that Democrats were 'already plotting' to 'get Trump out' if the president wins re-election in November, Trump added that 'Crazy Nancy' should be evaluated for her own mental fitness."
"Crazy Nancy" Wants a "Coup": Trump, GOP Fire Back at Mali-Nancy Pelosi Over 25th Amendment Meeting
- "And there you have it."
Goofy Joey: Voters "Will Know My Opinion on Court-Packing When the Election's Over"
- "Nearly two thirds of Americans said they conceal their own political views in fear of reprisal, much like the dissenting members of Kamala's K-Hive."
Toxic Culture of Kamala Harris and Her "K-Hive" Obscures Political Reality
- "Oversampling of Democrats, and signs of panic among Democrat operatives. Are pollsters repeating the same mistakes of 2016?"
Presidential Opinion Polls -- Deja Vu All Over Again?
- R.S. McCain: "Michelle Obama makes her 'closing argument' for Biden."
Are Americans Tired of Being Called "Racist" Yet?
- "I think Trump voters are no longer willing to help pollsters figure out how to manipulate them next."
Shy Trump Voters or Fed Up Trump Voters?
- "The race is heating up."
Virginia Senate Race: GOP Candidate Gade Rakes Fire on Warner's Stern
- "Daniel Cameron, the black Republican attorney general of Kentucky, appears to be a popular new target of celebrity opprobrium."
Hollywood Hate Will Make Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron a Star
- "Sean Parnell has an excellent chance to help the Republicans win the House and remove [Malig-] Nancy Pelosi as speaker."
Decorated War Hero Moves to Oust Freshman Rep in Western Pennsylvania
- Union chief: "Jackie Gordon has never taken a stand for the men and women of law enforcement."
N.Y. Dem Gives Local Law Enforcement the Cold Shoulder
- "Parents, sports fans, new gun owners, and more have plenty of reasons to go red this time around."
Democrats Have Created Scores of First-Time Trump Voters
- "Dems' plans to import tens of millions of immigrant children prove it."
Biden's "Build Back Better" is Bunk
- "As one of the three Republicans on the commission including the Chairman, Simington's vote will be crucial in determining whether the FCC moves forward on tackling the issues of tech censorship and Section 230 reform." And yet...
GOP Sen. Roger Wicker Has Not Scheduled Confirmation Hearing for Trump FCC Nominee Crucial to Taking on Big Tech
- "The medical journal had never involved itself in U.S. presidential elections before, but recently published an op-ed entitled, 'Dying in a Leadership Vacuum,' which implored American voters to remove President Trump office."
REVEALED: Anti-Trump New England Journal of Medicine is Partnered With a Chinese Communist Publishing House
- "Adams also speculated as to whether or not the same sort of rebuke would have been issued to a group posting a similar message posted by a group wishing Joe Biden well if the situation were reversed."
"Get Well Soon" Gets Lumped with "Get Elected Soon" by NYC Business
- "Both Politico and The New York Times have been on a rampage about Trump's politically incorrect USAID appointments. Some of Dahl's associates came under scrutiny for comments critical of the LGBTQ agenda, one, a deputy White House liaison, being forced out by congressional pressure."
Who Is Tera Dahl, and Why Are Journalists Out to Get Her?
- "Our elites should have responded to Trump's election with repentance. Instead, they preen over how much better they are than that crude sinner in the White House and the voters who put him there."
Bret Stephens: If Trump Loses, Elites Can Pretend He Never Happened
- "Journalists have to muzzle themselves to appease the tech giants if they don't want to be excluded from having an audience."
Facing Down Big Tech: Censorship, Free Speech, and a Stolen Election
- "This is not a political statement, I don't intend to get involved in recommending any candidate for office, but simply to state that a Catholic may not support abortion in any shape or form because it is one of the most grievous sins against human life, and has always been considered to be intrinsically evil, and therefore to in any way support the act is a mortal sin."
Cardinal Burke: Biden "Is Not a Catholic in Good Standing," He "Gives Scandal to Everyone"
- "Biden camp launched multimillion-dollar campaign to woo religious voters."
Religious Groups Hit Biden on Abortion, Religious Liberty
- "'When you don't try, you're creating an inhumane death, and you're creating an absolute certain death,' said Amanda Finnefrock, a mother whose twins were refused medical care after birth at 22 weeks and 5 days."
Mom of Premature Twins Who Were Left to Die Calls Trump's Born Alive E.O. "A Glimmer of Hope"
- "My actions today send a clear message to the Iranian regime and those in the international community who refuse to stand up to Iran. The United States will not allow the Iranian regime to further advance capabilities to directly threaten and terrorize the rest of the world."
