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September 22, 2020
Sundown Joe Biden Has Called an Early End of the Working Day -- Calling a "Lid" Before Noon -- On One Third of Every Day in September
Another early day for Sundown today:
Annnnd there it is: at 9:22 a.m., 42 days before the election, a lid has been called by the Biden campaign
9:31 AM -- Sep 22, 2020--Twitter Web App
A friend of mine has a theory: the reason Sundown Joe only schedules small events with few people is because his dementia can flare up at any time, and he can cancel a small event with few people knowing about it, but he has to provide an excuse when he has a Sundown Event and must cancel a big event.
His theory goes further, that anytime Biden calls a "lid," an end to any work, early in the day, that means he's getting fuzzy and "sundowning."
Biden has called a "lid" on events before noon in one third of all days in the September before the election.
Sundown's coming earlier and earlier -- now it routinely comes before noon.
That friend also informs me of this #FunFact: Jill Biden has held more events in September than Joe has.
This is not a mentally sharp man:
Update: Juanita Broaddrick is suggesting, I think, that Biden wears a flesh-colored radio receiver in his ear.
I can't tell if that's a receiver or just a weird looking ear (possibly weird-looking because he's had multiple face-lifts, which tug down on the ear).
But yes, Trump should insist on ears being checked.