Trump Administration Hits Iran's Entire Financial Sector With New Sanctions
- "The main source of restraint in the minds of Xi Jinping and the Central Military Commission is whether or not an invasion of Taiwan would succeed."
Cotton: U.S. Should Make "Explicit" Commitment to Defend Taiwan From China
- "The West must urgently unite to advance a counterweight to China's tech dominance. We must not surrender our national security for the sake of short-term technological development."
UK Parliament Defense Committee Insists Huawei Collaborates With Chinese Communist Party, West "Must Unite" To Counter
- "No one except for those making plans of chaos should be disturbed by Turkey and the Turkish military presence in the Gulf." (time to nuke this kebap-sucking punk - jjs)
Turk Turdogan Defends Turkey's Military Expansion into Fifth Country: Qatar
- "Socialism has destroyed the energy powerhouse of the western hemisphere." (an energy powerhouse, as the US is #1, but point taken - jjs)
Gas Tank Empty in Venezuela
- "Not only did China release a dangerous virus, but it may have encouraged the lockdowns and partnered with BLM activists."
Unlike the Russia Hoax, China Really Is a Bad Actor in America
- "At least four of these websites were set up to appear as news outlets. They were, however, actually controlled by the IRGC, Iran's paramilitary fighting force responsible for conducting cyber operations on the Islamic Republic's behalf." (the sites were known as CBS, NBC, ABC and CNN - jjs)
U.S. Seizes 92 Websites Run by Iranian Intel Services
- Victor Davis Hanson: "Apparently, when California's one-party government cannot find solutions to current existential crises, it turns to divisive issues that have little to do with the safety and well-being of its 40 million citizens."
Ignoring Current Problems, California Comes Up With Illogical Reparations Bill
- "California's new task force on reparations is a dangerous exercise in virtue-signaling."
More Fuel for the Fire
- "The city's history offers fresh hope for a resurgence." (and I have a bridge over the East River to sell the author, cheap - jjs)
New York's Dynamism Will Triumph
- "Recent studies of gender pay gaps in the gig economy show that the discrepancy in pay between men and women can be attributed to personal choices by the worker, rather than sexist discrimination."
Study: Gender Wage Gap Present Even When Gender Cannot Be Selected
- "Pay workers for finding a job, not for staying unemployed."
Bonus Army
- "Latson was fired last October for 'ethical misconduct' after he said in an email to a parent that students could choose whether to participate in lessons about the Holocaust, because 'not everyone believes the Holocaust happened' and it was his job 'to be politically neutral.'"
Once-Fired High School Principal Reinstated, Attorney Says it is "Outside the Scope of His Duties" to State the Holocaust Occurred
- "Democrats harm at-risk children for political purposes."
The Racist Democrat Mayors and Teachers
- "California governor's executive order banning the sale of internal-combustion vehicles by 2035 is the latest example of posturing over governance."
Newsom's Car-Ban Publicity Stunt
- "Unlike earth's temperature, global warming alarmism continues to grow exponentially, and is more shrill today than it's ever been."
Climate Change Is Here: It's Going To Get Cooler, Says NASA
- "President Trump was right: 'I don't think the science knows.'"
Lake Erie and the "Science of Climate Change"
- "We are well beyond cancel culture. The proper term is 'crush and destroy culture.'"
Crush and Destroy Culture
- "The encroachment on our freedoms in recent decades has become alarming. The fact that it's accepted by many on the left is largely the result of ignorance. I doubt there are too many kids today reading The Federalist Papers or learning much about the Constitution."
Senator Mike Lee Exposes the Left's Astonishing Ignorance About Government
- "New encyclical shares his secret to prosperity and world peace -- better people, better politicians, and bigger, more progressive government."
The Utopian Vision of Pope Francis
- "When Ben Franklin said 'a republic, if you can keep it,' he couldn't have been thinking about 2020."
Married to the Maoist Mob: Revolution by Riot
- Rabbi Dov Fischer: "How to cancel the Cancel Culture."
On Robin Hood, Brainwashing, and the Failed Republican Party
- "A compelling historic parallel exists between Trump and another outspoken New Yorker and similarly ostracized Republican -- Theodore Roosevelt."
Trump and TR: Presidential Parallels
- Christian Toto: "Sofia Coppola's latest demands every ounce of the legend's signature wit."
Why Bill Murray Makes On the Rocks Tolerable
- "Most people spend their entire lives trying to achieve some measure of immortality. It only took Edward Lodewijk van Halen one minute and 42 seconds."
How Eddie Van Halen Changed the World f Music Forever
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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